39 Rogue, I need Advice!


Here is were I am,

I am making a Rogue for the 39 Bracket Alliance, and I am debating which race to be?

Night Elf- Shadowmeld and Elusiveness and 2% Mele and Range less to be hit.

Human- 2 Min Trinket, Perception and Expertise with Maces and Swords.

I like the way NE look but I like the racials that Human have. Which one is better?
Riot said:
Here is were I am,

I am making a Rogue for the 39 Bracket Alliance, and I am debating which race to be?

Night Elf- Shadowmeld and Elusiveness and 2% Mele and Range less to be hit.

Human- 2 Min Trinket, Perception and Expertise with Maces and Swords.

I like the way NE look but I like the racials that Human have. Which one is better?

Well i had the same problem as you did :p IMO it depends on your playstyle , do you want 3 vanishes or an extra trinket slot so you can equip Tidal charm and panther at the same time ? Really a matter of playstlye :)

Tho on hindsight , i would rather be a human . Perception and 2 min trinket CD is sexy :p
Human or dwarf. Humans have an automatic advantage against other rogues in stealth fights, dwarves have an automatic advantage against anyone using bleeds or poisons. Two trinket slots can also be a big deal if you make good use of them. Personally, I'd probably go with human, though partly because I don't like dwarves. They're kinda the flavor of the month though, and dwarves do get the nice racial advantage with the mallet of zul'farrak.
Thanks Jadyn and Jenif, yeah but i just hate dwarfs, so fat and just fat. Definetly human, also jenif i really like your pvp video haha would you like to PTR 1v1 sometime? I would like to take a crack at you, once i finish my Alliance of course.
ugh, i hate the ptr because of the lag. makes it nearly impossible to time vanishes and such right :/

but sure, i could always use the practice :) is the ptr still up?
I honestly don't know, plus I would have to use a full Ap undead rogue so we will wait until I finish my human, yeah ptr eww lag but it's better than transfering for some duels haha.
Human fo' sho, if you must be Alliance.

Why you'd want to go Alliance is beyond me. :eek:
Ikeelyoo said:
Why you'd want to go Alliance is beyond me. :eek:

I hear ya there! I started with Horde and my friends all started alliance. If I didn't like them so much I'd tell them all to get bent, so I could get back to the mosh pit.

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