5.2 and 29s

How are 29s being affected?

How is healing these days? Are hybrid heals still insane? Mana regen still nonfactor?

I can't speak to 29s, but it must be decent considering how active arenas are. You should really consider dusting off the 39 wizard if you are thinking of coming back.

Games (for the most part, you know how the ebbs and flows go) have been fantastic. It is also the only bracket out of 19, 39, 49 where I have to watch my mana.

Check out The 39 Conspiracy | Twinking.net at the bottom of the page are links to an alli and horde stream of games.
Arenas at 29 are the most balanced out of any low level bracket.

Almost all classes are viable but a restriction of only 2 healers (hybrids included) per 3s team has been put into place as any triple healer has too much off healing. We also usually try to keep GFd gear (mostly just weapons and mongoose) out of the games just due to people not wanting to have a gear difference although it may be minimal.

The activity would pick up significantly once the ability to Wargame over RealiD is available and even further if scrims are reintroduced.
On EU it seems there's not a lot of activity. Still waiting on some guys to add me for some awesome games, have a pala ready for it! Vehemex @ Silvermoon - Community - World of Warcraft


But from what I've seen, it seems healers are pretty OP indeed, pala's seem to pump out some good offense too. Haven't really dueled many 29's since MoP but dueling 50+ loomed people, and they seem to have a lot of trouble getting me down (mostly never). Pretty fun, but I wonder if it's not slightly OP in wargames?
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Arenas at 29 are the most balanced out of any low level bracket.

Almost all classes are viable but a restriction of only 2 healers (hybrids included) per 3s team has been put into place as any triple healer has too much off healing. We also usually try to keep GFd gear (mostly just weapons and mongoose) out of the games just due to people not wanting to have a gear difference although it may be minimal.

The activity would pick up significantly once the ability to Wargame over RealiD is available and even further if scrims are reintroduced.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Recently during Wargames, Nirise actually went out of mana on his restoration shaman, so mana regeneration has been scaled down dramatically since that first week but it's still needs some tweaking. As Derv said, mongoose, triple healer, things like this need to be put into check unfortunately because they tend to seriously unbalance games.

Really hoping for 5.2 to introduce RealID Wargames invites.

Other than that Nastay, I can feel the gulch on the near horizon. You better up soon.
[MENTION=17530]Aylax[/MENTION] You are EU unfortunately otherwise I would add you Battletag to get you in some of the regular Arenas we do.
Bahahaha, it's funny that people consider off healing to be as powerful as mainspec healing.

The only hybrid that can off spec heal without issues are boomys. Everyone else goes OOM when forced to heal. And no, there is no 'restriction' on anything when we play Wargames. Derv is just crying because he loses to players he doesn't consider as good as him.
EU is struggeling since MoP hit the servers. we did wargames every week but with the start of MoP most 29s quit or set focus on their main char. We had a pretty cool start at the end of cata but now nearly no one is interested in reviving the bracket /:

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