4.0.3 - 19 Paladin Guide

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I think the FC chest piece should be Leather BOA for the extra hit, I personally use the BOA Plate helm and the leather chest because I will be capped and not miss crucial HOJ's. You lose about 100hp in those two pieces but imho its with it.

http://chardev.org/?profile=116987 - FC Revised for your approval.
Diiesel said:
I think the FC chest piece should be Leather BOA for the extra hit, I personally use the BOA Plate helm and the leather chest because I will be capped and not miss crucial HOJ's. You lose about 100hp in those two pieces but imho its with it.

chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm - FC Revised for your approval.

put vitality (10 stam 10 spirit to shield)
Erícah said:
just 1 thing Legguards of Abandoned Virtue isnt horde only

alliance have Forestkeeper Legguards

Hey nice tip. The more up to date paladin guide is the 4.1 paladin guide located in the guide forums. No offense to Eliot (who is a great paladin) but it is just not up to date.

Eliot are you updating your guide?
Whoever wrote this is lazy and needs to update it!
New "Ore's How to Paladin Guide" coming soon

Will always be up to date, and will have tricks and tips that not even Grandfather pallies know about

"Stay thirsty tinkers"
Can't wait, hope you're not lazy like the writer of this guide!
Orebrb said:
New "Ore's How to Paladin Guide" coming soon

Will always be up to date, and will have tricks and tips that not even Grandfather pallies know about

"Stay thirsty tinkers"

I'm keeping the 4.1 guide up to date regularly
Grabco said:
I'm keeping the 4.1 guide up to date regularly

Nice to see at least one updated guide!
I'm going to lock this thread as it is not going to be updated in the near future. For an updated guide check out Kore's guide.
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