49 Hunter spec critique

Hey, I'm pretty new to twinking but from the limited time I've been doing it (about 1 1/2 weeks) I'm loving it. Currently I've got 48 hunter that I've been playing around with and I'm curious what some of the other more seasoned twinks on these forums would think of my spec. I really haven't come across another spec that is similar in all the armory browsing that I've done. Most that I have seen are full Surv, MM, or BM.


^is my current spec. When I decide I have all the gear I could possibly want, and hit 49, the last point will go into "Improved Arcane Shot."

Like I said, I'm curious what you guys think of it. And please, if you have any suggestions for gear or enchants I'd love to hear them as well (and yea I know I need to get my helm enchanted :))

Thanks for the input and advice in advance!
Me personally, I'd take the points from Imp Arcane Shot and put them into Hunter vs Wild.

Also, 3/5 Hunter Tracking, 3/3 Hawk Eye (more range is god), 3/3 Imp Wing Clip over Surefooted.

Imp Wing Clip is nasty... as long as they're removing it in 3.1, might as well have fun with it til then

I say HvW over Imp Arcane because 97 more attack power makes -everything- hit harder as opposed to an extra 20points on just Arcane shot.

That's what it comes down to, roughly 20 points.

+20 damage on Auto, Serpent Sting, Arcane (over unbuffed Arcane)

or +20 on just Arcane.

I guess it really depends on how much you lean on LnL procs.
This is the hybrid spec that I've run with before. I like getting creative with hunters since their trees don't run very deep (except for Beastial Wrath and Wyven Sting). However you can still build a lot of utility from your Marks tree.

0/21/19 - Aimshot/Readiness/Lock'nLoad This spec revolves having Readiness to reset your CDs immediately. This results in a possible two scattershots into two traps, double aimshots in quick succession, double arcane shots (quadruple with LnL), and improved stings. With a Crab using Pin and Intervene, you've got quite a lot of CC your opponent has to contend with.

Your damage output is however slightly lower. The spec is made for me to assist killing the flag carrier (aimshot the flag carrier, CC the crap out of his healer), rather than blowing up the flag carrier himself (although aimshot, arcane, scatter, trap, readiness, repeat would do a lot of damage)
I would have to agree though, Hunter vs. Wild is much better than imp arcane shot.
Thanks for the replies. I'm actually gonna play around with some of your suggestions a little bit. The Hawk Eye for sure. It's always a pain in the ass to have a FC or a mage blinking out of your range for a concussive or aimed shot.

But for the Surefooted vs Imp WC, my line of thinking was that once someone was within melee range of me and had crippling, frost trap, frost nova, frost shock.. all that good stuff, already on me I'd rather have the duration of those effects reduced than just using WC and basically make them move at the same speed I was. And maybe hope for a proc from the talent.

I'll play around with the HvW and see how it works. I hadn't actually done the math on it for a while, at least since I was able to use half my gear at 48. I had originally gone with Imp arcane because I do rely on my LnL procs quite a bit.
imo, 30% just isn't that great for 3points.

Let's look at the examples: (we can exclude frost trap because it's an area and nova because it's a root)

Crippling Poison

12sec = 8.4sec (odds are a Rogue will be able to hit you at least once inside that 8.4sec and refresh the debuff. it's 50% to apply)

Frost Shock

8sec = 5.6 (with 6second cooldown)


15sec = 10.5 (crazy long duration)

Wing Clip

10sec = 7


9sec = 6.3

5sec = 3.5 (rank 1, 1sec cast talented)

This is why I don't like impairment reduction talents. You just don't get the same bang for your talent-point buck.

The reason I say go Imp WC is because as a Hunter, you should be Wing Clip'ing anyway. Melee are going to get to you sooner or later, even if it's just for a hit or two before you Disengage and re-kite.

The reason 20% to immobilize for 5sec is so great is because it forces a bad decision on your opponents part. Either blow a defensive cooldown, his trinket or let you get 5sec worth of distance between you and him. And when he gets out of the immobilize, he still has 5sec worth of 50% movement debuff plus you dinging his dome with arrows.

It's win/win for you.

You could make the same case for Entrapment. Something to look for when ImpWC goes away in 3.1

INCOMING MATH! I reserve the right to be terribly, terribly wrong.

Autoshot = Weapon Base Damage + (AP/14 x Weapon Speed)

((66 + 123)/2) + (743/14 * 2.8)

94.5 + 148.6 = 243.1 per hit

94.5 + (840/14 * 2.8 = 168) = 262.5 per hit (with Hunter v Wild)

Arcane: (RAP * 15% +125)

((743 * 15% + 125)) * 115%) = 271.9 per hit

(840 * 15% + 125) = 251 per hit (with Hunter v Wild)

Aimed: An aimed shot that increases ranged damage by 90

Multi-shot/Aimed Shot damage = Weapon base damage + (AP/14 x 2.8) + Skill's Bonus Damage

243.1 + 90 = 333.1 per hit

262.5 + 90 = 352.5 per hit (with Hunter v Wild)

Serpent Sting: (RAP * 20% + 290)

(743 * 20% + 290) = 438.6 per sting

(840 * 20% + 290) = 458 per sting (with Hunter v Wild)

not crazy certain about Aimed and Auto but the others I'm 80/20


I'd like to think you shoot more Auto/Serpent Sting/Aimed Shots than you do Arcane Shots.

With that spec I wouldn't be using more Aimed Shots than Arcane. 6sec cooldown vs 10 sec and then if you include LnL procs, which I'm trapping someone every 30 sec it seems the Imp Arcane is a solid burst boost especially on melee. But I'm playing around with the HvsW.
I'd like to think you shoot more Auto/Serpent Sting/Aimed Shots than you do Arcane Shots
The point wasn't that you would use just more Aimed than Arcane.. but that you'd use more Auto shots, more serpents stings, more aimed/multi total than you would Arcane shots..

Because the difference is 20points of damage either way. So whichever group of abilities you cast more of would be benefiting more from the respective talent.

Take Recount into a Battleground and see how many of each you throw down.

I'm betting the totals of AutoShot, Serpent Sting, Aimed Shot, Multi-Shot together outnumber the times you cast Arcane.

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