39 Warlock Race?

I want to make a 39 lock to mess around with a friends mage, but I am not sure what race to make. I originally chose orc for bloodfury, but I have seen comments posted that make me consider bloodelf.

Anyone with a 39 lock have a suggestion and a reason that one specific race is most efficient?
Basically, should you choose BE or Orc, benefits are quite the same.

Bloodfury is ok :p I play BE lock & i like its racial aswell.

Orc racial sounds as a little better thou. When i started my 39 lock, i made BE only because it was new race back then )
Personally I see orc as being the best. The +81 spellpower granted from Bloodfury, + the minor damage increase to your pet from Command sees orcs out to have the better racials.
I don't play an Orc so I'm basing the blood fury information off just what I've read, 81 spellpower at 39??? Wow.

If you're an affliction lock at 39 (which lets face it, you should be), then Orc is by far the best, bloodfury combined with glyph of lifetap can be an extra 100-110 spellpower depending on your spirit. This is a huge boost to your effectiveness especially when up against a large group. Being able to silence someone that extra bit should be the least of your worries as a lock you have plenty of other options to shutdown a caster and is not nearly the advantage gain you'd get from that of bloodfury.

That being said horde is ftl and I say go gnome! :D
I got a 49 belf warlock, and I find the silence rather useful when the Retadins close in and begins on the Hammer of Lol routine.
Pers said:
Don't get glyph of lifetap :/

To each their own but I don't find a silly 4% proc off Corruption to outweigh a constant 25 extra spellpower. Glyph of Siphon life only heals you for more, my extra spellpower heals me for more (not as much as SL glyph) and puts out a lot more damage as well.

What else should I be using?

Also if you aren't using Glyph of Felhunter at 39 you fail.
Arcane torrent is an amazing spell but I would only suggest BE for melee classes, and especially paladins. With so few interupts I use it almost every fight. Definatly Orc for warlock however :D
i prefer undead for any class they are available. WotF FTW. it is the dif between life and death many time vs other fully twinked locks.




if you dont have a shadowtrance mod, and don't shadowtrance 8% of the time i'll out dps you. it really is FTW /flex epeen

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