Like 4 JCM people have actually been in contact for the last month or so. The Skype group/guild activity is barren. Most of JCM joined exclusively for premades(and only with the same 19s team members), but since they didn't really happen in any capacity/no solid twink cup on the horizon, it's understandable they lost interest. The game itself isn't really fun anymore, it's the competitive aspect that keeps a lot of people subscribed.
That being said, I see so much whining/pining for premades but hardly any effort being put in to make them. Try to make a team! There's more than enough randoms with experience who just solo queue.
Just trying to say, this bracket is fueled by you guys. Nothing is going to happen if you don't make it -- just showing interest isn't enough.
The twink cup release date will be posted after Blizzcon, so we can have an idea of when Legion comes out, this will be in 3 weeks approximately. Lets have a big hype for it