39 twink video compilation

I will prolly start work on a rogue video soon. I would play as assasination spec (might include som lolzclipz of my leet ShS skills though), i just need to play it a bit more.
What music will you use?
vinod said:
What music will you use?

If that is ment towards me. I dont know, I wont use any mainstream music/music that already have been used 100 times.

I got some nice songs that i think wil fit. :D
34 twink - didn't know where to put it

Hi guys,

first time registering and posting, been listening and watching for a while though :) in the shadows :p

I didn't know where to put this, so I hope it's ok posted here, even thoguh it's not 39 (34, close enough :p )

This is an attempt at a lame 34 twink rogue during the 4.0.1 patch :D during it's first release,

hope it's fun for peeps, not made for anything apart from the fun which can be had with it :) no real editing funnily enough :D not really looking any ratings :D just to share the fun I had :) gotta love the music :p

YouTube - ‪Inxio 30-34 twink rogue‬‏
Reading the youtube description tends to help:


The Third The Magical - Kalmah

Kinslayer - Nightwish

Cloud Connected - In Flames

Face to Face - Daft Punk

The Wicker Man - Iron Maiden

Inis Mona - Eluveitie

Diesel Power - Prodigy

19-2000 - Gorrilaz

Remember Me - Journey
Man! Im no so stupid. First 5 song are right, they are in video, but last 4 are not. Instead of them there is that unknown track =)

I wrote a pm to Powerglove, but he is offline for a long time =(

Also i tried to idetnify this track by some programms (mp3 tagger, tunatic, winamp) and some sites... nothing. My last hope is Powerglove)


Sorry for my english.


I found it.


Sorry for offtopic!
quoting my post here since it seems more relevant. probably should have just linked them here.

hey, i wanted to upload my videos for the last time so that if anyone wanted them they could have them. was feeling nostalgic, in part due to having spoken with boostz recently. anyways, here's everything i ever made (with the exception of a video i can't find that involved wall climbing with devustate). some are years old now.

videos in order










here's brumbles video:


a gnome race someone organized for 39s:


a video "guide" i posted on the profession forums for catching a sea turtle:


a small double spriest 2v2 video with rennen:


an old intro that i never got to use


phauren wanted a promotional video for the guild he made, NNC. i know a lot of people hated the dude, but he was always nice to me. computer blew up around this point and didn't finish it.


a trailer i made after i got my computer fixed and discovered people had transferred off my server


a small video i made with lolx


a small video i made on my full AP geared rogue


i think that's everything. some of those videos i never bothered posting (for obvious reasons). they'll be on filefront until they do their routine deletions. lot of fun times and good memories. take care!


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