60 Twink guild?

Ohnooz said:
You haven't seen Reckoning is all I gotta say o.-

Ehh, all I hear is you guys complaining about not having enough Alliance.

I tried out Nightfall yesterday, and the two matches were very exciting and close (under 60 reinforcements).

I just wish that the "no exp" queue thing wouldn't apply to AV. It's hard enough getting full numbers in any battlegroup you go to.

Charax said:
Ehh, all I hear is you guys complaining about not having enough Alliance.

I tried out Nightfall yesterday, and the two matches were very exciting and close (under 60 reinforcements).

I just wish that the "no exp" queue thing wouldn't apply to AV. It's hard enough getting full numbers in any battlegroup you go to.


Not enough out of 9set Ally that don't Q until they got +4

Years Behind only has like, 5 ppl
Lol@ <Lava Dredgers> Mal'Ganis 60 Horde PvP/end game guild


you got bored of Wotlk content .....

Is 80 PvP getting you down.......

Do you yearn for the epic battles of yester year.

We are a new Mal'Ganis Horde guild 60s recruiting for PvP and some end game fun

With Wotlk having that left a blah taste we have turned to 60s PvP for fun

Love to kill Ally join us in the bloodlust then .

Weekly AQ40/BWL runs

We are doing RAF for those who need with power leveling through instance 60 in 2 days or less

Also help with rep farming etc

Pst Skuff/Afkthegreat/Togro ingame for more info

web page will be in coming

we are also sister guilding with <DIRTY> so look forward to epic PvP
60 bracket would be much more popular if they would just make a level 60 only bg for ab, and wsg. Keep 51-60 av if you want, but if they added a 60 only warsong, or arathi it'd help the bracket a bunch. A few of my friends are going to pvp level to 60 then gear out come 3.2 alliance side (stormstrike bg). So hopefully we'll be able to find some others to pvp with, but we'll see.
60 Guild

We got a 60 guild on Stormreaver EU. Name is Orkhål, with only 14ish members we managed to oneshot almost all bosses in AQ20 and ZG :)

We got no restrictions whatsoever on enchants or classes, but DK's may find it a hard time getting in :p

Whisper one of the following persons in-game for more information:

Manrikswife, Canismajoris, Jungledisco, Perkulator, Magnumpi, Afgrund, Fanguish, Praest... We're about 60 60's already, come join us!
after 3.2 hit, 1st night was bad, but after tonight things have gone back to normal, and 69s died to WSG/AB are 60s playgrounds now.

It's every 60 twinks dream come true =DDDDDDDDDDD

btw yes Reckoning still
I've heard bad stuff about reckoning :S. One of my guildies came from there and he tells us horror stories about how many players crutch on grandfathered engineering :(.
spandex said:
I've heard bad stuff about reckoning :S. One of my guildies came from there and he tells us horror stories about how many players crutch on grandfathered engineering :(.


Like 2 per side at max per AV, we have only 5 people with 450 engy left in the bracket, and they're so well known they die in like, 2sec of being seen
Ahh ok, sounds like it has improved then. Do you get any non-xp AV pops in Reckoning? Or is that just a blowout everywhere :S
spandex said:
Ahh ok, sounds like it has improved then. Do you get any non-xp AV pops in Reckoning? Or is that just a blowout everywhere :S

had like 2 before the bug was discovered, they where epic tho (30v30 1st day =D).

We've been doing ALOT of AB and WSG now tho, I got We Had it All Along finally myself, and Save The Day.
<DIRTY> 60 PvP /end guild

We are a 1 year old Mal'Ganis Ally 60s guild recruiting for PvP and some end game fun

With Wotlk having that left a blah taste we have turned to 60s PvP for fun

Looking for a challege on a horde over populated server join us in the bloodlust then .

Weekly 60 only quick MC/BWL/AQ/ZG

We are doing RAF for those who need with power leveling through instance 60 in 2 days or less

Also help with rep farming / enchanting/ etc

We are <Dirty> deeds done dirt cheap ................

Location: Mal'ganis(High pop) - US - Ally (Battle Group Stormstrike)

Guild Focus: Twink pvp (classic capped accounts only) / 60 exp capped is ok for world PvP/Raids

What we are looking for: <DIRTY> is looking for highly active, dedicated and skilled players For twink pvp. We have no restrictions on gear, enchants or glyphs. All players will be able to use any gear available to them for raiding and pvp. We expect you to have in-depth knowledge of your class. This includes knowing all applicable specs, optimal gear setup, having your enchants, glyphs and gems socketed and ready to play. We use a loot council type system for all raid content. All raids will be at 7:00pm(CST) server time.

Openings:Currently recruiting all classes except DK's


1) Must have Ventrilo and a mic

2) Must be registered on the website with your in game name

3) Must be active. Most our members are on 5-7days a week. We expect you to be on at least 3-5

4) Some mods are required, you will be notified which ones upon acceptance to the guild

5) Dedication to your toon

6) A sense of humor

Guild Benefits:

1) We pay all Raiders repair bills

2) Guild bank full of classic raiding mats, gear ect.

3) Ventrilo and website

4) Leadership thats been playing since release

5) Classic raid content done every week 60 only raids and alt rushes for your alts

please contact ingame Velvettouch/Wacky/Evil/Highborne/Gunnerthegreat or any other Officer ingame if interested

DIRTY of Mal'Ganis for our web page that is being rebuilt


We are looking for Mages/Druids/Priests/Hunters atm but all classes are welcome

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