39 Alliance

Unfortunately I don't know of any other guilds that have a decent population other than Kirtonos, and even there our #'s are dwindling. It may be because of the initial BWL rush, but 39s just seem to be dying.

I'm between two minds about it. One, Dim (our guilds gm) has suggested that after this initial boom of 49, he will move all his energy toward 39. There's also 3 or 4 39's levelling at the moment with 1 or 2 rumoured to transfer soon.

The other option i've considered is Ashkandi where Woolworths, Jodecy, Alice and Cheapthott have/are in the process of making alliance 39s. Could be a nice fresh start if some others decide to transfer. The AH is much more forgiving there being a low pop PVE server, but you wouldn't be able to xfer off their if it didn't work out.

So basically, I'm just going to decide in the next coming weeks. I don't think 39's is dying, just the community is changing shape and location
Why roll low pop pve server.Less likely to find what you need on AH, server more likely to die in 6-12 months.

Whitemane is the biggest server.Gonna be more 60s making twinks for lower brackets in months to come.
I'm willing to help gear anyone on Kurrinaxx (alliance). We have 4 other 39s with a priest on the way. I have a druid and hunter in the works as well. I've got an extra bushmaster for anyone
i have a POD on arcanite reaper (A). ive been thinking about making a warrior but cba leveling. any other 39s on AR?
Ashkahndi is up and coming, I've also see 5+mans from Thunderfury, Skeram and Grobbulus had an 7man going today. Alliance isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Every game i've had today horde twinks have been outnumbered
It's honestly refreshing to see though, if Whitemane ally's are moving on to 49s there are still servers to go join up with for sure
Rumours of Whitemanes demise are greatly exaggerated.


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jesus Christ alliance are having a valentines party all day today in bgs, getting murdered every bg, good to see there all still there tho, yesterday was the complete opposite
Ashkahndi is up and coming, I've also see 5+mans from Thunderfury, Skeram and Grobbulus had an 7man going today. Alliance isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Every game i've had today horde twinks have been outnumbered
It's honestly refreshing to see though, if Whitemane ally's are moving on to 49s there are still servers to go join up with for sure

My crew on skeram is building up we’re at about 8 active everyday and growing. The core group stays consistently active. We won’t be slowing down any time soon. We’ve been keeping the alliance alive and well on our end. We’re really stoked for Ab later on. I’d say I’d like to fund ppl to help grow the team but atm I just can’t. Work too damn much.

Horde PSA: If you’re a clothie don’t let my Ret pally hit you even once. Res timers suck
My crew on skeram is building up we’re at about 8 active everyday and growing. The core group stays consistently active. We won’t be slowing down any time soon. We’ve been keeping the alliance alive and well on our end. We’re really stoked for Ab later on. I’d say I’d like to fund ppl to help grow the team but atm I just can’t. Work too damn much.

Horde PSA: If you’re a clothie don’t let my Ret pally hit you even once. Res timers suck
Paladins are fighters brother. They are pretty much priests that are experts in hand to hand combat. I have a black belt in WSG brother. Stay strong brother.
I couldn't imagine being in one of your videos what a great honor. If you only returned flags as fast as you ping gy they might be worth watching
He's got some brand new footage of himself feeding me killls. 100% not worth checking out unless you want to see him get death rayed
I couldn't imagine being in one of your videos what a great honor. If you only returned flags as fast as you ping gy they might be worth watching
I don't return flags brother I just PVP and expose scrubs like Hauntz and Becky. I let my team handle returns. Hauntz got wrekt earlier talking bout feeding him but he doesn't know I got me kills back and he lost 3-0 couldn't cap once even with death ray what a scrub and I got my kills back
Absolutely worth checking!!!
Hoe mad his trash ass couldn't cap. Hauntz Bragging about being 0-3 in a wsg match LMAO. Best part is I got my kills back he doesn't even know it
I don't return flags brother I just PVP and expose scrubs like Hauntz and Becky. I let my team handle returns. Hauntz got wrekt earlier talking bout feeding him but he doesn't know I got me kills back and he lost 3-0 couldn't cap once even with death ray what a scrub and I got my kills back
Hoe mad his trash ass couldn't cap. Hauntz Bragging about being 0-3 in a wsg match LMAO. Best part is I got my kills back he doesn't even know it
DrHankmccoy is Straight Doodoo Garbage. No one on alliance likes playing with him. Dude gives up the second horde caps and refuses to leave games. I dont feel bad writing this as my first post on these forums. Anyways, Hi Yall!

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