US 39's Battle Tag List

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List of Battletags for the 39 bracket. Will keep the OP updated as time permits. Might be a good idea to include a note, when sending a request, mentioning you are a 39 twink.

Soskanky - Rapturejesus#1257
Paynefull - Baje007#1292
Yogimyt - Koree#1104
Miloki - ark9#1675
Venomspitter - Nine99#1157
Tazbaram - Tazbaram#1569
Zeadia - Lilandra#1676
Pheonix - Juju#2266
Pookums - Rakanishu#1169
Prolapse - couchlockd#6819
Pikabooh - st33l#1457
Delayed - Delayed#1508
Mrcer - mrcer#1372
Warpigs - ratsalad#1955
Lluyd - tommybird#6485
Snowjobs - bendandcough#1653
Scope - scope#1183
Honey Badger - Honeybadger#1754
Apnea - apnea#1877
Shook - Shook#1374
Smash - Vletrmx#1952
Ephidel - Ephebro#1442
Barbarous - Barbarous#1150
Xenkyro - Xenkyro#1743
Skrubform - Scrubbolt#1359
VAPO - Vaporelli#1237
Eclipsis - snack#1156
Ibe - Neggs#1255
Warterworks - jpotts#1893
ToysWoW - Toys#1506
Newname - fondles#1932
Roudy - Imreallybad#1279
Chap - Chap#1944
Happypanda - droolz#1256
Bigmoran - Bigmoran#1174
Chantale - Kick#1611
Yoube - yoube#1532
Tiptoe - MattF#1942
Willix - baeloro#1481
Ishape - Ishape#1391
Spencer - yeeee#1268
Treess - bbrack#1122
Claspara - Aegix#1605
Sixblackkids - Sixblackkids#1743
Vaetus - Vaetus#1519
Ochimaru - Ochi#1322
Gamed - Bigbill#1551
Nature - delayx#2864
Soulrx - Shy#1134
Nicozy - Nicozy#1810
Kunz - kunz#1206
Circleoflife - Tombarnes#1143
Drek - Drekomai#1429
Beachcomber - Goldenclaw#1119
Chapek.jeff - chapek#1647
Boostz - boostzau#196
Adeimantus - Adeimantus#1856
Jamesb - Zerkerjerker#1228
Roguenine - roguenine#1564
Zepht - Twinkbeast27
Pattern - Pattern#1298
TheOldMan -DJ0blivion#1543
Hamslamwich - Hamslamwich#1850
Sanitarium - Sanit#1581

I'm on Alliance but I have a quickly growing guild that I'm hoping I will get to eventually wargame other guilds with. If you have a 5-man you'd like to do BG wargames with or just want to duel / dungeon add me up.

I'll add ya later tonight. We've been adding 39s to guild and btag list for last couple of weeks. Any day best for you and yours? We've been working with Fridays lately.


I was advised to check out Twinkinfo by a random player in game, so if he sees this, thanks! Tyrants of Warsong on Perenolde is currently upgrading/gearing out new and old players. All are welcome to come by and say hello! I believe this bracket can make a comeback. So if anyone's interested in gearing out a character, I have a full guild bank of gear / mats / etc to make the process that much easier.

Patiently waiting,

Hello. I play a 39 Ret pally my BT is Lilandra#1676
Planning to make a 29 as well. I have a friend at 29 that plays with 2-3 people
Sounds good, my advice wait after Tinky Cup. Get with a few community leaders from different brackets. Lvl 1s, 10-19, f2p, Vets, 29s ,39 and maybe 90-99 community.
39 activ?

There's a handful of individuals from both factions that have made or are making 39s. We do arenas semi-often but in general, the twink community has focused it's attention elsewhere since the initial revival attempts.

Some of those who recognize the potential are reluctant to let the bracket die altogether tho.

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