EU+US 39 lock?


Hey everyone have dabbled in quite a bit of brackets, havent really done 39 yet been wanting to make a lock. I hear mixed things that they are bad cant move and get cut down quick. Well im up to the challenge and was wondering if anyone has made one? How they are? And what spec? I have a 100 lock but im sure that's completely different! Thanks any info helps!

I felt as affliction I could hold my own fairly well. I geared more for haste for quicker fears and drain life's when I get in a bad situation. Works really well. Siphon life doesn't really heal for a whole lot and you'll probly get more return with absolute corruption due to the extra gcd's.
Thanks man all the input helps! Have you tested the coastal surge enchant at all? Heard it heals fairly nice? I would imagine afflic would use ele force.

Didnt see your character link am working sorry haha
In my experience playing against them, @Fez nicely summed up aff locks. Drain life can draw out 1v1 battles that would otherwise end quickly, and the silences and dots put a major thorn in casters. It's true that locks suffer from serious mobility and squishiness, so I think of aff locks as an underrated support class.

In other words, locks get into trouble really quickly when they play by themselves. Paired with even one melee or caster, locks get much more dangerous in a hurry.

To be clear, this is solely speaking about 39 aff locks. The other two specs serve as cannon fodder, which is a shame.
I am trying to think if there is a class that is worse than a lock @39 right now.... I didn't bother updating mine which I have played since vanilla. If you insist on playing your lock, do not solo que.
I am trying to think if there is a class that is worse than a lock @39 right now.... I didn't bother updating mine which I have played since vanilla. If you insist on playing your lock, do not solo que.

I can't argue that, insofar as aff lock is the "worst of the best" right now i.e. a solid tier 2. Every class has at least one viable spec, and aff locks come in last in that regard for their particular spec. But it's a tribute to how closely 39s are balanced (relatively speaking), that in the right context (queuing with others), aff locks can make an impact. In a pitched battle, I'd rather deal with kiting a warrior or rogue than figure out how to work around an enemy lock rotting my teammates.
Its not really that I insist, i like the challange and only have a 100 lock do to a boost :p. I have healers in alot of brackets and rogues warriors ect in others. Was just looking for something new in a class ive really never played. I understand they are really not to good but thats alright, i wanted all the input good and bad, so all if it is a great help!!

Is there any certain gear restrictions to only horde or ally? Or quest items I should possibly do?

Solo que is a monster of its own in nearly every bracket i get it! Haha being a hpally on 19s solo que was never fun.
I've been playing aff lock this week and it seems really solid. Demo/destro look fun too but I haven't had a chance to try them yet (they'll also probably rely a lot more on team support).

Solo queuing hasn't that bad, you def do have to play within your means a bit though. It's not an ideal class for solo carrying games, but you don't need to play fotm/OP specs to have a positive impact in XP-on BGs.

Is there any certain gear restrictions to only horde or ally? Or quest items I should possibly do?

Not really, there might be a couple quest items for niche builds but for the most part you'll want to wear ilevel 44 greens.
I've been playing aff lock this week and it seems really solid. Demo/destro look fun too but I haven't had a chance to try them yet (they'll also probably rely a lot more on team support).

Solo queuing hasn't that bad, you def do have to play within your means a bit though. It's not an ideal class for solo carrying games, but you don't need to play fotm/OP specs to have a positive impact in XP-on BGs.

Not really, there might be a couple quest items for niche builds but for the most part you'll want to wear ilevel 44 greens.
Awesome thanks alot!

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