39 Rogue changes

Like most of you, I'm looking at making gear changes to mitigate the effects of 3.1, and I figure I'd open a discussion with the rogue community.

Has anyone done an analysis on gear changes to maximize HP without losing too my AP yet?

Is ambush now the "spec du jour?"

I played both rogues last night (Sunblayde and Moonblayde) and I'm a little disappointed that they've loss survivability (though their damage output is still decent).
No ambush is still only for lulz i can crit and then that is it, the sub prep build is still the way to go. I haven't looked into best gear choices yet but just make sure you have hit capped and then go from there really. Personally I don't really feel like I've lost much but pallys have gained exorcism and some destro locks popping up are dealing quite a bit of damage. And in group fights well nothing has changed at all except your not going to be living those extra few seconds with that loss of hp - but really you would have died anyway. :p

Just had a look for some armories if you want to have a look ^^

Be jealous of this guy:- [char=Arthas]Brumble[/char]

Then these two whoes gear you can get:- [char=Vek%27nilash]Jenif[/char]

And:- [char=Barthilas]Boostz[/char]

Not necessarily the best gear but a pointer as to what you should be aiming for anyway.
Benchlol said:
Just had a look for some armories if you want to have a look ^^

Be jealous of this guy:- [char=Arthas]Brumble[/char]

Then these two whoes gear you can get:- [char=Vek%27nilash]Jenif[/char]

And:- [char=Barthilas]Boostz[/char]

Not necessarily the best gear but a pointer as to what you should be aiming for anyway.

Yeah; I never got Rev monkey gloves (I instead use GoHMs) but it seems that 180 HP is kinda necessary now.

Here's me (don't mind the dagger MH; I was screwing around when I logged last night; I use the ZF mallet normally).


I also have Goldminer's, and Pith, which I use on special occasions.
I'm sitting at 490ap, 20% crit and 2500 unbuffed after the nerf. This also includes 35 hit rating, so capped. It's about the best you can do now, i could not find any greater overall stats.
elesian said:
I'm sitting at 490ap, 20% crit and 2500 unbuffed after the nerf. This also includes 35 hit rating, so capped. It's about the best you can do now, i could not find any greater overall stats.

El, mind giving me your twink to armory? I'd like to compare gear.

Thanks in advance.
elesian said:
I'm sitting at 490ap, 20% crit and 2500 unbuffed after the nerf. This also includes 35 hit rating, so capped. It's about the best you can do now, i could not find any greater overall stats.

You're using 20 agility on main hand instead of mongoose. You didn't max out heightened senses and you don't have any points in Relentless, all of that just to get 2% extra crit and a bit of attack power.

Your stats look nice on an armory page, but ingame it's a different story. An equally skilled Rogue with Mongoose and a normal hemo spec will perform better than you.
20 Agility on OH vs Mongoose is always debatable, after trying both I do prefer 20 Agility but meh personally I don't think overall it will make such a difference for one of them to be significantly better. Also spec is down to him, OP was just looking for the best gear set :).

Benchlol said:
20 Agility on OH vs Mongoose is always debatable, after trying both I do prefer 20 Agility but meh personally I don't think overall it will make such a difference for one of them to be significantly better. Also spec is down to him, OP was just looking for the best gear set :).


He has it on his main hand too. The only reason I brought in his spec is because of the extra crit he has in his stats, I tried to show how he achieved that. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not attacking Elesian for his gear/spec, not at all, everyone has their preferences :)

I'm merely pointing out that the OP shouldn't go by stats on paper.
Oh I didn't see he had it on MH too, still if you replace that with MH his AP goes down to 460, and 5% crit from talents but those could also be put into AP talents so it balances out.

Untalented though 2.5k hp - 35 hit - 460AP - 15% crit is still probably the one of the best or nearest to best stats you could get right now. Of course his spec isn't the best and he could replace the AB trinket for Arena Master or Tidal charm but still isn't bad.
Ishh said:
He has it on his main hand too. The only reason I brought in his spec is because of the extra crit he has in his stats, I tried to show how he achieved that. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not attacking Elesian for his gear/spec, not at all, everyone has their preferences :)

I'm merely pointing out that the OP shouldn't go by stats on paper.

Thanks Ishh. I'll keep that under consider this, if I can ever get to see Seph's Armory page.
I'm gonna go ahead and say I have little need for 2k+hp. I just don't need it.

Pretty much anything I'm actually going to attack dies before I need to Thistle, stuns go down, reset fight, whatever.
I will never take mongoose on main hand. Ever. I've put it on, replaced it several times, and i guarantee you i always outperform the duel mongoose guy. I don't care about any statistics, i've wasted about 4000g on mongoose enchants, it's crap. It's all well and good talking mean uptime figures, but what people forget is the amount of time it procs 50% and more into the battle. I always feel unhappy with mongoose, doing minutes of a battle with no proc. I put it on again recently, it took 7 minutes of constant fighting to get one proc - i have a holy paladin keeping me up and letting me zerk the field.

People always give me shit about mongoose, but i'm sticking with how i feel. I've tested it enough, and compared the damage tables enough to know that 20AGI is on a similar performance level overall to mongoose. The other problem is that it is so blatantly obvious, two swords over your head and people gtfo. How much swing time do you ACTUALLY have with mongoose running?

5 points in relentless strikes is just too many wasted points IMO. I'm sure if you compared the extra crit to the 5 points in relentless strikes, particularily over a mid to long period, crit would come out on top.

The choice for garotte is simply, i also sometimes, depending on the situation open with an ambush, but rarely. Garotte gives me another 150 on my opening (25 energy = 25/35 hemos or about 150 damage) - hit garotte and GS and you've really just damaged your hardest opponent - mage. If there is one class that is going to own you more than any other, it's the mage. Slightly sloppy play and your eating a pyro. Open with a imp GS and a garotte, you're making him sweat.

The heightened senses really should be taken, however, i ALWAYS arena with catseyes. The >20% crit makes me sleep at night. I'm going to say something really stupid now, but i do not really think anyone really, truly understands the combat mechanics of wow, and i'm tempted to say that wow will try to normalize 1 in 5, precisely, over a long time. There is something really strange about crit, that i can't fathom. The difference between 15% and 20% is enormous, anything about 25% seems wasteful. At one point i had 50% crit on my feral 80 druid, and there is no way i was critting 1 in 2 - try 1 in 4. This was against a standard mob, of same level, x parry, dodge etc, my 50% crit chance had full space on that combat table.

Even if its capped at say 40% (i do not know the exact figure) there was no way i was getting 40% crits, as i said, try 25%.

I play equal arena and BG, so AB trinket is actually more beneficial to me overall, however, with the 12 stamina changes, it is something i might go for.
i always had dual 20agi on my rogue. the point is, that mongoose will only proc after your opponent starts to take control over the fight and then he will stay away from you for the duration if he can.

20agi is there for you everytime. during burst, while being kited and in form of AP when opening the fight.

and i never used a dazzling in RvR. as i need a strategie for the case of no proc, i'll use this strategie and benefit from stats on OH. that's it.

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