39 Prot(DPS) Warrior


What is the current(not cata) BiS hands, waist, wrist, back, and feet for a 39 Prot(DPS) warrior?
sarcasm or not? i knowingly made the choice not to go for the hitcap to start with and then get altenative gear for hit to see the difference :)

also im not saying he should use the enchants i have, only talking about gear
EDIT::: So didn't read the part about you wanting it DPS, this is meant just for the traditional prot set. Doesn't change too much though: Youll have so much survivability that you can wear em down.

Well let's throw my thoughts in on the issue here...

Since you boys and girls are looking for the CURRENT set-up, I will try to do the best I can.

Atm, it looks a little like this:


Green Lens - Item - World of Warcraft of Stamina (25) for Engineers.

Helm of Exile - Item - World of Warcraft for Non-Engineers.


Dragon's Blood Necklace - Item - World of Warcraft

Gazlowe's Charm - Item - World of Warcraft (I like this personally better)


Revelosh's Spaulders - Item - World of Warcraft of Stamina (13)

BACK (With 12 Dodge)

Silky Spider Cape - Item - World of Warcraft

Wing of the Whelpling - Item - World of Warcraft (Acceptable alternative)

CHEST (With 150 HP)

Blood-tinged Armor - Item - World of Warcraft (Horde only)

BRACERS (With 12 Stamina)

Revelosh's Armguards - Item - World of Warcraft of Stamina (10)

GLOVES (With either 15 Strength)

Revelosh's Gloves - Item - World of Warcraft of the Bear (8 STR, 9 STAM)


Ogron's Sash - Item - World of Warcraft


Legguards of the Vault - Item - World of Warcraft

BOOTS (With Boars Speed)

Dusty Mail Boots - Item - World of Warcraft

Ancient Greaves - Item - World of Warcraft of Stamina (14)


Deadman's Hand - Item - World of Warcraft

Tumultuous Ring - Item - World of Warcraft of Stamina


Arena Grand Master - Item - World of Warcraft

Inherited Insignia of the Horde - Item - World of Warcraft

Mark of the Chosen - Item - World of Warcraft

WEAPON (With Crusader or Mongoose, your call)

Mallet of Zul'Farrak - Item - World of Warcraft

SHIELD (With 18 Stamina)- Use Situationally

Aegis of the Scarlet Commander - Item - World of Warcraft

The Green Tower - Item - World of Warcraft


Whirling Steel Axes - Item - World of Warcraft

Outrider's Bow - Item - World of Warcraft

Enjoy, you'll probably clock in at over 4k :)
He was asking for DPS, I'd still grab helm of exile quick though, its a lot of hit and stam. Also no revelosh's bear gloves to the best of my knowladge.
OP, I figure I'm straight up gonna answer your question and call it a day ^^

Hands, if Earthbound Grips - Item - World of Warcraft of the Soldier are unavailable, I like Gloves of Holy Might - Item - World of Warcraft or Revelosh's Gloves - Item - World of Warcraft of the monkey. Gauntlets of Divinity - Item - World of Warcraft... are pure shit.

Waist, http://www.wowhead.com/item=10768 until Cata, then http://www.wowhead.com/item=13117 when it's taken away.

Bracers, if ya need/like more crit, Revelosh's Armguards - Item - World of Warcraft of the monkey. Otherwise, those bracers in their 20 AP variety

Back, either Battlehard Cape - Item - World of Warcraft or Cabalist Cloak - Item - World of Warcraft (7 STR, 7 STAM variety)

Feet, Ironheel Boots - Item - World of Warcraft. If ya don't wanna faction change, then Ancient Greaves - Item - World of Warcraft are alright.
if you want BiS mail dps gear, you should check out my paladin. link below. He should be able to provide you with some decent gear :>
Kogolol said:
sarcasm or not? i knowingly made the choice not to go for the hitcap to start with and then get altenative gear for hit to see the difference :)

also im not saying he should use the enchants i have, only talking about gear
OFC it's sarcasm, it's soo damn easy on 39 now to get hitcap soo there's only bads who "choose" to not have hitcap.

Diffrence? You miss/you dont miss.
elocon said:
OFC it's sarcasm, it's soo damn easy on 39 now to get hitcap soo there's only bads who "choose" to not have hitcap.

Diffrence? You miss/you dont miss.

yeah thanks a million but i know how hit works :>

and um i do have "alternative gear" as i said which makes me hitcapped. Im from vindication so theres no 39 games, no other 39s to duel so wat im gonna do is stack ap and see how much my shield slam can crit on a mottled boar. Endless fun and no hit rating needed.

On a more serious note, i do have a question: Do i need to use a 2h for anything as a prot? My old prot twink friends say its good to start a fight with a 2h, to get a rend or something. Is this true?
start with a hamstring imo, rend is available in defensive stance. warriors are easely kited when charge is on cooldown, so start off with a hamstring

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