60% Spectral Tiger Mount for sale!!!


Hi! I recently got over a Spectral Tiger card (how is not important:)), and since u get two mounts (one 100% "epic" one, and one 60% "rare" lvl20 one) I will now sell the rare 60% one.

The tiger is located at ragnaros EU. And Since 3.2 the tiger are BoE, which meen you can trade the tiger in the trade window / put it on AH, so no need to bre afraid of a scam here.

If you are intressed send me a PM with your bid. I will _not_ transfer to you tho. And I have no hurry in selling it btw, so do not gimme scrub bids :p

thats what I thought to :p I was liek WTF? asked him if he knew it was the 60%, but I heard from a friend in his guild that he had about 150k gold and would've payed the double for it :p Well I'm happy.
Gawd...that is awesome xD 30k...but if he works the ah fairly regularily and has a lot of gold, I guess it isn't all that much :p I know people that ring in positive 5k a day +...so 6 days for an awesome looking mount for their 29/39 twink - pretty sweet deal :p
inok said:
Ye, exept that he uses it on his lvl80 to stand in IF with :p

Lol what a pimp :)

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