39s 0f Cyclone

grumpee said:
once i get back i have a lot of things to do... i need to lolpve and get like 100 badges for the new healing mace and the chest piece for my pally and im just gona do all the quests i have on my 80s to make some extra gold. i need to get some new gear for grumpee and from there just level my pally heh. so all in all i have lots of things to keep me busy for a while.

I forgot about that stuff. Yeah you have alot to do. Ill do your Revelosh runs, Grumpee needs the shoulders/hands in my opinion. Your HP is too low for arena.
Confessin said:
I forgot about that stuff. Yeah you have alot to do. Ill do your Revelosh runs, Grumpee needs the shoulders/hands in my opinion. Your HP is too low for arena.

yup yup totaly agree... i also need to farm the tidal charm. if only i knew that EMHS was coming i woulda made a human hehe. oh what is your opinon on jc should i drop it for something else or just keep it?
@ confessin

while the overall skill in wsg is currently better than what ive found in cyclone, the overall skill level in NF is definatly lower overall. There are some solid players dont get me wrong...but the best of Cyclone is still many levels above NF at least on an individual basis and arena basis.

That said, NF is a better place to be unfortunatly right now ;p
grumpee said:
yup yup totaly agree... i also need to farm the tidal charm. if only i knew that EMHS was coming i woulda made a human hehe. oh what is your opinon on jc should i drop it for something else or just keep it?

Tidal will be easy in FM. JC is interesting issue for you. Passive stealth increase could possibly counter Perception, since most rogues didnt keep JC and lost the Panther. Goggles were nerfed significantly. But, every other rogue has Lifeblood. Basically, its JC or Herb. I would arena with JC first to see and decide after you play a bit to see how much you might prefer Herb.

Gnomes are cool! And escape artist has its moments. ;-)
Confessin said:
Tidal will be easy in FM. JC is interesting issue for you. Passive stealth increase could possibly counter Perception, since most rogues didnt keep JC and lost the Panther. Goggles were nerfed significantly. But, every other rogue has Lifeblood. Basically, its JC or Herb. I would arena with JC first to see and decide after you play a bit to see how much you might prefer Herb.

Gnomes are cool! And escape artist has its moments. ;-)

alrighty ill do that. i also have my agm to work with(thank god i got it when the people i knew pretty much dominated the arena every time lol)

i didnt even realize that the trinket required jc now..that really screwed things up. another GG blizz
grumpee said:
Your posting at 1:48 am o_O lol

Thats nothing! I can remember doing arena with Rafa until 2am server, which was like 5am my time. He wouldnt let me leave cuz before I could get off he would be switching to some other twink - lets try this comp! >.<!

Those were the days.

Okay, I leave in a few hours, gone for a week. Good luck with the computer, and cya soon I hope.
Athylle said:
Hey Grumps, look forward to having ya back. (Shlau here)

Thanks ^.^

i would have loved doing arenas till 2 am with Rafa but i never could... makes me sad that most of my wow expirience was never as fun as it could have been because of my parents lol. Hopefull Cataclysm will be differnt. Im gona ask my uncle in vegas if he could get me a job with him and then ill move to vegas for like a few years and play wow with no parental interuptions. well thats just my dream :D

ok well have fun on your trip. HOPEFULLY ill be back before you get back!!
will u donate uR guild bank to the twinks plz?
well you wont get anywhere if you don't mash the post button harder

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