39 Rogue - Suggestions on how to improve Gear/Spec?


EDIT: I have updated my spec to a 0/3/27. If the armoury still says 0/0/30, than it is wrong (and my gear will be too) - please wait for the armoury to update it so my spec says 0/3/27.

The World of Warcraft Armory - Emonator @ Spinebreaker - Profile

Any suggestions as how to improve this character would be appriciated before I move him to Draenor

Also I have:

Whirling Steel Axes

Defiler's Belt (To swap out when Gem-studded Leather Belt is on CD)

Legionnaire's Band

And I have the means to level my First Aid, Mining and Herbalism (after I drop Engineering) to 300 or more if that is possible

Thanks for the help
Stick with Engi for goggles, Mining only gives like 10 Stamina.

Herbalism is pure win though.

Vanquisher's Sword for OH, using DLS will get you hated.
Hello there.

I would say get Adventurer's Pith Helmet and change the enchant on your gloves to +15 hit.

Also revelosh gloves of the monkey would be a better pair of gloves. And while you are getting the gloves. you can pick up the monkey shoulders.

you can get a bandit ring from the satchel loot which is better than legionnaire's band.

AGM (which i see that you are working towards).

Vanquisher's Sword with +20 agi in OH and get a Nordic Longshank with steel weapon chain for facing rogues.

I would get Ogrons sash instead of the defiler's belt as a second choice.
Adventurer's Pitch Helmet

Revelosh gloves of the monkey

Revelosh shoulders of the monkey

Vanquisher sword with 20 agi in OH and Sharpened scarlet kris with steel wep chain against rogues/warriors

Whirling steel axes (yes its the best, you need a trown)

12 stam bracers

12 stam boots

15 hit hands

7 agi 7 stam 14 ap sachel ring
Pith is only good if you have BoAs iirc, otherwise you need to net the Hit from the Comfortable Leather Hat.
Ok, thanks for the help, I have some questions from your replies:

1: Why is using DLS make me hated? Personally reducing 100 armour for 30 seconds and preventing rogues going back into stealth is brilliant, especially if I die. It would seriously annoy them ^^ It also does slightly more damage than Vanquisher Sword - but I will get Vanquisher Sword anyway

2: What Engineering goggles? Otherwise I was planning to go for Adventurer's Pith Helmet anyway

3: Is stacking up as much stamina as possible on enchants the right thing to do? Is having another 400 HP better than having more damage? (as a rogue)
Emonator said:
Ok, thanks for the help, I have some questions from your replies:

1: Why is using DLS make me hated? Personally reducing 100 armour for 30 seconds and preventing rogues going back into stealth is brilliant, especially if I die. It would seriously annoy them ^^ It also does slightly more damage than Vanquisher Sword - but I will get Vanquisher Sword anyway

2: What Engineering goggles? Otherwise I was planning to go for Adventurer's Pith Helmet anyway

3: Is stacking up as much stamina as possible on enchants the right thing to do? Is having another 400 HP better than having more damage? (as a rogue)

1. Because the proc is really, really overpowered against Rogues, denying a re-stealth/Vanish. No other Rogue uses it, and once you've been the subject to it you'll see that it's better that no one has it than that everyone does.

2. Catseye Goggles I think they're called. Something like that anyway. +Stealth detection.

3. 2900HP 400AP > 2200HP 500AP, I promise you that.
Moderately increases your stealth detection over 9 agility 14 stamina 7 critical strike?

Seems that rogues are just stacking more and more stealth detection so they are guarentied the sap

Is that only for Arena? Or do you recommend me using those Goggles for WSG as well?

And if you have a priest or Paladin in your group, they can dispel the Dazzling Longsword effect, surely there must be some paladin/priest twinks. Anyway, I don't mind not using Dazzling Longsword, but will it be banned from arranged WSGs and Arenas? Will I get kicked out of guilds because of it? I don't want that

EDIT: Otherwise maybe i can put a Steel Weapon Chain on my Dazzling Longsword vs Rogues

EDIT: TBH Rogues can just get http://www.wowhead.com/item=9030 ^^

EDIT: Also http://www.wowhead.com/item=5634 a good idea for WSG?
Free Action Potions have, by the norms I've learned, been a no-go in WSG premades.

Rogues can't use that Restorative Poison in arenas, and a class shouldn't need to crutch on consumables.

DLS will get you hate from everyone. Wouldn't surprise if it would lead to a /gkick if you use it after warnings.

Goggles are only for arena vs. Rogues and RvR.

And this is a perfect 39 Rogue-link.
So no Free Action Potions? Seems that even twinks arn't allowed to make the best use of all items Blizzard put into the game :(

Oh well, I agree with Tetrica's Chardev link I'm trying to assemble all the pieces for it right now

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