39 Ret Pally.

Check out Serethia in my Sig.

I know what items I'm lacking, just wanted to ask what you think about it.

No main on that realm btw.
Keep in mind once 3.2 hits, then weapon speed really wont matter. So its just dps/stats you need to worry about. (havent looked ya up yet, gettin ready to) So dont waste gold buyin any PoD or anythign as its just avg at best come next patch.
BorisBlade said:
Keep in mind once 3.2 hits, then weapon speed really wont matter. So its just dps/stats you need to worry about. (havent looked ya up yet, gettin ready to) So dont waste gold buyin any PoD or anythign as its just avg at best come next patch.

PoD will still be BiS.

Your Pally is looking pretty good. I think you should use a 2h instead of the Mace and Shield for Sure. I think a LoA would be your best choice if you can't get a PoD or a BaR. Otherwise your trinkets need to be upgraded. A pvp trinket and AGM would be Ideal I think.
is pvp trinket reffering to insignia? for a human?

and having SnB to start fights against rogues is really not a bad choice. he already got a pacifier, LoA and bonebiter 2H.
Yeah I ment Insignia. Althought I thought it didn't share a c/d With Every Man for Himself. If it does which I think it does then Maybe a Deathray or Netomatic instead of the current trinkets. And As for a rogue fight if you can Hand of Freedom out of the First Stun Get a Hammer of Justice on and do your first attack then you should be alright even without using a Trinket or Every Man For Himself.
[item]Tidal Charm[/item] hands down best.
-PoD will be BiS besides BAR - I'm working on that.

-1H chant will be 20 Agi or Crusader, seeing how it's used against Rogues 99% of the time.

-Using BB over LoA, both have been tested.

-Working on AGM and especially Tidal Charm.

-Working on Engi after PoD.

Anything else I'm missing?

Edit: I've been dueling some of the best rogues in the BG (Eloz, Kopnuss to name them, still waiting for Ishh to show up @Arena), and that being said, weapon choice strongly depends on the opponents playstyle. Against Eloz, a shield is almost worthless while beating Kopnuss without it seems impossible.

Might be looking for a Green Tower aswell, but that's faaaaaar away. Guess I'll stick to my current shield with 18 Stamina.
leveling a char up to 80 and get BAR will be easier than gettin a PoD right?

20agi > 20str?

and as you cannot spam attacks while your opponent is in stunlock i dont think a proc chant will be up very often before you switch to your 2H.

dunno, if i were you, i would do MY shamans totem quests before gettin a pod for a pally with 3 weapons in his pockets^^
Leveling a char up to 80 would cost 30€. :(

20 Agi > 20 Str as I get dodge and armor. MOZF is my defensive weapon, not my offensive one. As I stated out, I don't switch to BB most of the time :S

Yeah well, doing Totem quests and getting PoD won't exclude each other. Auctioneer for the win. Why won't you show up online by the way? Haven't chatted for ages.
I love the gear on my 39 twink, Lipgloss on the list, but for some reason I hate playing 39 ret pallies. Sure was cheap to gear though. No BOE gear that was overpriced.
Neratho said:
Leveling a char up to 80 would cost 30€. :(

20 Agi > 20 Str as I get dodge and armor. MOZF is my defensive weapon, not my offensive one. As I stated out, I don't switch to BB most of the time :S

ah ok...so you want to stick to mallet during a fight. keep in mind that it seems judgements go live by prefering slow weapons. i thought you only want to use SnB to benefit from some more HP on that to get rid of the initial burst.

well, i think 20 agi is a good choice anyway then.
I thought of that too, but some rogues stick to me like glue instead of trying to bleed kite me, and those situations clearly favor SnB.

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