49 Enhance Shaman (First attempt at a real twink)

Alkaholic said:
Power aura that shizz and switch accordingly.

Power Aura is a must. Although I don't have it set up for that particular becuase I already know how much health/mana I am at and the shield has to be constantly refreshed.
If I was to post that I love Rick and Moobs would that derail this topic?
Krymore said:
If I was to post that I love Rick and Moobs would that derail this topic?

Yes. I would then have to ask if the rumor I heard of you rolling something on Garona was true or not? and if you need anything other than gold let me know. I have a 71 mage over there doing nothing. He is broke as a joke maybe like 300g.
RickRude said:
Yes. I would then have to ask if the rumor I heard of you rolling something on Garona was true or not? and if you need anything other than gold let me know. I have a 71 mage over there doing nothing. He is broke as a joke maybe like 300g.

This rumor of me rolling an Orc Warlock on Garona could be confirmed or denied over a romantic candle lit dinner at your expense.

I am on your vent right now.... stalking you!!!!

Edit: Frosty is whispering naughty things to me in vent. :O
Let me know if you need a hand Kry. My other most used toons are Azgorn, Opyros and Saia. Also about to level up a resto druid "HopnPop" so might be there.
Krymore said:
This rumor of me rolling an Orc Warlock on Garona could be confirmed or denied over a romantic candle lit dinner at your expense.

I am on your vent right now.... stalking you!!!!

Edit: Frosty is whispering naughty things to me in vent. :O

No vent for me. I am at work. I have one of those really real jobs that requires me to sit in the office from 8-5. sigh.
Don't use +30 int, go with dual Mongoose.

In 3.1 we get 20% base mana return with every Stormstrike (when specced), with this and Water Shield you have no mana problems.

edit: and dual mong > base 60ap imo
Vapid said:
Don't use +30 int, go with dual Mongoose.

In 3.1 we get 20% base mana return with every Stormstrike (when specced), with this and Water Shield you have no mana problems.

edit: and dual mong > base 60ap imo

Mongoose is on a ppm.

DW hit cap is 24%.

You won't be specing into Imp Stormstrike come 3.1 there is too many better talents. We don't have mana problems already. No need to dump two more points into something that isn't a problem.

You should never put a proc weapon in your OH. We are not raiding this is pvp.
Juke said:
Since a lot of your damage is mana-fueled, +30 int is a great enchant.

They give you almost 1000mana and 66ap

But you can't go wrong with Mongoose either.

What happened with Mental Quickness? did it get switched in the tree with the party ap buff?


Blizzard decided the best way to "fix" elemental was not by actually making their spells and talents worthwhile, but by making it impossible for them to spec halfway into enhance by moving mental quickness down in the enhance tree. Making it unavailable for 49 enhance shamans. Elemental shamans at 80 remain crap and they also broke 49 enhance shamans. Good job huh? That's Blizzard "balancing" for you!
RickRude said:
BAR, Exec Cleaver and Soulkeeper all have a 3.8 swing speed, but yes it is way to slow for my needs. Not that slow is a bad thing. Slow = Higher Top end which is what we want. However with Shamans burst I don't want to hit something every 4 seconds. Same reason I am now resto on my 39 shaman.

Don't use a 2-hander period... dual wield does FAR more damage. The swing timer on a 3.8 speed weapon is so much slower than dual wielding 2.7 speed weapons that there is no comparison. DW stormstrike almost always results in a WF proc, while 2hnding doesn't. I crit for 1000 in a single hit with my rib splitters on clothies... as much as any 2h swing. As a matter of fact, I have yet to crit that high with a Kang.
cherzra said:
Don't use a 2-hander period... dual wield does FAR more damage. The swing timer on a 3.8 speed weapon is so much slower than dual wielding 2.7 speed weapons that there is no comparison. DW stormstrike almost always results in a WF proc, while 2hnding doesn't. I crit for 1000 in a single hit with my rib splitters on clothies... as much as any 2h swing. As a matter of fact, I have yet to crit that high with a Kang.

GG Not understanding what you are quoting. I was not advocating useing a 2 hander in any way or fashion. Someone linked a really bad guide and I was addressing the issues with the guide.
RickRude said:
IF you go buy his "guide" do not consider using Flurry Axe, Shatterer, The Rockpounder, or Glowing Brightwood Staff. I still want him to give me the math he used to draw his conclusions on the 2 handed weapons but it is now just a running joke because he couldn't do the math.

Every forum I go to I see you talking shit about me, and yet you've never had the decency to actually talk to me =\. This is the first I'm hearing of the need to justify my guide to you.

Back on topic, I admit my 2H section of the guide is lacking, and I only rushed to add it in at the last minute after the rest of the guide was already completed because of a few requests. I've been much too busy IRL to update the guide and it's fallen a patch behind (was written February, and a lot has changed since then), but I plan to do a partial overhaul come 3.1, including a more in-depth analysis of the weapon choices. Personally I'm a dw enthusiast, which is why I focused much more of my attention on that portion of the guide while leaving the 2H section with too much ambiguous (and possibly incorrect) information.

Anyways, if you have a problem with me or what I write, come talk to me instead of going around everywhere else spreading BS. I value your opinion because you are an experienced and skilled shaman, and I hope you can atleast come to respect me as a colleague as well. I didn't intend for my guide to focus on helping experienced players who already know the workings of their class, but rather new and/or prospective players who don't know where to begin.

EDIT: Just to clarify, I never advocated using a Flurry Axe, and only a Shatterer situationally. Like I said, the guide will get a facelift when I can find the time when 3.1 hits.
RickRude said:
Mongoose is on a ppm.


DW hit cap is 24%.

Not sure what that is directed to.

You won't be specing into Imp Stormstrike come 3.1 there is too many better talents. We don't have mana problems already. No need to dump two more points into something that isn't a problem.

I mentioned it in reply to a post regarding mana problems. If they are having mana problems, in which case its viable (though frankly, unless I am being mana burned, Water Shield has always been enough for me).

You should never put a proc weapon in your OH. We are not raiding this is pvp.

Dual Mong resets the timer, allowing more uptime. Given BG fights are a general, ongoing mêlée, how is this not desirable? (or rather, how if my mêlée lasts for ~1 minute, does a static chant for +30 AP superceed Mongoose on the OH?)

I guess more importantly, what I am asking would be, mathamatically, at what point in combat duration does the static chant exceed output from Mongoose?
Well I redid almost every thing on this guy and when I hit the 'Save' button it gave me an error. So I will need to try this out later.

I put Mongoose in my OH because I thought if I put it in my MH people would say "Put it in your OH", but then again the same would happen if I did submit it while it was in my MH so I just slapped it on the Monkey one.

So is Duel Mongoose the way to or is it better to get an assortment of chants on my gear?

Well, it was the way to go at 70 and 80. Not sure why it isn't here.

It may be there is some math I am missing though which is relevant only to the lower brackets.

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