39 Druid Twink

Here's my progress so far, let me know what you think. Also, what in the way of glyphs should i get? (2 major, 1 minor)

I'm trying to do both atm, because the team I pvp with doesn't have a FC.
a couple of things:

Survival of the fittest > Heart of the Wild (at least until 3.1).

-Survival of the fittest gives u WTFPWN armor in bear form (50-55% mitigation)

-Plus 6% less chance to be crit (severely underated)

-plus the 6% stats gain is almost equivalent to 3/3 heart of the wild or may even be better (depends on the stats u currently have)

-Another option is to drop 3-5 points in furor, if you find yourself constantly shifting. or in need of insta bear bash or insta pounce.

-Also if you are trying to do pew pew feral dps you need to pick up Shredding Attacks (lowers shred energy by 18)

-Pick up Survival Instincts,



Glyph of Shred (the only burst you will have as feral DPS)

For Feral FC: Glyph of Frenzied Regeneration

All purpose: Glyph of Healing Touch


Glyph of Dash
Should I get 35 agility or mongoose on my staff?
35 agi most likely. Mongoose doesn't work well for kitties (proc rate is too low with a 1.0 speed attack), and it's merely ok for bears.
+30 int on WSG staff

+40 spell dmg on Staff or Jordan/Hand of Righteousness w/ Offhand

+35 agil on Morgaines Might (hit rating caps you with surefooted)

+20 strength on Hammer of Zul Farrak + offhand (i havent tried this yet)

I got mongoose for my feral druid and it hardly ever procs (compared to my 39 rogue).

Another thing if you wanna try Feral dps is get some Heavy Sharpening stones/the ones for the blunt weapons, it will add +8 weapon dmg to your 1 second kitty strikes = +8 dps = rougly 80 or so AP.
most importantly, you're going to want to go 0/25/5. You'll be in cat form 95% of the time while DPSing. But, switching to bear is very important against casters/healers. Instant bear charge/bash in NECESSARY if you want to be anything more than a second rate DPSer. Furthermore, not having it while flag carrying is gimping yourself hard.

As feral DPS, burst (and thus, agility) is the only real threat you bring. Stack it to the near exclusion of all other statistics. I say near-exclusion, because you're going to want at least 1800 mana unbuffed for shifting purposes. I run with just under 2k. Some choose to go as high as 2400.

Lastly, prepare yourself for the fact that some classes are just going to tear you apart. Warlocks with 1900 health or more should NEVER lose to you. Competent rogues with 2 cooldowns will likely beat you. Resto/Balance druids will kill you. Priests will kill you. Comfortable with that, and you'll find the feral druid very fun. I still play mine all the time.

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