39 SL Lock

I would max out Fel Concentration at the cost of 2 pts in Imp Corruption and Amplify Curse.

Can't think of anything else.
I would rather use the blighted leggins as leggings.

Oh and @ ur skillbuild:

You got 15 Hit on Gloves, which is nearly the hitcap (20), so more than one point in suspression is wasted.

Also, amplify curse is pretty useless itself, its only taken at higher lvls because its requirement for coex.

You should consider imp. Lifetap, it saves your healer a lot of mana and pressure.

I play a lock at 80, and i couldn't imagine playing without a felhunter. Even at 39 in arenas you don't want to miss the defensive&offensive dispell and the counterspell.

If you want to do arenas, you NEED master summoner, otherwise its pretty hard to get a new pet out even with fel dom and without its impossible.

this is the kind of build, i would do:

If they dont train your pet, you also could do a build without fel dom & master summoner:

Inkubi on turalyon is my lock. I went 8/14/8 for the extra 6% dmg reduction. If you are going to arena w/other casters i'd pick up improved shadow bolt rather than Bane. I went mining/engi, but I'd def go herb/engi probably. I just like having 3k hp unbuffed, lol. It's an amazing build, if you have the HP its pretty easy to survive most rogues. I agree with above poster on the dagger/OH setup. Whether you do stam or shadow dmg that is up to you. If you are looking for a bit more higher dmg build, you can look up Risia on Duskwood. He has a very effective setup as well, and similiar gear to myself usually.
your best bet for arena or bg's:

http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#IMxMrubZbG0ho , ran it for awhile with my old 39 lock on reckoning and bloodlust, I went with a mix of shadow damage and stam, if you stack just stam it gets really boring really fast. I used:

engi head piece

quest neck

boa shoulders

lock quest robes

14 shadow damage bracers w/ 12 stam

revlosh eagle gloves w/ 20 spell power

rfd belt

necro legs

ab boots

underworld bandx2

boa spell power trinket+pvp trinket

soj w/ soulfrost

+stam wand

sl glyph+fel hunter glyph

you do notice a huge difference using amp curse, it helps a ton imo.
What I'd change is the glove enchant. Specc for hit and free it up for 20 SP imo.
Your gear setup looks fine. I would suggest looking for a +5 stamina wand and opting for the 1h+OH setup to maximize stamina. I will also reiterate what others have said and suggest you change your glove enchant to +20 spell power because you've already specced into Suppression.

My main concern is the talent points you've put into demo. Demonic Aegis is one of the best talents in the demo tree and you have zero points in it. As a warlock, you'll be using your felhunter 99% of the time (and hopefully have the fel hunter glyph). Demonic Aegies provides a MAJOR boost to the amount of heal you receive per devour.

Also don't look past the Improved Healthstone talent. Demonic Aegis + Improved healthstone gives you a big time instant heal.

Fel Domination is one of those talents that I think is not worth the 15 minute cooldown without speccing into Master Summoner.

It looks like you're going for some sort of hybrid build, however my advice would be to remove nightfall, Improved fear, and demonic brutality and throw them into Improved healthstone, demonic aegis, and master summoner.

But that's just my two cents!

I would actually suggest [item]Grand Staff of Jordan[/item]

it has everything you want : stam, hit, sp and resil.

if you have access to BOAs I'd actually recommend the resilience versions purchasable with stone keeper's shards. between the resilience on that staff, pvp trinket, shoulders and the boost that resilience is getting next patch -- gl bursting you down 1v1 :p
Sockdolager said:
I would actually suggest [item]Grand Staff of Jordan[/item]

it has everything you want : stam, hit, sp and resil.

if you have access to BOAs I'd actually recommend the resilience versions purchasable with stone keeper's shards. between the resilience on that staff, pvp trinket, shoulders and the boost that resilience is getting next patch -- gl bursting you down 1v1 :p

any idea how much reduction that amount of resil is actually giving at 39?

this is the sort of thing i've pondered on for FC's and what not.
dont roll a lock they are so underpowered, cant really dps well in the 39s

hehe :p

the gear is fine, doesnt matter what you do your gona pwn face w/ a lock...

i tryed alot of dif specs and 30/0/0 or 25/5/0 seemed to be the most effective for me.

ya if u can ge the BoA staff, id say its almost worth the loss on shad dmg, plus if you try to just get spl dmg and not much shad dmg gear your can throw out searing pain with a pally aura. searing pain on my 39 is inefective on my 39 vs siphon life, but on my 29er (all spl no shad) it dps much better than syph life. just an idea if you dont go SoJ w/ soulfrost. could clear up a few xtra points in the siphon life, but you'd hav ot have a healer 24/7 to make up for the lack or health regen...
Hey lola, seph from MYL :p

Inkubi on turalyon, this is the best arena lock i've seen. [char=eu-Ravencrest]Issh[/char] You could take this hat as a replacement for GLoS, until you can get it!

Improved spelltap is essential i think, it will also allow you to drop some int, 2.5k mana pool, should be fine, and stick the rest in stamina. I think the order should be stamina > sp > int. Take suppression in afflic, and take stamina bracers, with 15SP, and 20SP on gloves. I would take Enchanted Blood Robe to get your int back, that you lost on bracers - so a net gain in stats. You cannot stack enough crit at this level, and most twinks have 1-3% resilience from BOA items, you are not going to crit! Spell hit cap is 4%, i think i'd rather take 20SP at this level over 1%. I think amplified curse should not be turned down, getting those dots on fast before someone gets interrupted, or you get CC'd guarantees that you bring what a warlock should bring to an arena - continued pressure.

http://www.wowarmory.com/talent-cal...112020000000000000000000000000000000000000000, is what i think will work in arena. I think Master Summoner is essential against cleave teams, and with imp fel armour + glyph there is no way in hell you are going down with 2 void summons. With anything else you've got instant seduction - you'll be grateful you picked this when two rogues drop you. People say its a waste to take succubus, i don't agree if its used intelligently it can save you from death, or take someone out of combat for 15 secs, it's just using it well, and with some good macros.

With over 200sp you're going to put lots of pressure on the other team with the dots, it might be worth taking 2/2 coa and 3/5 corruption because any priest teams are more common healers than both druids, and also mages in the team, so you are much less likely to get your CoA dispelled.
To answer the resilience question, shield wearers can get around 65 resilience, which is about 4-5%, probably not worth stacking considering the gimps.
Elesian, ty for the compliment, I worked hard on my lock :D I really have to disagree w/you though on using the blueberry. Fel hunter is SO much more beneficial. Glyphed and Demonic Aegis maxed it heals from 400-600 on each devour. Master summoner may be viable if you are doing like 5s and have time to actually sneak off and switch pets. I pretty much just drain tank everything. If you weren't going to spec the 8 pts in destro tree for the 6%, id Def do something along the lines of

The World of Warcraft Armory

Using Fel hunter and Soul Link glyphs. If you have enough HP (3500+ buffed) You can easily survive rogues initial burst especially w/healer. I really think it is worth the 8/14/8 build though. Unless a rogue is very very good and has 0 lag, I usually win about 90% of the time.
Master summoner lets you summon in half a sec, at 80 my arena partner will sometimes burn sacrifice as arena starts, then resummon another pet. Seduction DOES work, with imp seduction under 0.5 secs, and if you are running with a rogue, they either have to eat the blind, or the full seduction, that's the beauty of it! Nothings going to take you down with tonnes of armour and over 3khp, the locks job should be pressure and control. Healthstone is another 500hp, i just can't see how even two pod rets could take you down fast :p.

One combination i'm quite liking now is Warlock, rogue, prot warrior. I get the drop with anything with another rogue in it, tonnes of cc so we can just fight 3v2 most of the game, and one target that just can't be nuked - prot warrior.
elesian said:
To answer the resilience question, shield wearers can get around 65 resilience, which is about 4-5%, probably not worth stacking considering the gimps.

well it's definitely worth it for feral druids that get the -6% to be crit talent. -10% to be crit is huge. Also worth it for SL locks who can already get 60% DR.

Next patch apparently the value is being increased, so it will be better. Not sure by how much though.

If you are a soul link lock you want DR - resilience is awesome for you.

Wonder why there aren't a resilience chest pieces next patch??
For ferals, i agree it may well be worth it - thats level 80 crit reduction levels + the new resi mechanics. As for SL locks, the question is what they loose, for a minor reduction on burst damage.
Consider the upcoming resilience changes. You'll be a PAIN to focus with SL+(Void Sac)+Resilience.

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