39 Rogue macros :D

Brumble's Rogue Macro List

He gave this out on the Ruin Forums, and I figured some of you guys would like them :)

You can Sap ~> Garrote manually without a macro. Your special attack hitbox radius is slightly larger than your auto attack hitbox radius.

Here's an example



The blue radius is your auto attack range and the red symbolizes your special attack hitbox range. So as long as you Garrote/Rupture/Expose Armor, etc outside of the blue but still within that red range you won't be able to land an auto attack swing to break the Sap/Blind/Sheep, etc.

It's not always possible to lineup the hitbox radius properly however so here are some macros that work

Pheq's Macro


#showtooltip Expose Armor


/equipslot 17 YOUR REGULAR MH HERE

/equipslot 16 YOUR REGULAR OH HERE

/cast [stealth] Cheap Shot; [nostealth] Expose Armor


#showtooltip Rupture


/equipslot 17 YOUR REGULAR MH HERE

/equipslot 16 YOUR REGULAR OH HERE

/cast [stealth] Garrote; [nostealth] Rupture


When you use those macros you're triggering artifical GCDs from the weapon swap which prevent you from auto attacking.

I use this macro which just swaps my MH/OH positions for the GCD it generates and then manually Garrote/Rupture/EA, etc

#showtooltip 16

/Equipslot 17 16


I tend to use a lot of focus casts which allows moves like this;


I've enabled a /startattack on the target dummy on the left of the screen, but I have the target dummy directly in front of me set as my focus which I would have sapped/blinded


While still auto attacking my target I /cast [target=focus] Cheap Shot ( or /cast [target=focus] Garrote ) the dummy in front of me


I'm still auto attacking the target on the left which overrides the initiation of an auto attack on my focus when I CS'd it. I'm then able to /cast [target=focus] Expose Armor/Rupture on the focus target. The Blind/Sap would still be intact. /cast [target=mouseover] would also work in place of the focus.

As far as Important 39 rogue macros go, I'd get a sap macro and a /cast [target=focus] Blind or mouseover macro.

Here's some that I use which I posted in the other rogue macro thread

Stealth macro

#showtooltip Vanish

/Cast [nostealth] Stealth

/Cast [stealth] Cheap Shot

/Cast [modifier:ctrl] Vanish

Sap macro

#showtooltip Sap

/Cast [nostealth] Stealth



/Cast Sap

Cancel stealth

#showtooltip Stealth

/Cancelaura Stealth



/cast [modifier:alt] Sinister Strike

/cast [target=focus,modifier:shift] Hemorrhage

/cast Hemorrhage


GS/Backstab/Remove bubble


/cancelaura Hand of Protection

/cast [modifier:alt] Backstab

/cast [target=focus,modifier:shift] Ghostly Strike

/cast Ghostly Strike


This is the basic template that I use for the majority of my abilities, Focus/Mouosever cast macros; Kick, Gouge, Cheap Shot, Kidney Shot, Slice and Dice, Expose Armor, Blind etc


/cast [target=focus,modifier:shift] Dismantle

/cast [target=mouseovers,modifier:alt] Dismantle

/cast Dismantle

Trinket macros - 13 = Top trinket, 14 = Bottom trinket



/cast [target=mouseover,modifier:alt] 13

/cast [target=focus,modifier:shift] 13

/cast 13



/cast [target=mouseover,modifier:alt] 14

/cast [target=focus,modifier:shift] 14

/cast 14

Vanish to drop combat and gearswap into a pure DPS gearset into a Cheap shot

/cast Vanish

/itemrack equip C+A+S+4

/cast Cheap Shot

One button poison application

/use Crippling Poison

/use 16

/click StaticPopup1Button1

/use Wound Poison

/use 17

/click StaticPopup1Button1

Parachute Cloak

/equip Parachute Cloak

/cancelaura Slow Fall

/use Parachute Cloak


/equip Skull of Impending Doom

/Cancelaura Flee

/use Skull of Impending Doom


/cast [mod:shift, target=focus, equipped:thrown] Throw; [mod:shift, target=focus] Shoot; [mod:alt, target=mouseover, equipped:thrown] Throw; [mod:alt, target=mouseover] Shoot; [equipped:thrown] Throw; Shoot;

/stopattack [modifier]

Sets my current target as my Focus target

/Focus [Target=Target, exists]

Sets my last target as my Focus




Sets the player I'm hovering my mouse over as my Focus

/Focus [Target=Mouseover, exists]

Sets my targets target as my Focus




Sets the closest hostile target as my Focus




nice one.



#showtooltip Preparation

/cast Evasion

/cast Sprint

/cast Preparation


#showtooltip Sap

/console targetNearestDistance 10.000000

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

/console targetNearestDistance 41.000000

/cast [harm,nodead] Sap

for BEs / kick, torrent:


/castsequence reset=10 Kick, Arcane Torrent
Bansil said:
nice one.



#showtooltip Preparation

/cast Evasion

/cast Sprint

/cast Preparation


#showtooltip Sap

/console targetNearestDistance 10.000000

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

/console targetNearestDistance 41.000000

/cast [harm,nodead] Sap

for BEs / kick, torrent:


/castsequence reset=10 Kick, Arcane Torrent

You need a [nostealth] modifier infront of Evasion. Otherwise it'll evasion when you're stealthed.
evasion will get us out of stealth...right. good point. maybe a second modifier is viable.

there may be situations i want to pop both even if i am stealthed. dunno...
Unstablle said:
lol it doesnt lower the skill cap, it raises it. it class mechanics.

depends how you see it. if you're striving to be the best player, then sure it might raise it. but if you're just looking for an easy way to kill people, it might be lowering it and disallowing people to learn their class.

someone on a 39 rogue had a macro binded to every key...it was like

CS -> hemo -> hemo -> KS -> hemo -> hemo -> evis

or something like that

went 41-0.

another example could be a

curse of agony -> corruption -> siphon life

macro. you still need corruption and siphon life binded because sometimes you shouldn't cast curses first on people. but, with this single macro you can kill plenty of people.

personally i don't use macroes. i do just fine. could i be better with macroes? perhaps. but meh...it's not a huge difference.
yeah, in some cases macroes can make your class easier to play and brings less skill into play. but some some macroes, like mouse over and focus macroes can make such a huge difference, especially in arena situations. having the healer set as focus, being able to see what he is casting/doing/etc. can help you gain a huge advantage, and allow you to more easily shut down his heals or any type of cc being cast.

A few more things

One button poison application

/use Crippling Poison

/use 16

/click StaticPopup1Button1

StaticPopup1 = any confirmation box, and button1 = accept. If you use this macro while you have any other confirmation box up ( Joining WSG/AB/Arena/Party, etc) It will auto accept. I've accidentally joined an arena while in Warsong because I went to change a poison application on my offhand just as the queue popped >.<!

I use seven keybinds now to apply poisons. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F1 = /use Crippling Poison, Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F2 = /use Wound Poison etc, F3-F4-F5 for other poisons with /use 16(MH) bound to Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A and /use 17(OH) bound to Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S. Clicking through your bags and character page to apply a poison once per hour is fine, but I'll often swap poisons out in combat(with a 3 second cast time a 4 second gouge is plenty of time to switch your OH poison from Wound to Mind Numbing against that mage) so removing any delay is crucial

/Cancelaura Stealth

/Cancelaura is the same as right clicking off a buff, I just find it more quicker and more accurate

I use this for handing off the flag:

F5 = /say Dropping the Flag - Grab it!

Shift+F5 = /cancelaura Warsong Flag

/cancelaura Hand of Protection - Levitate - Slowfall - Dampen Magic - Amplify Magic - Shadow Sight are all handy to have as well.


/cast [mod:shift, target=focus, equipped:thrown] Throw; [mod:shift, target=focus] Shoot; [mod:alt, target=mouseover, equipped:thrown] Throw; [mod:alt, target=mouseover] Shoot; [equipped:thrown] Throw; Shoot;

/stopattack [modifier]

This macro will Throw at your target if you have a throwing weapon equipped, shoot at your target if you have a bow/gun equipped, and will Throw/Shoot on your Focus/Mouseover target with Shift/Alt modifiers, again depending on which ranged weapon is equipped. I use the /stopattack [modifier] to stop attacking my target if I'm trying to throw on my focus/mousoever target because auto attacks reset your throw timer preventing you from getting the cast off. If I see a rogue looking to drop combat for a restealth as I'm engaged with someone else I'll focus or mouseover cast a throw 5-5.5 seconds after he was last in combat. The throw just has to be airborne before he stealths

A few other non-rogue specific macro/scripts I use

/run ShowHelm(true)

/run ShowHelm(false)

/run ShowCloak(true)

/run ShowCloak(false)

true=Show false=Hide

/Equip Parachute Cloak

/run ShowCloak(true)

/Equip Scorpashi Cloak

/run Showcloak(false) etc

/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Removes red text spam

To zoom the camera out as far as is allowed:

/console CameraDistanceMax 25

/console CameraDistanceMaxFactor 2

To return to defaults:

/console CameraDistanceMax 15

/console CameraDistanceMaxFactor 1

/run i="Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor"; for y=1,GetContainerNumSlots(-4) do l=GetContainerItemLink(-4,y) if l and GetItemInfo(l)==i then SplitContainerItem(-4,y,10); DeleteCursorItem(); DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("Destroyed 10x%s", l)); end end

This was posted by Unforgiven in another thread. It will destroy 10 WSG marks when used

To delete an Arathi Basin Mark of Honor:

/run i="Arathi Basin Mark of Honor"; for y=1,GetContainerNumSlots(-4) do l=GetContainerItemLink(-4,y) if l and GetItemInfo(l)==i then SplitContainerItem(-4,y,1); DeleteCursorItem(); DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("Destroyed 1x%s", l)); end end

Bansil said:

#showtooltip Sap

/console targetNearestDistance 10.000000

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

/console targetNearestDistance 41.000000

/cast [harm,nodead] Sap

You can no longer modify your tab targeting distance with console commands. This does something similar though http://www.arenajunkies.com/showthread.php?t=57207

Benchlol said:
God so many macros, so many ways to make the skill cap even lower :(
It depends on how they're used ;P

If you're able to DPS a target, Gouge a focus and Mouseover cast kick to interupt third player all simultaneously, then macros made you more effecient and raised the skill cap imo

/Castsequences are bad though! ;[
if you can be beat by a single button spammer... I think the question about whose skill is the suck is pointed at the wrong person. Just sayin'

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