39 shadow priests

your stats are really low. you dont need that much sp, try getting more spirit.
oh idk, for regen? despite popular opinion its not a fluff stat.
dusky said:
unless I'm missing a key mechanic specific to x9ery spirit doesn't have any benefit inside the 5 second rule unless I either take meditation or have spirit tap/improved spirit tap active. (neither of which I have: spirit tap is questionable because of how it will only give me mana after I'll need it, and meditation is out of reach.) in arena, I pretty much always will be in the 5 second rule. in battlegrounds, I'll be able to drink almost every time I'm not in it.

in short, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh buff shadow ;'(

maybe i should be more specific, what is the problem exactly? you cant kill, or youre running oom, or youre dying too quick?
dusky said:
anything with a healer (or heals/dispels in general) will live long enough that I go completely oom (which is about 45 seconds.)

Your twink looks near perfect to me, and may be perfect- I just haven't searched for 39 spriest gear ;D

I played a 39 warrior the longest out of all my twinks- and she was by far my most loved. Usually priests didn't give me any trouble, but I do remember one particular duel that I just couldn't get around...

That's a lot to blow through 2,872 mana in 45 seconds... Regardless- I'd say you have to go into Spirit Tap, and Imp Spirit Tap, and grab a nice spirit heavy regen set. Priests are the only class I consider grabbing a regen set for, and this is only for Spirit Tap. May drop Shadow Reach/Weaving.

Your rotation may not be helping you either... Stay away from Power Word: Shield, unless you're fighting an arms warrior (Taste of Blood talent), and other high cost spells. Glyph Mind Flay and use it- it's pretty mana efficient. You need to play more like a mage.

Hope that helps,

look, its simple theorycraft:

you can have sp and crit out the ass, but if youre oom those stats are useless. spirit tap, spirit gear. do eet.

also, vid would be alot of help :)

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