3v3 queue request at 2100-2700 mmr

This combo even as a mage makes me shudder, tho it is beatable its gonna be tricky, even if you get lucky on 1-2 wings 3rd one can do a kill :/
Some classes have 1 spell to survive it, and it might on cooldown.

hey, let's be fair, some classes have zero spells to survive it. not sure what my hunter would do against 3 rets besides maybe pillar hump until they all pop wings, then desperately try to tranq shot them all away before i'm one shot? SOUNDS LIKE A FUN, FAIR, BALANCED FIGHT YOU GUYS.
Radiobox said:
fair enough, i still thinks its doable with communication+lockdown on at least 1 of the palas

You cant lock a pala if he has 2 x Retribution with him they can just all bubble, wings, hammer you.

And even if bubble reduces 50 % damage done, you wont be able to survive it i believe.
Agreed with Nesyla on this one. And since they all have Sacred Shield and offhealing as a ret with wings up is just ridic. Talking about up to 25k word of glories when they all have 13k hp. Have a friend who plays ret/holy and his Word of Glories are around 18-19k (level 70 without Wings)
Agreed with Nesyla on this one. And since they all have Sacred Shield and offhealing as a ret with wings up is just ridic. Talking about up to 25k word of glories when they all have 13k hp. Have a friend who plays ret/holy and his Word of Glories are around 18-19k (level 70 without Wings)

Radiobox said:
when you put it like that i suppose your right

you'd just run and kite them for duration of bubble then pewpew

Kite 3 repentances/hoj's/freedoms? i'd sure like to see that
It's quite an insane comp if you think about it, triple repent at the same time, if nobody trinkets instantly you all wings hammer macro and 1 shot someone, if they trinket you just hoj them and do the same again, as Miczx already said, the healing with sacred shield up is pretty insane aswell, if i ever got the time i would fancy trying this comp with greens and seeing how it did just for lols.
Radiobox said:
yeah, they just need good synergy/communication and you'd have thought they would have near 100% w/l

cant see any reason why they wouldnt unless one of them gets globaled by 3dps, ..idk

Idd irtrain's team in 3s is the only notable team in 3s with a 72+ ret pala that got 2400+, playing full pve rogue/mage/ret with wings, 2 with tazik 1 with synapse - believe it or not, iirc they had 75% w/l
Actually the sole reason why some looses occur, is due to a small bug with the sacred shield, if some one nukes more or less 100%in one global, the sacredshield pops at 0% health, a.k.a. when you die.

One game we lost for example the rogue opened with a ambus for 4500 with a tazik for 3800, and then eviscerated 6k, this is normally not done durring one global, but since my comp and the server arent connecting as fast as the lightning goes, there´s a small glitch for a few ms, which makes this able to happend, because when I checked the combat logg, I died, and directly after " Horsehackx gains sacred shield for 8011 absorb" or something like that.

Made some testing while dueling, and confirmed it. so there´s your magic card vs ret paladins in arena. happy headhunting folks!

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