5 Minute Rezan Solo Run With Video

I did my fair share of grind for my toons, and never left a group if I didnt get the drop I was looking for. How did some of us completely forget proper behaviour and politeness?

this is why i prefer the solo approach, i don't need to feel guilty for ditching this way!
How did some of us completely forget proper behaviour and politeness?

It went away with the advent of instant everything in wow. One of the biggest draws for classic was bringing some of that back, having to actually work for something. Players now get rushed for everything and appreciate nothing more than their own gains.

Also @glancealot , you may prefer the solo way, but a few responses back you just said you don't know how many times you have ditched the group when ya didn't get your prize.
Also @glancealot , you may prefer the solo way, but a few responses back you just said you don't know how many times you have ditched the group when ya didn't get your prize.

yes, i now prefer the solo approach --- i actually didn't realize i could solo it before lol.

also, i still might ditch my LFG group (for example, when i am max'd out in terms of solo instances/hour), but i can re-confirm that I prefer the solo approach.
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Kek. You can’t get mad. Those lfg ques are cancer.

nothing but crybabies and legion/bfa era players. Not an ounce of imagination or creativity among them.

had randoms leave or kick me for the craziest reasons. “Tank is going too fast” , “healer shouldn’t be top dps” , “this isn’t the way it should be”

I feel no remorse for the plebs when I leave group after first boss.
So watching that vid i got my interest piqued in guardian... seems to be that the 44 staff scales up spells as well.

Unless it was just the 12 AGI, didnt really delve deep before i made a 10, 11 and now a 15 guardian. Again, for me 15 is better than 10/11, more abilities, talent, more dungeons, yada yada yada... LOVE stealthing past trash. Enjoying solo.
[doublepost=1612224996,1612177117][/doublepost]Ok... so here's the situation where I originally got the notion that legacy loot mode and personal loot were no different, now that it's happening again it has become fresh in my mind... but it's to do with legion and BFA, not older.

Got my new 15 drood and soloed a few TBC dungeons, got all my sockets pretty quick. Yay, personal loot!

Went to legion, soloed the first 2-3 bosses of Vault of the Wardens 4 times and have gotten ZERO drops at all... if personal loot is consistent throughout the entire leveling process, that's just not possible. Got loot nearly every boss in TBC.

There's bad luck and then there's "works different". I dont see how legion/BFA can possibly be considered "personal loot".
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So watching that vid i got my interest piqued in guardian... seems to be that the 44 staff scales up spells as well.

Unless it was just the 12 AGI, didnt really delve deep before i made a 10, 11 and now a 15 guardian. Again, for me 15 is better than 10/11, more abilities, talent, more dungeons, yada yada yada... LOVE stealthing past trash. Enjoying solo.
[doublepost=1612224996,1612177117][/doublepost]Ok... so here's the situation where I originally got the notion that legacy loot mode and personal loot were no different, now that it's happening again it has become fresh in my mind... but it's to do with legion and BFA, not older.

Got my new 15 drood and soloed a few TBC dungeons, got all my sockets pretty quick. Yay, personal loot!

Went to legion, soloed the first 2-3 bosses of Vault of the Wardens 4 times and have gotten ZERO drops at all... if personal loot is consistent throughout the entire leveling process, that's just not possible. Got loot nearly every boss in TBC.

There's bad luck and then there's "works different". I dont see how legion/BFA can possibly be considered "personal loot".

I get loot about 2 in 5 runs. Managed to get a socket ring after doing rezan almost 30 times in a day anyhow. (I thought the daily limit was 24?)
I get loot about 2 in 5 runs.

That's all good, if it was consistent... in TBC i get loot at least every dungeon if not almost every boss... in legion nada.

I'm not saying every kill should get a drop, I'm saying "personal loot" in TBC isnt "personal loot" in legion/bfa - and that's where i get skeptical that blizz fugged up something in their never-ending quest to 100% instruct you what "fun" is.

Legion/bfa personal loot acts like legacy, that's where my whole deal started. 2 useable drops in 5 runs is legacy-ish result.

(still enjoying my druid, just not inconsistent flippy-floppy game mechanics)
For a few days. ;)

So after 9 kills and zero drops whatsoever from the boss i was needing loot from, i dragged 3 other toons there from my inactive accounts hoping to improve the drop chance just by having 4 people inside the dungeon... got a relic from that boss, having left the other 3 toons at the entrance so they were out of range - hoped i was getting somewhere.

Nope. Next run got boots from the first boss and nothing from the second, so i took 2 toons to the second boss and that run neither one got any loot whatsoever. Lol. Only had the one other with stealth and didnt feel like clearing the whole instance for a shit drop rate and 3 toons that cant trade anyway, so probably just wait til i resub an account and legacy it. :p

F U blizz. Sorry people getting gear in a gear-based rpg is too "fun" for you to allow... better it takes 3x as long so hours-played metrics look good for your shareholders...:rolleyes:
So after 9 kills and zero drops whatsoever from the boss i was needing loot from, i dragged 3 other toons there from my inactive accounts

9 in a row? that's gotta be bad luck.

also, had you had 4 other toons (instead of 3), you'd be guranteed 1~2 drops per boss.
Yeah, cant trade with vet accounts tho. Did that with the paladin test cuz it didnt matter, but it's no good here as there's 3 other toons to take the loot that drops. Plus the pallys were in TBC and that wasnt clusterfuck legion.

I could get someone to invite my high-level to get it to legacy mode, but that defeats my purpose anyway. It's only a trinket I dont really need, was just fun getting it all solo until I hit an xpac where shareholders came before fun...

Legacy loot doesnt even work the same in legion, maybe even WoD... only drops one item, not two like TBC. Maybe even MoP, i never do that one - personal loot started in MoP, maybe that's why it's all screwed up outside TBC.

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