1. UH Death Knights cant be slowed if they get first hit
2. Hunters can crit for substantial numbers, like 7k but still get blown up easily
3. Mages get spellsteal again, about time lol
4. A shadow priest can tank effectively with the absorb buff on Shield and holy nova (basically if you dont lockdown a shadow priest 1v1, which is difficult enough anyways, you will inevitably drop, which kind of sucks considering my dps is pretty ridiculous, so Shadow Priests rejoice because I cant kill you easily anymore)
5. Guardians is back in the game
I dont think anything else needs to be said besides the fact that even with gripterrupts and MF I still get outhealed by a shadow priest >.<. But other than that some changes needed to be implemented but maybe they were... overbuffed? Opinions, go.
2. Hunters can crit for substantial numbers, like 7k but still get blown up easily
3. Mages get spellsteal again, about time lol
4. A shadow priest can tank effectively with the absorb buff on Shield and holy nova (basically if you dont lockdown a shadow priest 1v1, which is difficult enough anyways, you will inevitably drop, which kind of sucks considering my dps is pretty ridiculous, so Shadow Priests rejoice because I cant kill you easily anymore)
5. Guardians is back in the game
I dont think anything else needs to be said besides the fact that even with gripterrupts and MF I still get outhealed by a shadow priest >.<. But other than that some changes needed to be implemented but maybe they were... overbuffed? Opinions, go.