

Well, we'll have to see how it looks implemented first.

Maybe we get our hopes up and it doesn't affect us or something. LIKE THE FUCKING BATTLE PETS. ,,l,, Never forgot about that, blizz.
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The only question I have is will 20s actually learn spells up to level 24 upon entering the BG? It doesn't say. It just says that the spells we already have will scale (meaning they'll do more damage against 24s).

Either way, there will still be the advantage of p2p enchants and stuff, but THIS. IS. HUGE. PEOPLE.

With it saying base stats and spells my guess is it will just act like you are a 24 with the same exact gear and without having learned any spells beyond 20. The gear gap will still be there, but people won't have to worry about stacking hit so high anymore.

Also I wonder how haste calculations will be done. If it calculates it as if you are 24 in your 20 gear that will give a lower percentage. If hit is done so you keep the same percent as outside the BG, then hopefully haste will be the same percent too.
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Interesting, grumble grumble grunt squeal grumble grumble grunt* This might exclude us but if it doesn't :3 Yay for us :D
Here's a thought: I wonder if, upon entering a BG, we'll be able to equip level 21-24 gear? B)
Yay :D + buffs for penance, aimed shot and other stuff I don't feel like reading

Edit: 30% more damage for slam! Guess who's going to be playing his warrior more often :)
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So, for level boosting. I'm assuming they can simply do this in two basic ways.
1) They can level/delevel you
2) They can buff/debuff you

Both methods have pros and cons, both methods are bad implementations. If we are extremely luck, they have implemented complete new 'tech' to handle this.

However, any method breaks pvp scaling for 10s, 70s, 80s, etc.

tbh, I'm nearly certain this is only to help the huge disparity in stats at higher brackets--in which case the buff method is the most probable band-aid fix.
So, for level boosting. I'm assuming they can simply do this in two basic ways.
1) They can level/delevel you
2) They can buff/debuff you

Both methods have pros and cons, both methods are bad implementations. If we are extremely luck, they have implemented complete new 'tech' to handle this.

However, any method breaks pvp scaling for 10s, 70s, 80s, etc.

tbh, I'm nearly certain this is only to help the huge disparity in stats at higher brackets--in which case the buff method is the most probable band-aid fix.

I hope it's level/delevel so I can wear Gnomer gear.

And the patch notes say low-level bg's only.
I hope it's level/delevel so I can wear Gnomer gear.

And the patch notes say low-level bg's only.

Low-level means less than 90
Everytime I've gotten my hopes up lately blizz has shattered them so not expecting anything great..

Edit: Read up on the notes alittle...
-Naturalist: This new passive learned at level 10 by Restoration Druids increases all healing done by the Druid by 10%.
-Aimed Shot cast time has been been reduced to 2.5 seconds (was 2.9 seconds).
-For Shadow, this ability causes Mind Flay to gain the Insanity effect when it's cast on a target with 3 Shadow damage-over-time spells on them. Insanity causes Mind Flay to deal double damage for the duration.
-Dominate Mind now has a 1.8-second cast time (was 2.5 seconds).
-Flash Heal's healing has been reduced by 30%. A new passive (available at level 10) increases Flash Heal's healing by 43% for Holy and Discipline Priests.
-Penance damage and healing has been increased by 20%.
-The Imp pet ability Blood Pact has been removed.
-Defensive Stance now reduces damage by 15% (was 25%).
-Warbringer now reduces the target's movement by 50% for 15 seconds (8 seconds in PvP) in addition to its other effects. The 3-second stun/knockdown is now in the diminishing returns category for stuns (same as Shockwave and Storm Bolt), and not the proc stun diminishing returns category.
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  • Naturalist: This new passive learned at level 10 by Restoration Druids increases all healing done by the Druid by 10%.

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  • The Imp pet ability Blood Pact has been removed.

That's definately gonna hurt.

Warriors, hunters and priests getting some buffs


  • Penance damage and healing has been increased by 20%.
  • Flash Heal's healing has been reduced by 30%. A new passive (available at level 10) increases Flash Heal's healing by 43% for Holy and Discipline Priests.

  • The benefit of Haste from items and consumables has been increased by 100% for all Warriors.
  • Defensive Stance now reduces damage by 15% (was 25%).
  • Aimed Shot cast time has been been reduced to 2.5 seconds (was 2.9 seconds).

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ACTUALLY, the 43% healing thing for holy/disc priests isn't a buff. That caught my eye at first too. But really it's just a nerf for shadow priests. Here's why:

100% minus 30% = 70%

70% plus 43% = 70 times 1.43 = 100.1

Flash heal is going to be the same as before for holy/disc, it will just be 30% less for shadow.

The penance buff is tempting me to respec disc... Because one thing you forgot, Holy Fire is being replaced with an instant cast spell that does the same damage. Now THAT is something for us priests to be excited about. Priests may actually be able to do damage again.
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