39 xp -off update dec 2012 "not a priest"


Well the holidays are pretty much here, and i expect that on the week of christmas most will be busy with family. But so far games have been popping on wed's at first it was 2 games, then 3, and that seems to be what we can get in before people have to go to bed b/c they work in the morning or they have children that they need to put to bed etc. So we are looking to make some adjustments to the que time, i remember when queing at 9pm est, meant games could go well past midnight, right now since MoP released we havnt hit that thresh yet, but i am constantly getting messages from people interested in 39's and know people who are making 39's.

that being said if your wondering about returning to the 39 bracket and want to know what to roll, "not a priest"..... i have a priest and so does everyone else lol... most games have been 4 priests on each side, and while we all love priests, when you have 8 psyfiends fearing the hell out of everyone, well you can understand. most of us with priests have other chars, but we end up queing on the priests to get games to pop until we can get the majority of people to use http://49pvp.com/qlist/ "im not sure why its so diffifcult" i constantly see people not on qlist in the games.... but it is what it is. use these forums or the wow battleground forums, visit The 39 Conspiracy | Twinking.net for 39 info and armories you can also view these screenshots i posted of most of the matches 39's have had since august 39 xp-off screenshots to find other armories of players that may not be on the list at the blog page.

above all else. 39's is not the bracket for assholes and elitist. we like it this way, it took a long time to get it this way learning the hard route. Alot of us here have sooo many hours of 39 time that we could constantly grief alot of the players that participate but thats not what makes a community. instead we offer helpful suggestions and if a beef gets started we put the kabosh on it immediately. You want to roll 39 great, be part of the solution not the problem

Special thanks goes to reminisce on Aerie Peak "you guys & gals have been pretty much the alliance team for the past 3 weeks + you have lovely ladies in your guild /wink" All the Horde that have que'd and enjoyed it, Sangye for transfering to Horde to help balance sides.
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Sweet post.
Just got back into WoW and I have a few lvl 39s I am itching to play.
Looks like I will have to wait till Wednesday to get some games in.
It's been 2 years and I am sure a lot has changed, I'm just glad there are still some 39 twinks out there.

Edit: The PvP Queue system is nice, I'll be sure and queue myself up Wednesday.

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