Yeah, I played for a week with you guys. I tested the waters.
Guess what? I absolutely hated the 8-12 man premades. It was boring and uneventful.
You may call me a hypocrite, but I find that completely illogical. I stopped playing with you guys because of how much of a pushover every single giant premade was.
You literally would say on discord "okay this is getting to easy, I'm bored, I'm gonna play some call of duty." Paraphrasing, but I specially remember the last time I played with you, you got off wow for that reason.
TL;DR I played for a week, didn't like the big premades going on, stopped playing due to the curbstomp boredom. Maybe, I started joining up with you guys at the wrong time. Every day it was 8 man wsg or 10+ ab for most of my games. Was not competitive. Those 30-0 games may look flashy to me, but not really fun.