39 Blackout EU - The Info thread

Hello. Read my signature.

This post will not be updated anymore.

Welcome to Blackout, the base of Europe's 39 twinking! With the non-xp BGs, dedicated 39 twinks moved here to continue playing and get the playerbase all in one spot.


We did play battlegrounds every evening, now we dont get any anymore, we just have to wait and see in cataclysm preperation patch (sometimes earlier, you understand). We ALWAYS single queue, soo anyone from any Blackout realm can join. Also remember to always queue up for WsG and AB when you leave/log off since then the people who are online might get another battleground.


Arena was going on a big part of the day both in the afternoon, evening and night, now it's pretty much only aranged arena. We do sometimes single queue for arena too, but I (/we) cant demand that people always single queue. Soo if you want to play arena from a realm where theres no one online be sure to check with some people.

Guilds and Servers

All people that transfer remember to always check with the guild (like officer or guild master) if you are able to join.


Draenor Allaince To notice is that on allaince is atleast 90% of all active allaince twinks at the moment.

<Highwav> - Armory

Comment: Community guild, almost everyone can join.

Azjol-Nerub Allaince

<Sapped cows cant go Moo> - Armory

Comment: We are accepting all 39 twinks atm and can help with revelosh items etc if needed.


Al'Akir Horde

<Gringos Waggon> - Armory

Comment: See post #7 (Post about <Gringos Waggon>)

Draenor Horde

<Rage Quit or Die Trying> - Armory

Comment: No Comment (yet)

<Made You BBQ> - Armory

Comment: See post #14 (Post about <Made You BBQ>)


<SKey Gaming> - Armory

Comment: No Comment (yet)

If you want me to add your guild or add a comment to your guild, be sure to message me in this thread or with a PM.


Arena league October!

See previous post for more comments: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/30-39-bracket/11019-restoring-39-2nd-part.html

Last update: 24 oct 2010
Things to add: some sort of ratio about active horde and allaince

Also reserved
39s are having a huge activity atm (WSG everynight, ABs - including the first european non-xp AB). We must keep it active.

Nice thread, which i hope will be completed soon with other guilds, and new guildmembers. I noticed some other guilds out there during our last BGs, hope they wake up soon and start living again :)
grats on activity ladies and gentlemen, may you have less cockfights than 49
About Gringos Waggon:

It's mostly a spanish guild but we have decided to recruit some european people to complete our guild. We have some non-spanish people, not many yet, but we expect some xfers soon. We're the largest horde guild atm so our objetive right now is to recruit some classes we're lacking of and close our roster for a while. Then, we will organize, settle up and make a strong and competitive roster.

We're now recruiting:

- 1 rogue

- 2 paladins (1 retry and 1 holy)

- 2 shamans (1 resto and 1 dps, either enh or ele)

- 2 warriors (1 arms and 1 prot, either fc or prot dps)

- 2 druid ( 1 resto and 1 balance)

- 3 locks

Requirements to join our guild:

- Experience playing this bracket

- Already lvl 39

- Almost full gear except revelosh (perfect parts) or BoE items.

- Full enchanted except if you still need some perfect loot or similar
If you would donate me a PoD (which would not happen, sadly), I would come round to you guys on retail, until Cata hits (Im not a Cata fan). :p
Me and my friends twinks are finally 39 now and xp locked, we shall be joining you in tonights BG's hopefully :) Is there ever BG's running before 21:00 btw? or arenas?
<Sapped cows cant go Moo> is up and running now on Azjol Nerub alliance, we are accepting all 39 twinks atm and can help with revelosh items etc if needed. Can you add us to the list of ally guilds plz :)
<Made you BBQ> are back now . Just to let the interested parties know.

I don't think we are going to be recruiting hardcore, we will try to keep it small so as not to ruin the vibe the guild had before we went afk ;) Horde side ofc.

We might accept an exceptional player or 2 once we get up and running once again. PM me if you are interested. I still offer the same deal as I always have, old MYL members and friends get full, free complete funds. [This includes proffs as well as AGM].

Looking forward to getting some 39 games in this week. Cya in arena peeps.
Mortox said:
I still offer the same deal as I always have, old MYL members and friends get full, free complete funds. [This includes proffs as well as AGM].

How is your cake supply?
Topped up full ofc :O We have 92 different varieties of cake for the discerning cake conneseuir such as yourself :O
We should have scheduled days for 3v3, alround 17:00. Get some more activity and another planned event rather than "just" battlegrounds. Starting Wednesday (tomorrow)!

Have also edited main post.
Great initiative, mate.

However.. on the notion of doing it tomorrow, I believe Blizzard are planning to perform extended maintenance on my realm as well as on Al'Akir and Draenor, lasting pretty much the whole day (from midnight to 23.59)

If time permits, though, I'll definitely try to be on at that time on others day. More 3v3 would be great - doing it after the daily WSGs wouldn't be too bad either :).

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