39 Blackout EU - The Info thread

horde are enough and queing everynight. It feels bad always having to tell them "we're not enough people online ... again". Anyway, try to log in people, bracket is not gonna stay active without all of you :)
We have to kickstart BG's again. BG wed/sun 21:00 now!!! Allaince specially, be sure to be there.
Iam lvling a Alliance Shaman right now. I played along time in the lvl 49 bracket maybe I can animate some of the ''old'' 49s.
since this very smart EP BGs suddenly appeared all twinks died out or moved away from my Realmpool, there was enough twinks but almost zero organization.

Anyway now I found this community which also is having a bad time right now which hopefully will recover soon! As I understand there is more horde players around and therefore not enough allys joining the BG queues, why don't some hordes just play on both sides as the situation requires?

If I can manage to find the time I will join you and reroll an ally balance druid (only if the rogues keep away from me :)).

Can someone answer some questions concerning char./realm transfer please:

- can I take BoE Items with me on my low twink or only with an 80 char.?

- can I fill my bank (also all slots/bags?) with whatever I want and everything will be transferred?

Normally I would join straight away the "Sapped woman cant say no" guild :), but since "Highway to Hell" is having "a few" more membesr this might be the better choice. Well please keep posting whats going on….
"-can I take BoE Items with me on my low twink or only with an 80 char.? "

- You can take BoE and BoA itms with you on your twink

"- can I fill my bank (also all slots/bags?) with whatever I want and everything will be transferred?"

- Yes, but only bank, not guild bank

Theres also a gold cap depending on the char's lvl. Its smart to compare the AH prices on destination relm with current relm so you can bring itms with you to sell on destination relm. Best things would be enchanting mats, since they dont cost anything to put on AH.

GL with your transfer:)
Med'an said:
"-can I take BoE Items with me on my low twink or only with an 80 char.? "

- You can take BoE and BoA itms with you on your twink

"- can I fill my bank (also all slots/bags?) with whatever I want and everything will be transferred?"

- Yes, but only bank, not guild bank

Theres also a gold cap depending on the char's lvl. Its smart to compare the AH prices on destination relm with current relm so you can bring itms with you to sell on destination relm. Best things would be enchanting mats, since they dont cost anything to put on AH.

GL with your transfer:)

Shai why don't you ever log your rogue anymore? :(
EroTheHero said:
Shai why don't you ever log your rogue anymore? :(

I quit 2 months ago:p But Im gonna install wow again when cata comes and probably go ally again (since they need ppl now). So cya soon(tm) Hope ur all up for farming them guild BOA's;)
Med'an said:
I quit 2 months ago:p But Im gonna install wow again when cata comes and probably go ally again (since they need ppl now). So cya soon(tm) Hope ur all up for farming them guild BOA's;)

Well duh I know you quit some time ago but now I see you're here posting stuff so therefore I was wondering ;p You're missing the league man, that's not okay!
EroTheHero said:
Well duh I know you quit some time ago but now I see you're here posting stuff so therefore I was wondering ;p You're missing the league man, that's not okay!

Don't tempt me Ero! :p
Hello everyone. I've been really inactive the last 1-2 months (or longer) due to school and boredom with wow.

How is the 39 bracket going? I've read here that the activity that we had for a brief time (couple of ABs WTF?) have dissapeared. Whats up with that?

I might return to the twinking scene in catalysm, nothing is sure. I'm dinging 18 irl tomorrow so my spare time will mostly be filled with alcohol, school and HoN (Heroes of Newerth). I havent bought the game yet but i played a lot in the beta and i will buy it again.

I will keep in touch with you here on the forums and so but not ingame. If anyone wants to play some HoN with me just add me as a friend (which i will post here).

Take care guys!
You did also unlock it btw, I did get it locked, but the mod forgot to unsticky it back then.
elocon said:
You did also unlock it btw, I did get it locked, but the mod forgot to unsticky it back then.

Yup, I unlocked it in case you wanted to turn it into a guild directory of some sorts, but I guess a new topic would serve that purpose better.

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