5.2 BGs! Balanced or Ruined?

Are 5.2 battlegrounds balanced or ruined?

  • Balanced

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Ruined

    Votes: 39 81.3%

  • Total voters
I haven't been online yet. Why would it be ruined?
and it sucks , all my stats are like lowered by 20% including hit rating so im not even hit capped I lose 30% pvp power... 20% haste 20% crit 30%mastery 7% hit... its dumb really only thing I gain is like 80k health ...maybe it they fix hit cap its fun but imo it sucks atm
Most people that is bad at the game hate this, and the rest makes it work :)
and it sucks , all my stats are like lowered by 20% including hit rating so im not even hit capped I lose 30% pvp power... 20% haste 20% crit 30%mastery 7% hit... its dumb really only thing I gain is like 80k health ...maybe it they fix hit cap its fun but imo it sucks atm

Does it suck because you can no longer 1 shot QQ?

i Hope it sucks, because 1 shotting people with enforced 409's IS NOT FUN.
Looks like the best PvP twinks will be max level for their bracket from now on then. Access to the higher rating/ilvl gear, the only benefit low level characters still have is being better for world PvP and for PvE.

So until the next expansion, 85's apart from a few quest items can get everything an 89 can get so they'll still probably be best for PvP.

But it looks like 84's will trounce 80's in PvP with access to the higher level gear.
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It couldnt be balanced. Instead it's a nerf to every low levels in a bg brackets, not just to twinks...I have no idea why it is called a buff...especially in 80-84 and 85-89, a 80 or 85 will gain a just a little basic stats and health while losing a lot of damage, unless they are naked...
So, after I've spend a lot of gold for my characters, I have to gear up new ones on their specific 79/84/89?

makes me wanna vomit if I think about it how stupid it was to gear up the rogue, thats easily 50k~ wasted, fuck my face
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My first bg(On Warrior) i got 9-1 then 13 - 0 and best today i got 23 - 0.

I dont get the big problem, and no i dont mean oh im so pro, i mean it's still possible to own.

Just cause you need some skill and cant one hit, it dosnt mean that the world is ruined.

El pinguina Loca
85's okay I can see how ppl are still doing pretty well 80-84's not so much - the space between with gear and hit along with every other stat is just too much of a drop - only reason we could compete against the 84's with full MoP was bc we could dish out enough dmg to kill 84's before they one shot us - You say since we can't 1 shot someone it makes us bad? and that we should be able to outplay them? No we're glass cannons, it's the only way to do things in this bracket and you should know that if you run it, it's do or die and now it's just die for all the 80's. 84's now have to upper hand and quite frankly 80's just won't be able to compete.

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