39 priests.


Ok first off, which race looks the best for 39 priests in the available gear? =P horde ofc.

secondly, how viable is shadow in the 39 bracket? Like viable enough to get a set for it?

Whose the perfect priest to copy gearwise for healing and then another one for shadow? also are spirit sets viable at 39?

Are there any videos of pro priests that I could watch to start learning how to be good at em? lol
Draenei, Night elf both good choices..bah horde ;) but in all seriouseness...Undead.

Shadow is very viable for a priest.

Useabandage is a good 39 priest in reckoning, not sure about a Shadow priest. rawrzdps seems to know what hes doing.

As for videos I don't know of any, but you will only get good by making your character then using em.

Yes you can pick up some tips and tricks by watching videos and looking up form posts, but you will master your character by acctually playing them ;)
ok, umm

are any of the BoA weapons better than staff of jordan?

and is there any BoA gear other than shoulders that I should use on the priest?
Spectral 39 Shadow Priest

This was my first twink. He is an absolute terror in BG's.

Now building a 39 shadow priest does require gear trade offs. Unlike locks you just can't stack "of the Eagle" greens where there's no hands down blue or epic item (shoulders, wrist, hands) and spirit and int are all stats you must pay attention to.

If I had to do this toon over there are a few things I would have gotten for 39's that I am unable to go back and get now due to XP.

1. Pulsating Crystaline Shard for neck. This is a trade off item. I still believe the Triune Amulet or Necklace of Calisea are better 39 priest items. If you're looking for the DMG boost you may want it. I find 7 int more valuable for this class at 39 than 11 dmg.

2. Shoulder, yes I have of the Eagle and Owls for green shoulders. BoA shoulders will be your best bet. Unfortunately my main is Alliance so I'll never have them on my priest.

3. Chest. This is where I will differ with 99% of the people that have built priest twinks at 39. I will state emphatically that a Death's Head Vestment is the BEST item for a 39 priest with +6 all stats. Everyone seems to be against it and thinks Robes of the Lich or Magi are better. With a 3 stat dependent class I disagree. Good luck farming one of these up though; RFD trash blue drop, not a world drop.

4. Gloves; Revelosh of the Eagles or Owls. If I had to do it over again I'd get the Owls with 20 DMG. Unfortunately when I built this guy I decided that after putting stats pieces on my neck and chest without any DMG stats I needed the Black Mageweave. Not a bad choice on my part but I would do it different and get both.

Other than a couple of variables I might redo and some personal opinion differences with the majority I will say that my priest is almost perfectly geared for 39's.

I would not recommend Soulfrost in place of 40 spell power on your SoJ. You're still going to be healing yourself and FC's. Too much healing power to give up for 14 shadow damage.

I have over 27k lifetime kills and have represented my sever on PTR competition. If you visit the Emberstorm forums people will tell you this priest is a bastard to down and I frequently was number 1 on damage and killing blows even in matches that were twink heavy. Oh, this setup will destroy rogues too.
Chest. This is where I will differ with 99% of the people that have built priest twinks at 39. I will state emphatically that a Death's Head Vestment is the BEST item for a 39 priest with +6 all stats. Everyone seems to be against it and thinks Robes of the Lich or Magi are better. With a 3 stat dependent class I disagree. Good luck farming one of these up though; RFD trash blue drop, not a world drop.

....ugh wtb, as many rfd runs that i have done i have never ever seen one of these, not to mention i have been twinking for over 3 years, on my server its just as rare as a pod.
useabandage said:
....ugh wtb, as many rfd runs that i have done i have never ever seen one of these, not to mention i have been twinking for over 3 years, on my server its just as rare as a pod.

I won't tell you then that I found it for 40g and didn't even know it existed until I purchased it :). I think I have the only one on my server. I'm pretty damn sure I'm the only 39 clothie on either side of Emberstorm that has it too.

I've seen more POD's than Death's Head Vestments in BG's and we're a post-BC battlegroup.
Eveill said:
I won't tell you then that I found it for 40g and didn't even know it existed until I purchased it :). I think I have the only one on my server. I'm pretty damn sure I'm the only 39 clothie on either side of Emberstorm that has it too.

I've seen more POD's than Death's Head Vestments in BG's and we're a post-BC battlegroup.

Good thing I bought a death's head vestment once I first transfered to my server, because I thought they were pretty good =P and good thing no one bought it lol, been putting it in the AH for like 4 months =/
No. It is not as good.

All BoA's are equal to blues in the bracket. If there is an epic staff, gun, 2H, 1H, dagger etc. The BoA is inferior.

Also BoA's cannot accept enchants from BC or WOTLK. Even if you're level 80 the staff, as an example, can only accept a 30 spell power enchant. BoA's cannot take enchants such as Savagery, 35 agility for 2H, Mongoose etc. You're limited to old school stuff life Lifestealing, Unholy, Firey, Icy etc.
@ Useabandage

I'm curious about the Disc set-up you have.

Why do you not have Magi or Lich for your chest? And why not the umbral crystal for your neck, or the bloodband bracers for the wrists?

Also, on your talent spec. It seems your build is more suited for Arena fighting than on actual battlegrounds. Wouldn't it be best to put talents for an instant cast build, http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=bAh0hhxxZc, like this?

I'm not knocking on your build or anything. I'm just trying to find a talent set/gear build better suited to how I gameplay. I would love the input.
sylar said:
Good thing I bought a death's head vestment once I first transfered to my server, because I thought they were pretty good =P and good thing no one bought it lol, been putting it in the AH for like 4 months =/

How much are you trying to get for it?
Heofonum said:
@ Useabandage

I'm curious about the Disc set-up you have.

Why do you not have Magi or Lich for your chest? And why not the umbral crystal for your neck, or the bloodband bracers for the wrists?

Also, on your talent spec. It seems your build is more suited for Arena fighting than on actual battlegrounds. Wouldn't it be best to put talents for an instant cast build, http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=bAh0hhxxZc, like this?

I'm not knocking on your build or anything. I'm just trying to find a talent set/gear build better suited to how I gameplay. I would love the input.

A 12/12 robe technically has more stats than the 13/10 lich robes, and magi are too squishy. Also, 39s are used to automatically targeting the caster in purple, not the caster in blue. ^^

Focusing only on instant casts will not keep you alive as a priest unless you're up against some seriously weak opponents. Sure, imp mana burn is not strictly necessary if you never want to mana burn people. But you will have to cast some real heals at times. Personally, I use a variation on 19/11/0 on my priest:


I think I'll be "porting" my 39 priest guide to this site sometime soon, since I'm sure Drayner wouldn't appreciate links to other sites here. ;)
Well, yeah, I understand that instant casts will only work alot better on the weaklings. I'm thinking of instant casts + flash heal type situations.

What my strat, as I like to think anyways, turns more towards is the wear and tear of people, not instant or burst damage. Flash heals coinciding with dots and shields. Be a more of a supportive, back-in-the-shadows working priest instead of just standing out there, hoping I can get off a greater heal or holy fire spell when the timing is critical.

What I was hoping for is putting a priest out there that shines through long term battles (i.e. turtles and getting that FC through alot of twinks in mid), instead of running out of mana due to high end spells. Keeping instants on them with a few flash heals and shields; along with dots speared throughout on the critical opposing players; that would make that FC or single/double target last through most situations. Having your priest go OOM in the middle of a fight is a big bummer, simply because they didn't have the necessary talents to reduce mana costs where it was needed or the equipment to keep their mana/hp up.

As I'm reading what I write, to me it makes sense. I'm trying to put myself out there in your shoes, and I'm not sure if I'm getting my point across. Does what I say make sense? Or is it a failed idea, do you think? I'd love to know before I make a set plan, and get my equipment before I ding up too much to have to re-roll. >.<
In addition to Disc Healing and Shadow you may want to build a Holy DPS set. In my opinion it is a very OP build right now with no nerfs in sight. I toyed around with it pre 3.0 but the buffs given to priests post 3.0 Holy DPS has really started to shine. It's been my spec 90% of the time.


It does great things in BG's where you can easily get killing blows to keep your mana up with spirit tap (not to mention a 30 spell damage boost for 15 seconds). I also do well in 2's and 3's being able to switch back and forth between throwing out mad dps, to insane ammounts of heals seamlessly. Mana becomes some what of an issue for me in 5's where the fights last longer though.

As far as DPS goes I prefer Holy to shadow, it is a lot more mana efficient, offers a lot more burst potential, great surviveability with a big instant heal, high 600 Flash heals and a glyphed renew that ticks for 250ish.

Unbuffed I throw out 440 smites, 500 holy fires, and 2 dots that tick for ~100.

Edit: It seems these forums dont like the funky character in my name, but clicking the link will take you to my armory no problem.
weiland nice to see another holy priest, very similar to mine!


i have all classes twinked in 39, this priest being my latest, and he is by far my favourite twink. dps and heals like no other, i have no reason to play my mage anymore. with inner fire it got more armor than rogues, it can take a nice beating. there are some classes you cant beat as this spec (discpriest will manaburn you, elemental/resto shamans outlast your mana, and twinkhealers in general cant be killed unless you can get off some slow manaburns / lucky surge of light). so for serious arenaplay, disc is the spec, but for having fun in battlegrounds, holy is ftw.
cologne said:
with inner fire it got more armor than rogues

Funny thing about my armor :p, with my current gear setup I have exactly 1337 armor with inner fire up. Totally unexpected but awesome none the less.

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