39 mage vid


39 Evangelist

Subjection in our bg made a nice little frost mage vid featuring a number of duels and 2v2s. Here's his thread in Bloodlust:


It's an attempt at entertainment, nothing more. If you're going to criticize anything, make sure it's the fat female tauren hunter that ends up in there about 4 times.

The editing isn't amazing, I haven't been working with any of these things very long, but I gave it a try /shrug

If the feedback isn't as terrible as I think it probably will be, I'll work on another at some point. =)

As always, for maximum enjoyment; download it, full-screen it, turn up the volume! ;D

Thanks for viewing.

Warning, like Jenif's vid, it features his wins, so there are a few cases where people played less than perfectly. ;)
I liked your video, I'm glad there are other twinks with skill. You and Jenif. Not saying their aren't others just saying these the only good videos I have seen in a long time. I've always admired the Mage I like their playstyle. Nice video

Awesome. I like very much :)

It's good to see a mage played with some skill! I've seen a couple, but usually it's all rogues and hunters out there :(
Alnielro said:
Awesome. I like very much :)

It's good to see a mage played with some skill! I've seen a couple, but usually it's all rogues and hunters out there :(

ironically the 2 most op classes
for the first half of the video i kept thinking to myself he needs to cs more to keep people in combat (namely you), second half there was no shortage of that

good solo play, but imo solo videos got old before tbc came out

teamwork is what makes players good and videos interesting, and all the 2v2 clips u showed involved next to no teamwork
Wowisfair said:
for the first half of the video i kept thinking to myself he needs to cs more to keep people in combat (namely you), second half there was no shortage of that

good solo play, but imo solo videos got old before tbc came out

teamwork is what makes players good and videos interesting, and all the 2v2 clips u showed involved next to no teamwork

Really? I thought his work with the other mage, the helping burst players while also CCing was pretty good teamwork... I suppose the fight with Fatapult and Supangus was kinda bad since he got so separated from his paly and so wasn't sheeping for a good part, but his role was dps, so he was trying to down players. Maybe I'm missing something here?
Jadyn said:
Really? I thought his work with the other mage, the helping burst players while also CCing was pretty good teamwork... I suppose the fight with Fatapult and Supangus was kinda bad since he got so separated from his paly and so wasn't sheeping for a good part, but his role was dps, so he was trying to down players. Maybe I'm missing something here?

after watching the mage mage v rogue rogue fight again it was pretty much a controlled zerg, which i guess is pretty much all that fight can be without water elementals, so i missed the teamwork there the first time around

also lol troll

edit: i should be making a video in the near future, so if u think im judging like an ******* ull get ur shot at me soon enough
Wowisfair said:
after watching the mage mage v rogue rogue fight again it was pretty much a controlled zerg, which i guess is pretty much all that fight can be without water elementals, so i missed the teamwork there the first time around

also lol troll

edit: i should be making a video in the near future, so if u think im judging like an ******* ull get ur shot at me soon enough


Official forums are thataway ---->


Looking forward to seeing more vids though. =)
Subjection finished his second vid. Linking and quoting here:


Same deal as before really. Similar quality, slightly better editing =)


I make plenty of mistakes in the video, play is nowhere near perfect, don't open it expecting to see that.

Also, typically know what I did wrong after watching it, soo unless you're in a bad mood or need to validate yourself in front of your e-buddies, I'd appreciate you not verbally destroying my soul. :(

In addition, if you like the above and would like to see more, here's the link to the first one:


Appreciate replies, like hearing what people think. =D


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