3 vs 3 Arena night - $100 USD Prize!!!


Hey guys/Girls!!!

I'm going to do a little 3 vs 3 tourney for fun. Anyone can join, games will be for 25th of September starting 6 PM Eastern Standard Time. - (6 PM Bleeding Hollow Time)

Rules are as follows:

  • Format: Battleground games, are done by real double elimination - every game best of 5 - finals best of 7. If winning team loses in the first BO7, they will have to do another BO7 for decider.
  • Any teams that are 10 mins late for their games, automatically lose that game, So on and so forth.
  • 1 Class Limit, 1 healer limit, 1 Hybrid DPS limit. 1 stealth limit (This includes all classes), Double DPS limit, Must have at least one healer class.
  • Any spec that has healing abilities that can be cast on their team mates, counts as an Hybrid DPS, not including warlocks' health'stones.
  • (Ferals Banned)
  • (Brewmasters Banned)
  • Only 1 Melee is allowed per arena team and the following melee are:
Rogues: (All Specs)
Warrior: (All Specs)
Shaman: (Enhance)
Paladin: (Ret-Prot)
Monk: (Wind Walker)
Hunter: (All Specs) - I know hunters aren't melee, but they have to be on this list.
Druid: (Guardian)
  • All grandfathered glyphs are banned.
  • All grandfathered gear that can do any kind of cc is banned.
  • Green Whelp Armor is banned.
  • The Following Profession Items are allowed:
Minor Recombobulator
Major Recombobulator
Gnomish Death Ray
Red Whelp Gloves
Gem Studded Leather Belt
Figurine - Black Pearl Panther
Figurine - Jade Owl
Tome of Kings
Royal Guide to Escape Routes
Any item with on use or proc stats/cc ect, if they are not on the list, are not allowed
All profession items with persistent effects are allowed (Such as
Catseye Ultra Goggles/Green Lens ect...)
  • Only 3 players per team, your not allowed to change class, spec or race. Only thing your allowed to change is Talents and Glyphs.
  • No Toys allowed
  • When you sign up, you have to have the players name/class/spec/race and team name if you choose. Sign up closing time is by the end of 24th of September!!! - Make sure you Hyper link your team characters names with their armory if you know how to do it please. Thanks!!!
  • Anyone seen breaking any of these rules or going outside of the rules, will automatically lose a game.

Saxxon will be streaming/shout-casting games using spectator addon! - (Saxxon's Twitch!!!)


Prize is in the title: $100 USD to the winning team.

Best of luck, but most of all. HAVE FUN!

May the odds be ever in your favor. :)


Team 1
Team: The Jumanji Crew

Team Players: Priest/Rogue/Mage

Bigmamiwami - Disc Priest - Tauren
Cheezel - Combat Rogue - Blood Elf
Yorkie - Arcane Mage - Blood Elf
Team 2
Team: Dots, Shocks and Damage Bots

Team Players: Warlock/Priest/Shaman

Igotrocks - Affliction Warlock - Human
Kocena - Shadow Priest - Human
Thisfcsucks - Resto Shaman - Draenei
Team 3
Team Players: Mage/Monk/Priest

Bigmoran - Frost Mage - Blood Elf
Fancy - Brewmaster Monk - Tauren
Dimebrew - Disc Priest - Tauren
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Mistype i meant "Melee". I know melee means close range but hunters has to be under that list, otherwise comps would be too strong, example.

Enhance/Hunter/Priest. Bloody OP.

Sorry i couldn't be more definitive, just thought people would be able to understand.
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is guard allowed or banned ?
Darn no 39 thug. Wonder how Rps would be in this bracket.

Probably bad because they have 0 cc outside of the rogue and shear, idk though it might be ok

i think rogue teams in general will turn out to be really bad outside of their opener/vanish vs any real comp
I know H-pallys are not the greatest in BGs but their CC might give them an advantage in arenas.

I don't their heals are strong enough to keep up with the pace of games. I think r sham d priest would be the way to go. Just priest are good at avoiding cc and getting killed via guise and with their strong heals, they have more up time doing dps also.
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All the rules are in place now aside from engineering trinkets, should we ban mortar or keep it in as it could favor one team and hinder the other, since the trinket has a chance of working or backfiring.

- I think ban personally.
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