39s plans for saturday!!!


So August 8th , 6PM EST [MENTION=11844]youbeezy[/MENTION]

Apart from players that signed up on the threads so far I am in constant contact with a large number of players and guilds, from the looks of it I think the best way to go about it is going to be to form groups of 5 to get a count of the players Qing. I absolutely don't want to resort to "Everyone just Q up" kind of mentality. This is going to be planned so that it can be as smooth as possible, as much people as possible can get to play and also both factions can get in to some action. Wargames might leave people out so I would really prefer we skip that option.

The main approach for anyone interested in 39s is to get in contact with any 39s you can find, whether it be me [MENTION=26098]paynefull[/MENTION] , [MENTION=15498]Tiptoe[/MENTION] or [MENTION=11844]youbeezy[/MENTION] or any GM of a 39 guild . On Thursday 6th or Friday 7th. I am going to plan a 39 meeting on vent with all of these 39 guild leaders as well as anyone who is in contact with a lot of 39s and has something they wanna add, from there we are going to organise the final touches, get a quick count of interested players and sort out any other details [MENTION=26277]Amelletta[/MENTION] [MENTION=22529]Venomspitter[/MENTION] [MENTION=27064]Prolapse[/MENTION] [MENTION=22774]imacheeser[/MENTION] [MENTION=27254]Mango[/MENTION] .

I am not here to try to run anything or tell people what to do, but the last thing we want is a failed revival or a semi good one. This has a lot of players involved and a lot of hype building and its only fair we have the best possible experience!!!
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You can make groups but each player should be in a solo queue. If troubles arise after some time im sure we could get 10 on each side to sync or whatever needed but we should let this happen naturally.
This also allows equal chance for people to get in.
Contact thru real id and whatever voiceprogram of choice will be enough to establish if we have 10 or more each side.
If we have the manpower and pops are not happening we can wargame with the press of a button.

People should also queue specific warsong if that is our intended BG of choice.
You can make groups but each player should be in a solo queue. If troubles arise after some time im sure we could get 10 on each side to sync or whatever needed but we should let this happen naturally.
This also allows equal chance for people to get in.
Contact thru real id and whatever voiceprogram of choice will be enough to establish if we have 10 or more each side.
If we have the manpower and pops are not happening we can wargame with the press of a button.

People should also queue specific warsong if that is our intended BG of choice.

This was the same plan that many who before us had...only to have failed revivals, the thing is that we have limited time and great communication. Which we must utilize to the fullest, soloe Qing can cause imbalance bgs, people afking causing Qs to not pop and all sorts of problems. Temporarily these issues will cause bgs not to pop, but the longevity of it is that it will discourage people to Q in the future which would have made all attempts up to this point....void. This revival isn't a temporary one but so that it opens up doors in the future for more revivals, take example of the success of twink cup.
I'm not here to shut u down, but if there is a better way....I'm going to try it. I am in contact with more than enough players for it to be a success but it has to be a garaunteed success.
yoube, didn't you mention a temp queue list a while back we could use?

I like the idea of groups, but don't queue as a group. Is there anything stopping us from forming 1 giant raid on each faction?
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39s are back! If you see any of the 39s on BH tell them to sign up on TI :)
Solo ques are what we should be doing...

Solo Qs are what the last couple revivals did and the reason why they failed. When you enter a bg with no heals, or 5 rogues on the other team, a couple alliance stop Qing and u wonder why the BGs aren't popping etc. Solo Qs are the worse thing we want to do, for this to happen networking needs to happen, people have prepared for this by the dozens and solo Qing provides the potential for disaster.
If I can help it, this has to be a smooth event.....I know some people are stragglers and don't like to depend on other people, just Q up on the day and hope for the best....I'm not one of those people. I've put in way too much work along with many others to try to make this event not just successful but have people wanting for more...
Solo Ques are so much better lmao, use the Qlist and it will be fine.
Here is the problem with group quing....
Group A and B que on horde, 5 man each, they both get pop.
Group X and Y que ally, 5 man each, they both get pop.
8 other people are left sitting in Que with no game to play.
Game finishes, the 5 mans get split, and then you have entire 5 mans waiting to get into games, while the 5man that got the pop steamrolls the other team.
Also, with grouping, you have to wait for everyones loading screen in between games.
Group quing is detrimental for getting full, 10man, randomly balanced bgs.
If everyone from that said group solo Ques, you get very balanced games, assuming everyone is playing a good spread of classes, and we don't end up with 5 prot warriors per team (ik prot doesn't do much damage now, it was an example of what happened last time).

If you want this revival to be a success, take one for the bracket and play a slightly less OP class. I for one am playing a fire mage. I did not roll something that I could use to steamroll people into the ground, I rolled something that would increase the diversity of the bracket and that I could have fun on at the same time :p
Solo Ques are so much better lmao, use the Qlist and it will be fine.
Here is the problem with group quing....
Group A and B que on horde, 5 man each, they both get pop.
Group X and Y que ally, 5 man each, they both get pop.
8 other people are left sitting in Que with no game to play.
Game finishes, the 5 mans get split, and then you have entire 5 mans waiting to get into games, while the 5man that got the pop steamrolls the other team.
Also, with grouping, you have to wait for everyones loading screen in between games.
Group quing is detrimental for getting full, 10man, randomly balanced bgs.
If everyone from that said group solo Ques, you get very balanced games, assuming everyone is playing a good spread of classes, and we don't end up with 5 prot warriors per team (ik prot doesn't do much damage now, it was an example of what happened last time).

If you want this revival to be a success, take one for the bracket and play a slightly less OP class. I for one am playing a fire mage. I did not roll something that I could use to steamroll people into the ground, I rolled something that would increase the diversity of the bracket and that I could have fun on at the same time :p

Firstly there will always be people left out, that's unavoidable anyway you look at it. A lot of 39s that will be Qing up are already in the same guilds, so you will get people communicating using voice com even if they aren't in party. Guilds have already a nice spread of classes so that won't be an issue. Steamroll? this isn't 19s or 29s, we do have healers and group communication!

The feedback I am getting here is that a lot of people are loners- not specifically at you [MENTION=16519]Laurenti[/MENTION] , they don't want to coordinate with guilds or with other 39s. They just want the day to come and just Q up. Which is unfortunate, because this is a MMO....networking is a must to have the most optimum experience. It is very simple, me personally...I have over 60 39s on btag, the reason for this is so that multiple groups can be formed,faction balance can be achieved, people will know for sure that BGs will pop because we will know roughly how much on each faction are Qing up, there might even be multiple bgs running simultaneously on the day because of how many interested people we have.

Solo Qing in itself is fine for people that don't mind losing etc, but for the first revival in a while, if there is a better/smoother way to have things running, then that way should be tried. Who knows maybe in a couple weeks it can be such taht we can just log on on a saturday and solo Q and get pops!

So bottom line, start networking and aligning with other 39s!
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6pm what time zone?
[MENTION=26098]paynefull[/MENTION] , I suppose.
I don't mind solo quing while others group Q, I could care less about winning or losing, I am just here for good games. My point is, if you have a group quing a 5man, that reduces the number of slots in that BG to 5 others who are solo Quing. Lets say each faction has three groups quing 5mans each. You are going to have two groups sitting out a game every other game ( out of your 6 groups), Basically, you are going to get the same 5 mans against each other, over and over. Not everyones 5man will be of the same quality, and one faction (with the better 5 mans ) will dominate games, and they will be the same games over and over. If everyone solo Ques, you get different games each time, because 10 people from each faction are randomly (ish) added to each bg. Obviously how fast people reQ will affect who gets into what games, but it will be more random. This is how 19s got out of the wsg que bug with our last revival, and we got to very stable games.

edit: [MENTION=26098]paynefull[/MENTION], I'm not sure if you are just hypocritical or what, but you say you want good games, yet your only 39 twink is a rogue......... RIP logic bois
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