39s 0f Cyclone

I have a 39 on Kargath/Vindication .....

Get this ...... I have YET TO BE CALLED to battle - there have been days were I have been in Que for 6.5 hours while completing 46 level quests.

QUESTION. Should I move, or should I just create a new character and as far as supply money goes, use a neutral AH to get money transferred there ...... Main problem I will have is no guildy runs through RFD and SM, which means I will need to find a guild to help. Getting to 39 twinked is not THAT hard, lets face it. Money is the main thing.

Hmmmmmmm, what to do???? Your thoughts?

PS - I already have my preferred Boa items on this character - So I would have no main to produce for a new character.
hmm i thought 49s on cyclone were doing ok for themselves from what ive read on the forums... i guess ill have to wait and see.

@Angeela- i think the 39s on cyclone are starting to get together in planning bgs and 2v2s. only problem is some of them can be mean so you pretty much have to have a thick skin about what they say. If your planning on making an alliance and moving to cyclone you could come to feathermoon and id be glad to give you all the runs you want, problem with that is that there arnt many 39 alliance twinks. Idk should probably check the forums im sure you could find a guild where ever you go that would be willing to help an xfer.
grumpee said:
hmm i thought 49s on cyclone were doing ok for themselves from what ive read on the forums... i guess ill have to wait and see.

Its about the same as 39s. It happens when people post on forums and scrum people together. It doesnt happen if you just want to log in and play at any random time.

@Angeela- If your planning on making an alliance and moving to cyclone you could come to feathermoon and id be glad to give you all the runs you want, problem with that is that there arnt many 39 alliance twinks.

I cant imagine a worse place to make a 39 than Feathermoon right now. I doubt it is better than Vindi. If you are serious about still playing 39s Angeela, I would look to Nightfall for help. Either re-rolling or transfering, Nightfall is clearly the best place to be right now if you want activity.
We had some great games yesterday. Very competitive with lots of star players. Cyclone may not have the numbers of Nightfall, but we have quality that can't be matched ;]
Arock said:
We had some great games yesterday. Very competitive with lots of star players. Cyclone may not have the numbers of Nightfall, but we have quality that can't be matched ;]

Quality> quantity :D

and i dont think you can delete a post hehe... and if you can idk how
Confessin said:
I cant imagine a worse place to make a 39 than Feathermoon right now. I doubt it is better than Vindi. If you are serious about still playing 39s Angeela, I would look to Nightfall for help. Either re-rolling or transfering, Nightfall is clearly the best place to be right now if you want activity.

Dam is it really that bad?? lol... making my pally should be fun then >.<
Hmmmmmm, Thanks for the reply's.

I'll wait a bit to decide ..... to move away from the comfort zone of my server and my guild that I started "The Mighty Canucks" - lolol is a tough choice. But my FUN time is with her. My main is a hunter and he is boring in comparison. She is a very good priest so I'd rather move her and not worry about BOA than re-roll.

I typically like to log in - Que up - run the first BG and stay there. But I like to get called :D :D :D

Both of those servers sound interesting.

Thanks again.
grumpee said:
Dam is it really that bad?? lol... making my pally should be fun then >.<

Its just soooo boring having no one around. Twinking on FM is far more fun Horde-side with everyone gone. At least Tenth has people to arena and duel and Hex will mrrgle at you every 30minutes.
Confessin said:
Its just soooo boring having no one around. Twinking on FM is far more fun Horde-side with everyone gone. At least Tenth has people to arena and duel and Hex will mrrgle at you every 30minutes.

that's true..dam why did everyone have to leave :(. Well when i get back at least ill know that ill have a 2s partner :D and an awesome one at that ;);)

well i think the Eta on my return will have to be bumped up by like a week or so. went to best buy to get my computer fixed and they said $230 so im trying to look for a cheaper place cuz im cheap lol
grumpee said:
that's true..dam why did everyone have to leave :(. Well when i get back at least ill know that ill have a 2s partner :D and an awesome one at that ;);)

well i think the Eta on my return will have to be bumped up by like a week or so. went to best buy to get my computer fixed and they said $230 so im trying to look for a cheaper place cuz im cheap lol

Saw Chris today, he is still playing, but not twinking. He must just be farming the AH on Lightside. Stupid NOOB! Anyways, no rush. I am going away for about a week in a few days anyways. I have my resto set finished for 2s.
As much crap as Ive talked about NF in the past...I hate to admit it...but both the quantity AND the quality of WSG (wsg..not arenas...cyclone arenas are lightyears beyond NF arenas) is better in NF currently.

Now, to be fair ive only been able to get into 3 or 4 WSGs in cyclone since 3.2 so maybe ive just missed out on the few good games...but even then, ill take the ton of games ive found in NF over the 3 or 4 ive found in cyclone, even if a few of the NF games were very horde dominated. All of the wsg's ive been in in cyclone since 3.2 were terribad, either totally numbers dominated or totally player gear/skill dominated.

The top players are in Cyclone...id put the average cyclone player still ahead of the average NF player. But wsg's are better in NF currently, by a long ways. You also dont have to plan anything outside of 3s and 5s. 2s pops all day and wsg starts popping from 4-6eastern going till as late as 3 in the morning, every day, qs pop at 12est on weekends.

All of that said I still have toons in Cyclone, there are just some good players here that I would like to play in the future.

Your best bet if you are looking to reroll (in any BG or server) is too look for an established guild and see if they are willing to help you reroll. It is a lot easier than going in blind and hoping you either find a nice person or having to dual box or something of that nature. The same can be said of xfering, if you want further support for your twink, then an established guild can help you.
Alteffour said:
As much crap as Ive talked about NF in the past...I hate to admit it...but both the quantity AND the quality of WSG (wsg..not arenas...cyclone arenas are lightyears beyond NF arenas) is better in NF currently.

Now, to be fair ive only been able to get into 3 or 4 WSGs in cyclone since 3.2 so maybe ive just missed out on the few good games...but even then, ill take the ton of games ive found in NF over the 3 or 4 ive found in cyclone, even if a few of the NF games were very horde dominated. All of the wsg's ive been in in cyclone since 3.2 were terribad, either totally numbers dominated or totally player gear/skill dominated.

The top players are in Cyclone...id put the average cyclone player still ahead of the average NF player. But wsg's are better in NF currently, by a long ways. You also dont have to plan anything outside of 3s and 5s. 2s pops all day and wsg starts popping from 4-6eastern going till as late as 3 in the morning, every day, qs pop at 12est on weekends.

All of that said I still have toons in Cyclone, there are just some good players here that I would like to play in the future.

Your best bet if you are looking to reroll (in any BG or server) is too look for an established guild and see if they are willing to help you reroll. It is a lot easier than going in blind and hoping you either find a nice person or having to dual box or something of that nature. The same can be said of xfering, if you want further support for your twink, then an established guild can help you.

Thanks for this helpful post :D

@confessin- ok cool, apperantly something is wrong with my hard-drive according to the best buy people. my neighbor is taking it to some dude where she takes her comp. im just hoping for a cheaper price so i can have some extra cash for an xfer and a gamecard. (crosses fingers for a cheaper price)
grumpee said:
Thanks for this helpful post :D

@confessin- ok cool, apperantly something is wrong with my hard-drive according to the best buy people. my neighbor is taking it to some dude where she takes her comp. im just hoping for a cheaper price so i can have some extra cash for an xfer and a gamecard. (crosses fingers for a cheaper price)

Sounds good Grumps. Keep me posted. Do you have a Horde character on that account?

@Soul. I think its pretty obvious NF has superior activity post patch. I also always figured their lack of skill was probably exaggerated. That being said, if everyone leaves Cyclone it will be dead for sure... time will tell I suppose.
Confessin said:
Sounds good Grumps. Keep me posted. Do you have a Horde character on that account?

will do..and no i has no horde :( i have 10 alliance only lol and i dont think i can delete any

2 80s- Shaman druid

77- Hunter

70- Dk with enchanting that cost like 1k g just to get to 350 lol

4 39s- Rouge priest mage druid

and my 18 pally

hmm thats only 9 im missing one lol but i cant remember wth i have!

edit-is it 9 max characters per realm or 10? i forgot
grumpee said:
will do..and no i has no horde :( i have 10 alliance only lol and i dont think i can delete any

2 80s- Shaman druid

77- Hunter

70- Dk with enchanting that cost like 1k g just to get to 350 lol

4 39s- Rouge priest mage druid

and my 18 pally

hmm thats only 9 im missing one lol but i cant remember wth i have!

edit-is it 9 max characters per realm or 10? i forgot

Its 10. I swore you had 10 as well, or maybe you were always saving one spot?
i have no idea i checked on Wow account manager and it only shows 9 ...well if thats the case i have an extra spot to make a horde. or idk why you asked if i had a horde?

edit- i remember i deleted my bank alt but i thought i filled that spot with my pally. im so confused now haha
grumpee said:
i have no idea i checked on Wow account manager and it only shows 9 ...well if thats the case i have an extra spot to make a horde. or idk why you asked if i had a horde?

edit- i remember i deleted my bank alt but i thought i filled that spot with my pally. im so confused now haha

Well, when you get back, make a Horde lvl1 and /who 10th to get an invite. At least you will have some company if I am not around and Shlau has all the inside info on 49s, 39s to get you up to speed.
Confessin said:
Well, when you get back, make a Horde lvl1 and /who 10th to get an invite. At least you will have some company if I am not around and Shlau has all the inside info on 49s, 39s to get you up to speed.

once i get back i have a lot of things to do... i need to lolpve and get like 100 badges for the new healing mace and the chest piece for my pally and im just gona do all the quests i have on my 80s to make some extra gold. i need to get some new gear for grumpee and from there just level my pally heh. so all in all i have lots of things to keep me busy for a while.

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