39 shadow priests

Dusk #1

Madlib is bad

etc etc

<3 Mannoroth
Spirit still regens mana, it doesn't take talens for it to do that. You know wanding puts you out of 5sr, yes? Maybe try that.
dusky said:

right click the link & save as

the first two clips (priest hunter and lock rogue) are with me as shadow, the last are with me as disc. I think the difference in mana is pretty obvious, and the damage is even comparable at times.

most importantly: a days worth of clips. no fancy editing blah blah we have several errors, mostly about letting people bandage on us but one about fucking up overlapped tidal charms and kicks (heoh!) we're not used to playing 39s blah. contains awesome neilyo references you probably won't get (and will thus mistake for badness) and madlib blunders in chat.

did you ever consider that smite spec with glyph of smite? methinks that would suit you better, and youd have a reason to use spirit. i know you like shadow, but i dont see you flaying alot, and mb is still on a long cd.

if i were you id pick up rainstrider leggings, 4 stats to chest
dusky said:
the first few disc clips are actually with me as 19/11/0 with the smite and PWS glyphs. its mana efficiency was still lackluster vs some of the priests and paladins we were getting, so I ended up going 28/2/0 with flash heal and power word: shield for the last ones.

Go with what you know. From the quality of responses you're getting I don't think you'll find much wisdom here.

To everyone going lololgetspiritnub- he's already stated why spirit doesn't really help him. You've offered no refutation of his logic, aside from "gogo wand!"

Spirit Tap is for leveling, maaaybe BG's when you're being a hero in XP-on (chances of getting the KB in twink BG's are slim, as I discovered at 59; I ended up taking the mana-back-on-dispel talent instead, since there's a lot of happy dispellers)

Imp spirit tap is directly proportional to crit (which is exceedingly low), not to mention one of your least effecient damage spells.

In short, I think you've already discovered everything. My 59spriest has similar issues, but I don't do arenas on him, so I just hog the regen hut in WSG.
I fell in love with how his screen looks, can anyone tell me what addons he uses?

Infinite thanks in advance!

- PS, i kinda liked your move
Buffed for sure ... but I am not sure with what exactly. Arcane Elixir for sure (+20, or 32 if he has alchemy). And a Wizard Oil on the staff (+16 ... or can you still use the +24 ?) ... as a holy priest, you get 25% of your spirit as spell power ... and he has almost 300 spirit, which is like 75 spell power alone. 300 spirit is quite a bit, how did you manage that Useabandage? I cant find you on the armory X_X
Oh damn ... that's ingenious :p Never thought of that, when i was working on a holy set - i nabbed spirit tap because of how awesome it was, but damn ... never thought of the 2 talents going together :p

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