3 irl friends starting in the 40's bracket

Balroy said:
False. Even pug BG 70s are so much more balanced.

Here we go again. ...I never said they weren't balanced. They're the most balanced of any XP-off bracket. I said that "49s currently play at a higher competitive level than any other active XP-off bracket." Normal 70s have the lowest level of play of any current XP-on bracket. A highly balanced battleground of monkeys is still full of monkeys.

Balroy said:
Rated 70s are a blast.

You mentioned that, and I'm glad to hear it. Have you surpassed two games a week, yet?

Region-wide arenas are definitely a win, I'll grant that. ...I never asked -- how often do you all do arenas at 70?
Hotpockets said:
What class did you play...? Rogue? Granted 49s have always been bursty, it wasn't THAT bad when there were still leg kits and librams. The imbalance now is 3 times worse than what it used to be. x.x

average health pool is larger than ever, including with kits and librams. back then people sat around 3k hp and pushed dps stats out the ass, now you sit around 4k and still put out a lot of damage. if the damage was toned down a bit more it'd be nice, but i kind like how it is now anyway - and it isnt all 2 shots
Bwappo said:
A highly balanced battleground of non 2 shotting monkeys is still full of monkeys.

You mentioned that, and I'm glad to hear it. Have you surpassed two games a week, yet?

Region-wide arenas are definitely a win, I'll grant that. ...I never asked -- how often do you all do arenas at 70?

We played 17 games of 3s last night all around 4-5 minute queues.
Balroy said:
We played 17 games of 3s last night all around 4-5 minute queues.

That's cool to hear. I really wish they brought back skirmishes for the lower levels.

As for non-two-shotting monkeys, that's a matter of preference. I'd rather die in two shots in 49s from better players than have to take extra time to mop up worse players. ...Excluding the engineering two-shotters from Tazik's, the Bolt Gun (neither of which make a major impact against properly geared players, but...yeah) and Big Daddy. ;)
As some people have alluded to this bracket is a bit problematic.

The things I love about it is that there is a lot of cool gear available at this level, a lot of abilities, fast mounts, dual talent specialization, multiple battlegrounds (even though WSG is the only thing people play). My favorite part is all the gear available, like I said. When you get all your gear your toon will look cool and feel powerful.

The problem is, the gameplay sucks. A few people will argue that its fun, but in my opinion it sucks. Combat just doesnt last long enough to really do much. Its really a drag but to me its almost unplayable.

If I was going to roll with a 3 man team of friends, I think its obvious that one should be a healer. I think it would be cool to go priest/mage/lock, a nice touch of magic. Locks are underrepresented and mages/priests arent overpopulated.
I actually just finished my first 49 twink last week and played my first 49 game this Saturday. Before actually playing, I had heard exactly what kain just said from multiple sources. Everyone said that the bracket was too bursty and that you get two shot every time you try to get into combat. Honestly, what I saw in game was completely different. I rolled a frost mage with around 3.5k health and I managed to stay alive for quite a long time. I was really impressed with the players in this bracket, especially the healers. They were really good at keeping teammates alive and putting out some really awesome large group fights. There were many occasions when I was in 7v7 fights that lasted for at least 5 minutes with both teams cc'ing and healing to keep their teammates alive and fighting. If anything, I got 2 shotted less in this bracket than in the 39 bracket but that's due to teamwork rather than damage potential.
Balroy said:
Which is of no concern in (level 70) RBGs/Arenas.

you have played 11 rated RBG's. conclusion: RBG not really active at 70.

you have played 280 arenas(2's + 3's together) while winning 256 of them, the majority of them(202 out of 256) are wins with a cheesy comp (fire mage + restoration druid). conclusion: arena at 70 is retarded atm.

Just sayin'
glancealot said:
you have played 11 rated RBG's. conclusion: RBG not really active at 70.

you have played 280 arenas(2's + 3's together) while winning 256 of them, the majority of them(202 out of 256) are wins with a cheesy comp (fire mage + restoration druid). conclusion: arena at 70 is retarded atm.

Just sayin'

Coming from the kid that bragged about R1 at 70 during like s8, this is pretty fcking ironic.
Sanitarium said:
Coming from the kid that bragged about R1 at 70 during like s8, this is pretty fcking ironic.

back then, people had to arena to get brutal, everyone tried to get as many points per week as possible, the competition level was high. the game was balanced at 70, mage + priest and double paladin were the only OP comps.

right now, people can just grab full brutal as soon as they reach 70. class balance is a complete joke. the competition level is close to 0 because there is no reward besides bragging rights, so most people just BG instead of spending hours queuing for 2vs2 just to face cheesy comps over and over.
glancealot said:
you have played 11 rated RBG's. conclusion: RBG not really active at 70.

you have played 280 arenas(2's + 3's together) while winning 256 of them, the majority of them(202 out of 256) are wins with a cheesy comp (fire mage + restoration druid). conclusion: arena at 70 is retarded atm.

Just sayin'

Glad to see you're back and trolling more than ever. Makes it easy to report you.

glancealot said:
wins with a cheesy comp (fire mage + restoration druid).

: \

You serious? You don't play 70s at all. Having low resil on both of us really hurts us more than helps.

IDK if you are using "cheesy" correctly.
glancealot said:
you have played 11 rated RBG's. conclusion: RBG not really active at 70.

you have played 280 arenas(2's + 3's together) while winning 256 of them, the majority of them(202 out of 256) are wins with a cheesy comp (fire mage + restoration druid). conclusion: arena at 70 is retarded atm.

Just sayin'

There is no "Cheesy" comp everything can be beaten and everything has a counter. The reason 70 arena isn't as good as it could be is because its lacking decent players to fill the brackets. At the moment theres the horri-bads and the decent people and no middle ground.

Balroy said:
Which is of no concern in RBGs/Arenas.

Just saiyan.

EDIT: Well Frost Mages just got a nice Ice Barrier buff and were generally a good class to stay alive with.

I don't like you.

Just sayin.

Sanitarium said:
Coming from the kid that bragged about R1 at 70 during like s8, this is pretty fcking ironic.

Lawl <3

glancealot said:
back then, people had to arena to get brutal, everyone tried to get as many points per week as possible, the competition level was high. the game was balanced at 70, mage + priest and double paladin were the only OP comps.

right now, people can just grab full brutal as soon as they reach 70. class balance is a complete joke. the competition level is close to 0 because there is no reward besides bragging rights, so most people just BG instead of spending hours queuing for 2vs2 just to face cheesy comps over and over.

There was never a twink bracket that had total Class balance and there never will be this is a MMORPG after all, so stop bringing that up as if its a valid point. Like I said before only bads QQ about "cheese", theres always a way to counter everything. There is a reward for arenas its called arena master, and of course the ability to say I'm better then you based on your ratings. Though I don't think arena master will be around much longer in the 70 bracket. :(

Hotpockets said:
Glad to see you're back and trolling more than ever. Makes it easy to report you.


Wut up
Tai, keep that pally Ally side. I've got the best idea ever and will tell ya if/when you get on when I'm on.
Trust me, pally will stay Ally side... don't feel like spending too much more money on this game atm :).
if you are a warrior or a warlock, i would not recomend this bracket. maybe it was the games i played, but every game i felt like i was getting instakilled by everything. i ended up fear spamming+dotting+pet attacking the very very very few kills i "earned"(god knows each kill was a lot of work) with my warlock, and with my warrior i couldnt kill anything without a healer unless i was against a magic damager and used antispelldamage pots, and when i did that it felt like i was playing dragon age and not warcraft.

another huge problem with 49ers are their attitudes. there are way too many fagtotting losers in this bracket for it to be fun. a large deal think that 1v1ing a warrior makes the warrior's player an inferior person in real life and WILL ACT ON IT! i was flamed hard enough by people in this bracket to quit wow. beware, these people are not people friendly. (minus falkor, he rules.)

(ps) Falkor, i want babies with your eyes.
if youre a lock go demo. felguard stun + skill of guldan and all else = win!

warriors suck solo, but get a good pocket healer and wreck face

p.s babies in the future, perchance

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