39 Twink Elemental Shaman

You should armory and copy resto shamans gear.
Well, I'd like to know what items to use, best in slots etc. Also specs aswell, I haven't been able to locate many armories of ele shamans :( And of the ones I have found, they seem to differ in gear so I can't get a solid choice :p
mmh, ok. druids also wear cloth and leather and with the spellpower changes most of the items healer/dd caster wear are equal.

you can look at

shamans healer/dd

druids healer/dd

to search for gear.

after that you visit wowhead and look for item improvements.

after that you present a set of gear and additional items to the community and ask for improvements/suggestions.

as i never used to play a 39 shaman i can't give you any advice on talents, but there will be others. gear is no prob, as i used read a lot and know some decent druids and shamans. nothing that can't be found with a forum search i think.

besides this, it is not possible to give any good advices atm, cause nobody knows what the patch will bring. if they take away BC enchants, items below lvl 35 will come into account. the leg enchants won't change that much...imo necromancer will remain best in slot for the most casters.

good resto, i would change the weapon though and grab the green tower. they use pretty much the same gear but i would grab a perfect nature dmg green lens, if you cant find one i got one on Sargeras (US) Horde, also would put 6 stats on robe.
choosing the right lens depends on your role in the team. in many situations "of healing" is superior.

the boots for shamans are lvl 28 only...you will have to pick anything else than a BG reward.

weapons differ between shamans and druids. wearing a shield is your best choice imo. be sure to have more than one.
nature dagger + green tower imo, or hand of righteousness for regular SP if you need to toss heals every now and then.

Otherwise there are some changes from resto to ele for a sham imo. Nature shoulders, back, lens, wrist are all solid options over the regular SP stuff (okay so BoA shoulders with a chant are probably better than the nature shoulders overall, but the more sp the better, also Revelosh Shoulders are good as well but both options have less SP) Revelosh gear is ftw too.

Green Whelp tunic because melee will just roll you over half the time otherwise. I use Robe of the Lich on mine though if there are no solid melee twinks on the other team.

The rest of the gear should be semi obvious as most casters are using it also.
I'm currently finishing mine up atm

you want to have a few gearsets to choose from for different situations

I'm going with a full SP set for when we'll be burning down the FC including lightning bolt and flametongue wep glyphs

going to have a good healing set as well and probably a higher stam set, stacking revelosh gear etc for running flag if need be etc..

i mean 39's has long been at a point of "this class = this gear" but it doesnt always fit a persons playstyle, some people like glass cannons others like lots of survivability etc...

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