39 Ele-Shaman


Hey guys :)

need your advice! :)

I was thinking about a level 39 Tauren shaman and stacking spell-crit

so after a bit of working with chardev.org and warcrafter.net I got those stats:

2300 HP

2100 Mana

20% spellcrit (with glyph of flametongue weapon)

195 nature-spelldmg.

my specc would be Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

so with tauren-stun, improved fire-nova stun and [item=1404]Tidal Charm[/item] I should be able to control the fight a bit.

with Elemental Fury - Spell - World of Warcraft my lightning bolt would crit for around 850 or so,chain lightning for 680 I believe (my pc crashed so I lost my exact calculation)

with Elemental Focus - Spell - World of Warcraft and 20% spellcrit, mana wouldn't be a big problem (watershield helps alot too)

I'm not focusing on premades or 1on1 duels, so it's not that important that I would not be a great 1on1 class versus rogues,hunters,retpallys etc.

but I believe with earthbind totem,gift dispell and frostshock (and the stuns) I could be able to win some 1n1 fights.

so what do you guys think?
I can't give you a valueable opinion on your char, but I'm very intrested in how you managed to get 20% spellcrit. I would really appriciate if you could give a link to that profile on chardev or list the gear, since I only seem to manage to get around 15% critchance on lb's/cl's. 20% spellcrit and 195 nature damage should be a lot of fun though :)
I lost the chardev.org link,but I create another in a few hours :) post it later

more opinions please :)

edit :

here is the link http://www.chardev.org/?template=190982

a few stats are missing : 20 naturedmg from boots (natures wrath) 2-3 dmg on the mace (natures wrath) and 24 spelldmg. 2% crit on flametongue weapon and 4-6 naturedmg on head (chardev can not show the natures wrath on green lens)

5% crit on all spells was not added into spellcrit,so 5% + 2% + 13% makes 20% crit really :)

and of course I'm going to have endless granates etc :) so the battle-control is better.
Hm I don't think so :)

but more comments please :) I would be very sad if I spent all the time to farm the eq and leveling and then realise that this sucks :(
A dagger or mace of nature wrath would be better than of healing. I'd suggest you work on a sp set as well. [ITEM]Mantle of Doan[/ITEM] would be better than Bloodmage. I understand that you are after the crit, but some hit before crit imo. Underworld band instead of Golden ring of power. Btw, wut professions were u thinking of?
I didnt read the full first post, but all of the mace options mentioned are really really bad compared to the BoA maces...I mean really bad.

That said, the hp and mana you are running is going to mean insta death vs a lot of people now in this bracket...the bracket is balanced pretty well, but those numbers are dangerously low imo. Id easily give up either some crit or some sp in favor of more HP and/or more mana.
ah okay :) I forgot the BoA mace,but you are right,thank you.

2350 hp and 2266 mana is not enough? I thought with 2k armor (35% dmg reduce) and one point in elemental warding (2% dmg reduce) it would be enough.

and I forgot to mention that I'm in a really weak german battlegroup, I don't face really great twinks often.


Complete Stats:

2339 HP

2281 Mana

188 Nature SP

155 SP

20% spellcrit

2000 Armor ( 37% dmg reduce)

Chain Lightning 1.5 sec cast 386 mana

= 340 // crit 680 (first) + 306 // crit 612 (second) + 273 // cirt 546 (third)

Lightning Bolt 2 sec cast 148 mana= 424 // crit 848

Frostshock instant 241 mana= 294 // crit 588

Earthshock instant 241 = 326 // crit 652

Firenova Totem 338 mana = 255 // crit 510

Lightning Shield = 266 dmg
2200 mana means you are running out of mana quick like...im sure you can blow one person up really well, but unless you like lots of pots and constantly running to the resto hut youre going to be oom a lot imo. Your list of casts there doesnt include any self heals either which you will need/use pretty often.

also 2300hp with 2000 armor really isnt very much. classes with a lot of burst are going to make your life difficult. But then again if your battlegroup is weak then maybe youre just fine. You would be a better judge of that than I would.

Id personally still be willing to drop a bit of crit or sp in favor of more hp/mana. I do not generally endorse the use of "glass cannon" type sets and would rather see you with like 3000hp and 2800-3000 mana. I think in the long run with the class you will be happier.
Alteffour said:
I didnt read the full first post, but all of the mace options mentioned are really really bad compared to the BoA maces...I mean really bad.

That said, the hp and mana you are running is going to mean insta death vs a lot of people now in this bracket...the bracket is balanced pretty well, but those numbers are dangerously low imo. Id easily give up either some crit or some sp in favor of more HP and/or more mana.

erm, I'd have to disagree with the insta death comment, I'm running around the same HP/MP on my ele shaman and I do just fine. I've basically been 2 shotting/3 shotting people given the crits that go off (1k+ LB crits, 800+ chained lightning, and 700+ earthshock). If I want to throw out a quick burst I'll usually just go LB, Chained, Earthshock and if all crits that's 2500 damage right there. With the HP drops nowadays, that's death for most people unless they're stacking stam gear.

In fact just the other night I solo'd wrecking ball achievement (no premade, no healer) in a bg with stats along the lines of 45 kb 1 death (at the end, it was very disappointing, I was going for flag return again and got quad teamed/spell locked by a felhunter) 77 HK and nearly 50k damage done with 2 flag returns. The next highest damage was like 20k at best. The only heals I recieved were from myself and I don't even have LB. All in all, I think elemental shaman is an insanely devasting spec in this bracket that has a higher survivability than it's other dps spec counterpart (enh), but a lot of people overlook this fact because they want to play an ezmode spec that involves hitting things and having WF proc.

It is unfortunate for those of us that don't have access to BoA gear, like myself, but I do just fine with hand of righteousness and I'd have to say that it's your best option if you're lacking BoAs.
Alteffour said:
2200 mana means you are running out of mana quick like...

Id personally still be willing to drop a bit of crit or sp in favor of more hp/mana. I do not generally endorse the use of "glass cannon" type sets and would rather see you with like 3000hp and 2800-3000 mana. I think in the long run with the class you will be happier.

Lol I think you highly underestimate the mana efficiency of an ele shaman. Unless you have an annoying ass disc priest mana burning the crap out of you like I did in AB the other night, you should be just fine. With 5/5 convection and clearcasting you rarely run out of mana and when you do it's generally after fighting 5-10 people so either you survive that, end up dead and return with full mana anyway, or just take a run to the hut after the fact which isn't so bad...

You're also telling him to drop more SP for an already fairly low amount of SP in the first place. I think you're not taking into consideration that his SP also affects his ability to self heal, and not everyone runs with a premade or a heal bitch. Having a higher amount of SP while maintaining a fair amount of HP will assure that you can heal yourself quite well with the OPness of lesser healing wave...

here's my armory if you care to take a look: [char=Dragonmaw]Sargeri[/char]

A few things could be changed with gear, I just haven't had a chance to do it since the changes got made to that gear. I'd consider running 2x underworld band nowadays and I'm still looking to get Revelosh's gloves of healing. I'll probably also drop my current pants for Necromancer Leggings.
first of all I want to thank you for all comments :)

I doubt I would run out of mana fast, watershield, mana totem, and with 20% spellcrit clearcasting would be up very often (dont know if chain lightning can procc it when it crits on the second or the third target,but that would be amazing, then chain lightning would have a 60% chance to procc clearcasting)

how do you reach "1k+ LB crits, 800+ chained lightning, and 700+ earthshock" as I posted before, with 188 nature dmg, my LB crits would be arount 850 and CL around 680.

I know I could get more spellpower but I love the idea of having 20% crit (with flametongue glyph and +5% crit through talents)
" I think elemental shaman is an insanely devasting spec in this bracket that has a higher survivability than it's other dps spec counterpart (enh), but a lot of people overlook this fact because they want to play an ezmode spec that involves hitting things and having WF proc. "

The survivability of ele or 2h enhance both are drastically lower than 1h enhance (real dps 1h melee or the version I play) or resto...by a long long long long long long ways...especially since youre saying you only run 2300hp.

I dont underestimate the mana efficiency or ele shamans, ive played one, with both glass cannon type sets and more survival friendly gear sets. Everything goes just fine so long as you arent the focus of attention, but if youre sitting back tossing those big casts at people youre going to get focused and youre eventually going to be forced into shock/totem/heal mode and your mana pool dissapears quickly. Perhaps weak overall opponents is letting you chill in glass cannon sets, or maybe you have a pocket healer usually? Glass Cannons are fine in those two situations, but against any real competition glass cannon is generally the worst possible way to gear a toon.

When I say lower some SP, I mean he could easily drop some of the nature damage only stuff in favor of SP gear with more stats. Its not a giant drop to go from nature damage boots and shoulders and cape for example to SP or stat versions without really hurting yourself too badly. The nature damage may not be quite as high, but it will overall round itself out by having more regular SP and more mana and hp to actually use that SP to good effect. The same can be said of his crit %, i realize hes excited about 20% crit, but that number can also be lowered to give himself more stats or sp.

I say insta death at 2300 hp on a shammy because if you are playing against other good dps then 2300hp is extreemly low...think about it this way...as an elemental shaman with the numbers you post that 2300 dies a whole hell of a lot faster than another player with 3k doesnt it? if you hit 1k lb, 800chain, 700shock thats 2500hp yeah? 3k or even 2700 lets you survive that burst damage doesnt it?

You cant have the best of both worlds, dont tell me it doesnt get insta killed while at the same time you argue that you can insta kill people with that same hp range. Your entire first post there maerduk completely contradicts itself.
Alteffour said:
The survivability of ele or 2h enhance both are drastically lower than 1h enhance (real dps 1h melee or the version I play) or resto...by a long long long long long long ways...especially since youre saying you only run 2300hp.

Hmm I'd have to completely disagree with that and I'd be willing to test it out. I mean sure you're going to have higher hp than I do (I'm not exactly sure by how much) but I highly doubt that in a 1v1 vs an ele shaman that a 1h enh spec would be able to survive the initial burst damage and then last the rest of the fight. And since our healing capability would be nearly the same, if you're running spellhance, there really isn't much difference heal wise. I'd just sit there and outheal your wet paper towel damage while hitting you for nearly 3x the amount. Secondly the only difference in surivability I see between 1h enh and ele is the fact that you'd have imp ghost wolf. Again, if you're running spellhance you're going a shield and 1handed, and unless I'm running max sp gear and not rocking a shield the damage mitigation is the same for both if not higher for ele because of elemental warding...

Alteffour said:
I dont underestimate the mana efficiency or ele shamans, ive played one, with both glass cannon type sets and more survival friendly gear sets. Everything goes just fine so long as you arent the focus of attention, but if youre sitting back tossing those big casts at people youre going to get focused and youre eventually going to be forced into shock/totem/heal mode and your mana pool dissapears quickly. Perhaps weak overall opponents is letting you chill in glass cannon sets, or maybe you have a pocket healer usually? Glass Cannons are fine in those two situations, but against any real competition glass cannon is generally the worst possible way to gear a toon.

I've never in my 4+ years of twinking played with a pocket healer. It's one of the things I despise the most and I hate it even more with the advent of arenas because it's lead most people towards that horribly unskilled trend. I'd have to even say that I've never really played in any twink pre-mades either, other than my really old twink guild "Twinks r for Kids" that would run 19 premades, but that was a long ass time ago, even pre-cross server battlegrounds. I still don't see how running nearly 2.4k hp at lvl 39 is a glass cannon spec. That's a fairly high amount of HP as I've seen even 49 twinks that barely top 2.5k.

Overall on an ele shaman, from my experience if you're running more SP while maintaining a fair amount of HP you'll have not only a good amount of survivability but very high amounts of damage as well. Which, last time I checked in 1v1 situations dealing large amounts of damage before your opponent has time to outheal/recover from it will put you at a huge advantage rather than sitting with 500 more hp and slowly wittling them down, hoping that your gimped heals will save you from their burst...

Alteffour said:
When I say lower some SP, I mean he could easily drop some of the nature damage only stuff in favor of SP gear with more stats. Its not a giant drop to go from nature damage boots and shoulders and cape for example to SP or stat versions without really hurting yourself too badly. The nature damage may not be quite as high, but it will overall round itself out by having more regular SP and more mana and hp to actually use that SP to good effect. The same can be said of his crit %, i realize hes excited about 20% crit, but that number can also be lowered to give himself more stats or sp.

Lol so you're suggesting he drops his sp for stats. Yet then you're suggesting he drops his crit for sp? I don't see how that's logical... If he wants to run a build like this then I would suggest allowing him to do so and see if he would rather prefer something with a lower crit chance and more sp or even stats :rolleyes:.

I know my crit chance isn't nearly as high as his, but then again I believe I'm running 60+ more nature damage than he is so when I do crit (which is quite often) I see a lot of huge numbers coming out. I would argue that playstyle and gear is 80% preference in most cases, if you're able to play your class well and drop the needed totems at the proper times or throw heals at equally proper times then you should be able to do well. The only 2 classes I say that give ele shamans a reasonably difficult time in this bracket are 1. Hunters, ms effect from aimed shot is annoying as hell and 2. Warriors, but they're fairly easy to kite and outheal because they lack ms in this bracket.

Alteffour said:
I say insta death at 2300 hp on a shammy because if you are playing against other good dps then 2300hp is extreemly low...think about it this way...as an elemental shaman with the numbers you post that 2300 dies a whole hell of a lot faster than another player with 3k doesnt it? if you hit 1k lb, 800chain, 700shock thats 2500hp yeah? 3k or even 2700 lets you survive that burst damage doesnt it?

Lol sure it let's you survive that burst damage, but that's only a 2-3 shot situation, if that class I just hit with that has 2.7k-3k hp and they can't heal, they're still f-d. I'd argue that is negligible, and even then, if they're running 2.7k-3k hp how are they going to have enough damage modifying gear to deal any noticeable damage in return? And any damage they deal in this more stam oriented gear could easily be outhealed by lesser healing wave and then if they're casters interrupted down with earthshock.

Alteffour said:
You cant have the best of both worlds, dont tell me it doesnt get insta killed while at the same time you argue that you can insta kill people with that same hp range. Your entire first post there maerduk completely contradicts itself.

Lol I never argued that I haven't been insta killed, what I did argue is that you'd be "insta killed" by basically everyone in the bracket, which is what you seemingly alluded to. In all honesty the only class that's ever insta killed me was a 2h enh spec with lucky WF crits and zerker buff.

If you're facing other usual "insta" kill classes/specs ie fire mages, you can generally prevent that from happening with grounding totem and earthshocks.

I can say that you won't get insta killed because I'm arguing that ele shaman in this bracket has the amount of burst to be able to insta kill people within that hp range while having the ability to prevent others from doing so.

GL in all your endeavors and promoting your 1h spellhance spec...

To the OP all I can say is run with whatever you feel fits your playstyle and you find enjoyable. I see nothing wrong with enjoying 2-3 shotting people and controlling mid/returning flags while you're team runs the flag. If I wanted to be a flag runner I would have kept my paladin at 39...
Hasty said:
first of all I want to thank you for all comments :)

how do you reach "1k+ LB crits, 800+ chained lightning, and 700+ earthshock" as I posted before, with 188 nature dmg, my LB crits would be arount 850 and CL around 680.

I know I could get more spellpower but I love the idea of having 20% crit (with flametongue glyph and +5% crit through talents)

You're welcome. As for my crits, I'm running 252 nature damage in most cases which allows me to crit that high. I can go above 300 with my nature damage gear though. And prior to 3.1 I was able to get near the 400 range :(

20% crit chance is pretty nice and if you're able to sit back in your battlegroup, which you mentioned it was pretty gimped, you should probably never go oom and have a fun time.
has nothing to do me promoting 1h enhance (which has for a long while now been a viable if not top dps spec for a shammy, the version im supporting is healer based and has nothing really to do with this ele shaman)

it has everything to do with playing with the best gear for the best twink possible.

playing glass cannon specs and gear is NOT best spec/gear...by a long ways.

Regardless if you want to play an ele shaman or not (which im not saying is a bad spec btw) playing for SP and crit is in the long run not your best bet. You will be happier with having more stam and int.

2300hp is too low, maybe if youre in a terrible BG then it works, but if you want to play at a competitive level in saaay bloodlust or cyclone then this is terrible. If you want to just go for big hits thats one thing..its fun to get big numbers, but for overall game play if you match evenly skilled players against each other, the player with 3k hp and 3k mana is going to beat the player with 2300hp and 2100mana with a bit more sp and crit. I dont really understand why I have to tell people things like this, its pretty obvious.

now I am sure you will point out how some other glass cannon builds do things well...but ill pre-argue that I base my information on good players playing against other good players not decent players playin against 1 shotable noobs.
Ele and crit


A friend of mine had once this low level toon he'd wanted to twink. As I had more experience with twinking I basically twinked his char. I always wanted to try out a crit-based ele-shaman. I was aiming for 20% flat-out crit, so without Call of Thunder (with glyph of flametongue though). I eventually had almost 19% or 24% with CL and LB. (This was before patch 3.1, only crit he lost is his 8 int from head.) If you want to max your crit, you should check out [char=armory-Deathwing]Cosmas[/char] .

Before 3.1 this seemed pretty viable. He was floating around 210 SP and with leg and shoulder enchants he had 2.3k hp and 3.2k mana. Running out of mana was never a problem. However, now you can see his hp is pretty gimped (1.8k). So after patch 3.1 critting a lot was still fun, but as soon as someone started focusing him, he needed to go all defensive. Against someone with interrupts he would be dead.

Playing an ele shaman is probably the most difficult spec to play. No improved GW, only one instant and LHW's of 2.5 sec (when someone is on you ofc). Any twink rogue should be able to kill you (if you have 2k or 2.3k or 2.5k, doesn't matter). Even fakecasting won't help. Improved Fire Nova Totem is handy sometimes. In the beginning most players will get stunned, but when they meet you for e.g. the third time, chances of getting them stunned are slim.

Playing ele can be fun, especially when nobody focuses you. However when some twinks, in the worst case rogues, start focusing you, playing ele won't be fun for that BG.

As for Maerduk, I believe 2.3k hp does well in pugged BG's. I'm guessing your LB's hit for around 500+, which is certainly a dangerous fact for your counterplayers. I doubt you would be dealing 2.5k dmg with a LB-CL-ES sequence, seeing you have only 10% LB and CL crit and only 5% ES crit, bar some lucky cases.

Summarized: getting high crit percentage as ele is possible. Your survivability will go down the drain, but it is certainly a fun thing to try out :).

P.S.: I perhaps had better elaborated on some surviving stuff of shamans, even ele's, but cba'd. :eek:

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