39 IRC - The place to meet and chat!


So I thought it would be a good idea to make a thread that could direct people in the 39 bracket to a place where everyone can meet and chat now that activity is up once again (atleast for EU)!

QuakeNet Web IRC (qwebirc)

This is the place (link above) for everyone who has a 39 twink (or for those who are thinking about making one) to meet and chat. It will also prove useful when there is BG's going on or (assuming arena skirmish will return) if you want to find opponents for arena!

What is IRC?

For those of you who doesn't know, IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat" and that's also what it is! A chatting program that uses your Internet browser (be it Explorer, Firefox etc). It's really simple to use and you don't need to download anything.

Read before logging on to IRC:

When making your nickname I would like it if everyone could start off by having [EU] or [US] & [A] or [H] infront of your name depending on if you're playing on EU or US servers and whether you're on Alliance or Horde side. This will make everything alot easier.

You might want to create your own personal link to QuakeNet so that you don't have to type in the information each time you log on. To do this go to the menu in the upper left corner on the site and choose "Add webchat to your site". Press "Next" once and then choose "Use a preset nickname of your choice.". Type in the nickname you would like to use and make sure you pick a nickname that most people know you by (preferably a nickname of one of your twinks). The nickname can be max 15 letters long. After you have set the nickname you will be given the chance to choose a channel that you always want to connect to. The channel name I thought we could use is pretty logical: 39's After you have typed in the channel name you can just press "Next" until you get to the page with your own personal link. Bookmark it and you're done!


1. Choose a nickname that you are known by (preferably one of your twinks name)!

2. Put [EU] infront of your name if you're playing on EU servers and [US] if you're playing on US servers and put [A] infront of your name if you're on Alliance side and [H] if you're on Horde side.

3. Nickname can be max 15 letters long.

4. Channel name: 39's

5. Read above if you want to skip having to type in your nickname and the channel each time you visit QuakeNet.

Example nickname: [EU][A]Ero
Metamorfos, the first thing you would have to do is servertransfer your twink over to Draenor ! preferably horde, thank you :>
Also, it would be great if a moderator could sticky this thread so that it's always visible for new people visiting the 39 forums on TI!
Anyone else than me having problems with connecting to the IRC. The page wont even load properly, it just stays white. It worked in the beginning but it wont atmo.
I'm online most of the time, just send me (@Tumblz, @Tumbleweedz or something of the kind) a query so that I know that someone wants to chat.
I just discovered this thing, very epic...now to get it used more...
I was also thinking about setting up a twinkvent for us 39s.. any thoughts ?
^Necroing threads for the win^
Removing sticky as the chat is no longer used.

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