39 rogue twink

Minus the BoA gear...but BiS.

To get "of the monkey" you click the gloves, then go to the enchanting tab and there should be a little bar with "Select a Random Enchantment" Above it.

chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm

If i can help, then sure. I have a lot of down time at work except for when i work GYshift, so I enjoy my free time making chardevs :p
U missed some great games dori, There was absolutely no class stacking in these games. The most rogues that were on alliance was 2. There was also 2 games up @once.

Was an amazing night for 39s
Oh then grats :D

i gotta head to bed tho ):

gn ti
Mrcer, since i plan on updating my 39 rogue. Could you make a chardev for mutilate (i have BoA shoulders and chest, also most grandfathered items). THanks!
I could probably throw something together but just out of curiosity, what makes you want to go mutilate?
Mrcer said:
I could probably throw something together but just out of curiosity, what makes you want to go mutilate?

I just like mutilate better. Not reliable on a big ambush crit and such.

I'll stick with my mutilate spec or roll with a Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft kind of spec.

Edit: And Mrcer, i feel that the +2 stam and the +8 haste on boots isnt better then the 8% speed increase from AB boots. So if you arent running a mutispec where you get +15% speed you should use the AB boots.
emetophilia said:
I just like mutilate better. Not reliable on a big ambush crit and such.

I'll stick with my mutilate spec or roll with a Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft kind of spec.

Edit: And Mrcer, i feel that the +2 stam and the +8 haste on boots isnt better then the 8% speed increase from AB boots. So if you arent running a mutispec where you get +15% speed you should use the AB boots.

Don't play mutilate, Shadowstep is necessary to be viable, you rogue spec is just as good if not better than ambush spec.

If you really care about the 8% speed (which i agree with), go with boars speed on the boots. -1 stam +8 haste
Bieberfever said:
Don't play mutilate, Shadowstep is necessary to be viable, you rogue spec is just as good if not better than ambush spec.

If you really care about the 8% speed (which i agree with), go with boars speed on the boots. -1 stam +8 haste

But me liekz mutilate... But i guess i'll try it out. And btw you gave me that spec :p
Yeah, I don't understand why you put 12 Stamina on boots Mrcer, Minor Speed is huge on a Rogue.

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