4.1 Theorycraft: Resilience and the 70 warrior FC


Hey guys,

I'm new to these forums and new in general to the bracket. I was wondering if we might discuss the value of building a set of gear for flag carrying in wsg. Resilience is going to a soft cap of 32.5% as most of us know and stacking much beyond that as a prot warrior won't be overly beneficial from my understanding. So what I was thinking was gem/enchant/gear for a combination of shadow resistance ( let's face it shadow damage destroys FC's), resilience and stamina. I don't have a chardev made yet because I'm posting this from my blackberry, but I think this setup could hold value. I was looking for flaws in this plan.

Hotpockets said:
You're either a troll or a moron, either way get out and never come back please.

Bit of a harsh rebuke, especially if he is genuinely considering it.

Tbh stacking Shadow res is gonna be a bit if a waste of time as a warrior as you are gonna be losing too many stats to make it worthwhile, whereas most dps casters are probably going to be running 70+ Spell Pen anyways.

Also stacking resilience beyond this new "soft cap" will still be beneficial as it won`t really ramp up till 40%+ I imagine. Personally I would also prefer a Prot Pally FC in my team as they can self heal too. Hell even my 850 res Resto Druid would make a better FC than any Prot Warrior.

Overall it`s your sub, make and do what you like, just don`t expect it to be overly successful if you do try. If you are insistant on making it, just get a decent amount of health and stack res rather than any sort of spell resistance.

shadow resist would be a waste, pure stam is the way to go in that scenario...the shadow resist is only going to minimally help against spriests and warlocks while all the other casters and melee are unaffected

im going to guess you already have the warrior at 70. if not make a pally imo. but if you already have the warrior i guess its worth a try if you are interested in FCing
yeah I already have one. I have played a paladin since late vanilla and I'm not overly interested in it anymore. I already leveled one paladin from 10-80 back in wrath in WSG and it was op as hell and fun...wanted to try something new. I guess I'll stick to fury.

Thanks for the replies.
Yeah, a bit harsh Hotpcket. I would just vote no to your whole resil idea. I don't think its viable, and I don't think its worth it. Frankly FC is handled by the druid, shaman and other movement increasing classes. The resil wont make as much of an impact as you might hope :[

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