49 hunter twinking

Hello, I've been wondering for a while if I should level my level 45 hunter or make it into a 49 twink. I would like to know if hunters at 49 is worth anything, and which kind of gear I should check out. I have absolute no experience at 49 twinking, so please help me out if possible.

I would say hunters are one of the best single target ranged DPS, however they are weak against rogues (with dismantle up), and Juggernaut Warriors. They are a very strong with teams and solo queueing.
Taitaih said:
I would say hunters are one of the best single target ranged DPS, however they are weak against rogues (with dismantle up), and Juggernaut Warriors. They are a very strong with teams and solo queueing.


You can look at my Hunter if you interested in gear choices. I dont have any BoAs on him however, the shoulders are an upgrade. For the range weapon I am not sure how that stands these days.


Edit: Also for a trinket the agm would be an upgrade which I am slow working on. Chest piece as well. If you are horde there is a nice quest chain for a BiS chest piece. If Alli the damn ST Trolls have what you need.
Taitaih said:
I would say hunters are one of the best single target ranged DPS, however they are weak against rogues (with dismantle up), and Juggernaut Warriors. They are a very strong with teams and solo queueing.

hunters can counter rogues pretty well. even if a rogue gets the opener a hunter can reset the fight pretty easily using traps, disengage, FD, and LoS kiting. not to mention if its arena or something it is hard for a rogue to get the jump with flare and whatnot.

juggernaut warriors can be a challenge however by using traps, fd, etc. they can still be kited around. it takes a fair amount of skill and it'll be easier if they dont have glyph of charge or rapid charging but its not like every time you see a warrior its a loss.

and yes hunters are very strong whether solo or in a group, and if you spec BM you may be looked down upon as noobish but having your pet solo people can be fun.
Your ability to beat a Juggernaut warrior depends mostly on how horny they happen to be for you. They have enough cooldowns and abilities that are not effected by diminishing returns to kill you.

Hunters are not nearly as strong as they once were. They aren't weak or anything, but with like 4 classes able to disarm ranged weapons, and the various buffs to other classes, they are not at the top anymore, if that's what you were after.
I'd rock a set up something like this: chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

I was basically going for nearly max AP. Going deep enough into the survival tree for entrapment nowadays would be recommended. Though, I think you'd still have a fair chance without it if you are able to play the hunter class well, and with 1600+ AP you'll be hitting people hard enough with attacks to not have to worry too much about having to kite them very long. You'll easily be breaking 1k aimed shot crits, almost 800 arcane shot crits, and probably over 1k with multishot as well.
battle shout and BoM don't stack anymore, but other than that its a sick set up. ~2.6k hp and 3.6k mana with over 1k AP (all unbuffed) not to mention a pet...look out for that hunter.
Would be beastly in premades, but even a little focus fire would take that hunter down.
lol a lil focus fire will take anyone down nowadays. :p I just love glass cannon'ing things way too much. My main was a hunter for years which is the reason why I never made a hunter twink, ironic because it's probably the class I know how to play best. I've been considering making one recently though. The only trouble I'd have would be finding ribsplitter of power x2 perf. If you guys happen to see any let me know, I think I'm going to work on a 49 huntard. I was planning on starting one at 19 and continually bracketing him up, but that would get very costly.
i have one on my warrior already equipped sadly.

oh question for every1...how do u add a sig on these forums?
You have to go to the quicklinks button at the top, then scroll down to edit signature and that will allow you to add something for it. The zetbit stuff will give you an html code, that's the one you would copy/paste in there for these forums.
ahhh tyvm good sir. i spent about 20mins piddling around on my profile seeing if there was an option for signatures earlier
ahh ty good sir. i spent about 20mins piddling around on my profile seeing if there was an option for signatures earlier
Falkor said:
ahh ty good sir. i spent about 20mins piddling around on my profile seeing if there was an option for signatures earlier

Lol no problem, there used to be an actual link to edit your profile and that would take you directly into those options but it seems it got changed up right after I joined so I was a little confused looking for it myself.

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