60 twink Gear

if you twink 61, then all gears can be bought from AH, ilvl357, this is good for class that relies heavily on secondary stats as AH gears come in the exact combinations your character needs (you can choose, for me its max mastery and min versa), and also some of them proc sockets.. this method applies to lvl59, 56, 53, 50 and lvl56 is ilvl320, all the enchants are usable
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I have been doing the anniversary bosses for ilvl 366 gear and using HoA gear if it has cool procs that can stack. Still trying to get the 2 rings(ilvl 333) from Necrotic Wake for double socket. Using ilvl 415 weapon from a DF rare

Do you solo any raids for fun? Also how good would a dh either vengance or havoc be?
Also is Hoa items worth using over 366 items
Do you solo any raids for fun? Also how good would a dh either vengance or havoc be?
Also is Hoa items worth using over 366 items
I'm mainly a gearing kinda guy if that makes sense in a way. I havn't tried to solo anything but i think it should be possible :)

I use HoA items if the proc effect is fun or usefull.

I don't have a DH atm but when i look at their azerite traits i find 2 of them very interesting and it would be nice if you could get them on the same piece:
https://www.wowhead.com/spell=273231/furious-gaze and https://www.wowhead.com/spell=279442/eyes-of-rage
On paper these 2 look fun, just needs testing.
At 61 in the AH gear plus (HoA in contents where it works) and TBC for sockets and TWW gems you can solo Kazz, Doom, Sha, Arch and Azur - altho each time I started by the end other players have come in and added dps. (Kaz tho takes about 10-15 mins solo).
The poison dragon Feralas....you need some heals as a DK and if you avoid the fear pools and stun moving swirls i guess you can solo it.
Dragon on Darkshire - I cant solo as a DK.

AH gear at 61 can be bought in your specific secondary stat - want vers, haste, crit or mastery - it makes getting gear at the start really fast.
Note I dont PVP - the queues never popped so I gave up and went PVE. Theres a group in the guild running 30, 35, 40, 45 and 61 twinks as an outlet to the normal content.

At level 61:
Gear _________ ilvl
World Dragons 370 -Anniversary Word Bosses
AH 357
BRD raid 338
Chromie 338
Timewalkinf LFD 336
Rares in WoD 338 proccing to epic ilvl 343

Chromie time TBC & WotLK dungeon gear at 338 is a lower ilvl but it has sockets

Found 61 makes a big difference with the gear - i struggled at 60.
Altho i want to do another 60 for the Kara gear if its attainable - some of the procs look interesting.

Doing this 61 i found it fun and the aim is a fun BRD raid character to jump in and relax after work using LFR.

A bit off topic but I found the below in my downtime as raidingg has dropped off heading to Season2 and im over M+ :

10/11 - used to just level my main classes to cap in own 5 man. Not much point to them otherwise apart from a cathartic blast thru timewalking for giggles.

20 - Decent LFD dungeon pool to have fun with along with timewalking dungeons. No raids. Dropped this as it lacked content and abilities.

30 - bit of a golden level::
- ilvl 107 and joined a few in game communities (in the guild finder tab) - this guy was a challenge to gear locks at 23, 24, 25 for different gears - Herald of the Titans runs.
- Sunwell, Lich King, Ulduar and all the other golden raids - great end game goals.
- also go see Project 30 - focused on Classic, TBC and Wotlk content
Content to play:
New BRD Raids
Molten Core Karazhan Naxxramas Onyxia's Lair Blackwing Lair Black Temple The Eye Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Sunwell Plateau Serpentshrine Cavern
Hyjal Summit Gruul's Lair Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Icecrown Citadel Ulduar Magtheridon's Lair Crusaders' Coliseum: Trial of the Crusader The Obsidian Sanctum The Eye of Eternity Vault of Archavon The Ruby Sanctum Caverns of Time

35 - another great twink level:
- Project 35 focused on Cataclysm and MoP
Content to play:
New BRD Raids
Firelands Dragon Soul Throne of Thunder Siege of Orgrimmar Blackwing Descent Mogu'shan Vaults Terrace of Endless Spring Throne of the Four Winds
The Bastion of Twilight Baradin Hold Heart of Fear Terrace of Endless Spring Mogu'shan Vaults Siege of Orgrimmar

40 - I made one just for the gearing fun - yet to raid but I love Blackrock Foundry.
Content to play:
New BRD Raids
Hellfire Citadel Blackrock Foundry Highmaul

45 - just started on this:
Content to play
New BRD Raids
Antorus, the Burning Throne The Nighthold Tomb of Sargeras The Emerald Nightmare Trial of Valor Shal'dorei Terrace

I dont think anyone does the below content:

50 twink - i found this level very weak. Parked it for later.
Ny'alotha, the Waking City
Battle of Dazar'alor
The Eternal Palace
Crucible of Storms
Darkest Depths

60 twink - found it lacklustre and went to 61 after reading some posts and it is like night and day - the gear bumps you to being overly powered. Been doing dungeons for the timewalking mount - no raids.
Sanctum of Domination
Sepulcher of the First Ones
Castle Nathria

edit - added WoD rares ilvl
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AH gears are good mainly for class that needs mastery which cannot be found in BC socketed gears .. and all dungeon drops are random, which takes a long time to farm mastery gears. i did a small test at lvl41 where plate wearer has a unique 12str/12stam gems .. in full BC gears with 12str/12stam gems, it performed almost like an AH lvl41 gears with socket using 12str/12stam gems as well.. this plate gem stats is big diff from standard gems, so i assume in all other brackets where there are no such special gem, BC gears will not outperform AH gears (where mastery is the priorty eg. pally, hunters)

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