49 guilds... azgalor...

STAT/OON are on both alliance and horde respectively (same people, two guilds basically). Odium isn't really active anymore. There are others, but I'm slightly out of the loop these days.
id stay away from stat (sexy time all the time)
Falkor said:
id stay away from stat (sexy time all the time)

they are pretty skilled...just a tiny bit immature...
geared sure, skilled sure, but just bad experiences...if they were more mature, sure.

they come off as too elitist and snobby and act like a clique. if thats what people what, sweet. but it isnt for everyone imo
I haven't had bad experiences really playing with or against them. In general though, you better know your stuff or else your experience will probably be short lived and very unpleasant with STAT.
they remind me of juiced - some "hardcore" people who broke off from ipom and turned into real dooshers. its almost like that eu guy who thinks hes god b/c he can hold r1 in 70 arena (in the eu too trololo). its like, just ease up man...enjoy the ride and be nice to people. we're trying to build up again, not be exclusive. understandably people can do what they want with their own guilds, im just saying being more open and patient could help expand the bracket instead of being clique-ish and rude
I would probably have more toons in other guilds everywhere if BoAs weren't so restrictive (and if they ever make them server transferrable, then I certainly would). I came to Azgalor to play with Odium and now I generally play with STAT/OON.

You have to admit though, the whole of 49s is kinda one big clique. We all generally play for a certain reason and in the end, that's to get good games during our pop times and continue to expand the bracket. I'm not near as active as I was during our first two pushes in Wrath, but I'm happy that the bracket is still moving along.
im glad games are goin, and guilds can choose to be as inclusive or exclusive as they want, id just think at a point like this all arms would be open and not so elitist...but ultimately thats their choice and i was just givin my 2cents based on experiences
Scrumped -- now there's a name I haven't seen 'round these parts in awhile. Welcome back! Check out and introduce yourself in the 49 thread in the WoW forums, too, if you haven't already. Also, from what server are you transferring? On the outside chance I have an alt there, I may have a couple of BoEs you can take with you before you transfer.
Hey man. Yea i was doing arenas on main. Really havent twinked since before wotlk lol... but my main is on rivendare horde.. back water bg.. was easy glad then my 3s team quit the game.. .. imma just do recruit a friend and lvl as a tank and dual box.. havent checked out wow forums yet..

What server u on? And what class?
I'm all over the place (had a lot of XP-off players in different brackets during WotLK), but my main and my 49 resto shammy are on Silver Hand (Bloodlust), Alliance side. I don't have anyone camped out on Rivendare.

Saw your intro post in the WoW 49 thread -- glad to see you got a warm welcome!
Yeaa i was suprised when eveyone welcomed me with open arms, and not trolls lol.. acouple frowns for makin a pally but oh well..

And when i see u you in a bg.. better be ready im focus healing ur target lol..
eh. stat is gay. i knew that within like 30 seconds of playing with a couple guys from that guild... a rogue who immediately called me bad then proceded to stun lock me and spam /rofl /spit /lol on me for a full 10 minutes. DEFF NOT. mind u this was back in LK... but still...

im on wildhammer now, are there any 49 guilds on this server? anyone wanna play with me?
Well from what i gather STAT is ally (which i wish i qas ally for)..

And then there is OON which i think have some active players but not alot.. so since im going hore i might just stay on my server since there is no active GOOD guild..
static horde seems great, was there an ally guild with that name? every guild might get some kids but a good gm wont let them act that way for long . i like to think of myself as mature but i once yelled AAAAAAYE to a toon named THEFONZ and he ignored me.
OON is (mostly, at least) STAT, they play both sides. odium is another horde guild but i think thats even smaller/less active, but thats got the cool vindication kids like abs

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