Okay here is my breakdown of the new patch:
- Hunter equalization. Love this. Hunters aren't useless and have become a very skill-based utility class that will be doing some pretty good DPS after the next update.
- Base Resilience. Softens the burst in this bracket. Used to be a good rogue could catch you off guard and down you, now they have to use teamwork to take someone down. Using proper CC and teamwork makes the mature teams a force to be reckoned with.
- Shared Titles/Mounts. This is great because even if someone has never had a P2P, they could pay 15 bucks and level a toon to 40 and snag a bunch of mounts and have a stocked f2p forever. Anything in the F2P bracket that is only cosmetic is a lot of fun.
- Warlocks. Been seeing more of them in BG's and I think it's because they have some fun new mechanics and do decent DPS. Would still be nice if they had a little more survivability.
- Paladins. There's no reason to remove a sprint from a dps class and give it to an already OP healer. Rediculous. They can already LoH when they get in trouble, why let them sprint away as well? Massive Heals, Plate-wearing, 5 Second Damage-Non-Breaking Interrupt, Instant Immunity and Sprint.
- Druids. Give us back a choice between travel forms. Elk is nice, but some still prefer cheetah. Also, why do they get a travel speed faster than a mount with no downside? Almost every other class has a downside to doing something great. Travel form needs a caveat. (50% less health, Dazed on damage, etc..) Being able to run across the field in travel form while taking damage from 5 players is unbalanced.
- Mana Regen. Don't need to explain this one.
- Scoreboard Button is annoying.
- No confirmation sound when queuing. Please bring this back. (Why remove it?)