3.2 Move or Stay?

I'm going to be twinking a 45 rogue that i have on staghelm.. But i have to know.. Are 49 rogues just really cliche? Because what i can see almost everyone has them.. And i am REALLY good at rogues at this level, would trying to be the best 49 rogue just get me a bunch of lulz?
as cliche as any other class rocking a cookie cutter spec in 49, but rogues who combine top notch gear and skills to back it up are tricky to find. the same can be said for most class/spec combinations though.

short version, go nuts if you're having fun

edit: typolulz
Are you as good at your 49 as you say you are at your 19s? Because then you are not tricky to find at all.
Twinkzruz said:
I'm going to be twinking a 45 rogue that i have on staghelm.. But i have to know.. Are 49 rogues just really cliche? Because what i can see almost everyone has them.. And i am REALLY good at rogues at this level, would trying to be the best 49 rogue just get me a bunch of lulz?

yea you'd get lots of lulz, but it is possible to be the best rogue. a well played rogue can shut out pretty much any opponent 1v1 in this bracket, and even fail rogues can 2 shot the occasional class. if you wanna do it, go for it and dont listen to the naysayers!
Evocate.. Im not sure i remember talking to you in any other thread.. But i guess i do kinda remember your bull shit attitude towards people for no reason.

and yeah.. I'm going to post my setup in a thread real soon, and ask what changes i should make.
Well I rolled a DK on Warsong (ruin). Will be xfering my 49 over soon to play in Vindication Finest. I will be rolling new toons over there as well.
im still attempting to xfer my shaman to azgalor. its failed multiple times with 2 cards and idk why. gonna try again with a 3rd and see what happens, if the xfer doesnt work i might just be quitting or taking a long break.
What happens if you have over the gold limit? Does it let you know before its transfering or does it just cancel it? Or does it delete your gold :O
hah idk but im no where near that since i only have 100g lol. i'd assume it'll get canceled and say their is a problem, but i looked at all the requirements and im all good. and i know the cards are good, so idk whats happin'n.
somwtimes when paid xfer system is bogged down it won't let you xfer toons across and you get an error.

When I moved toons a few months ago I got a credit card error even though all the details were correct, it was just the system acting up becasue it was bogged down with so many requests.

I would suggest giving it a day or a few days and try again I am sure its nothing more than that!
yea idk im gonna keep trying but it just seems strange. cant imagine it was bogged down at 1am last night, and yet i kept getting failures. /facepalm /sigh

gah i just wanna go so bad, i havent done a BG since 3.2 dropped and 2v2s have been rare. fml
I am seriously stuck.

1. I happened to roll my first character on Gorefiend - Vindication, and today that's where all my characters are. If I'd been lucky enough to have been on a Ruin server, then there'd be no problem.

2. My 80s today exist for the sole purpose of funding my twinks. I can't see bringing any or all of my twinks over to a Ruin realm without some farming support.

3. I have 4 clothie twinks that all share some boa pieces, so on their own, I feel they're gimped. I enjoy playing them all for their different roles, and in their different brackets.

4. I can't justify giving more money to a company that's ticked me off with the game's changes lately. They say we should be glad they've recognized our niche of the game finally, and if there's a "lack of games" problem, it just proves we don't make up enough of their userbase for them to give a psychic scream. But seriously, to me, twinking did not need fixing. At least we had games. The concept of rewarding them with character transfer funds for treating us poorly irks me down to my soul.

5. I can't even get an instance to pop to finish gearing some of my twinks. So... no BG's. No Gearing. The two parts to twinking are both dead, and I loved both of them.

6. End game still sucks.

Free realm transfers. That might be the only thing that keeps my CC payment flowing to them now. 13.99/month for the last 40 months plus game costs is around $650. And it's all about to end.
Okay, so I've actually had fun with my 19twinked priest who is actually 20 now. I took her into the xp bgs at 20, and it's a challenge to stay alive, but I've been doing pretty well. and having fun and most importantly, getting games. my 90sp isn't broken in this bracket either, so i'm not facerolling higher levs in greenies. fun stuff. and heading for 49s.
Just transfered my druid from thunderlord to bloodhoof. I was very quick (about 10hrs) and hassle free. Now I can enjoy bg's again. The Q times on Ruin are awsome. Within the first 5 mins of being on that server I was in my first WSG match since 3.2 patch. We won too. :)
Spartyj said:
5. I can't even get an instance to pop to finish gearing some of my twinks. So... no BG's. No Gearing. The two parts to twinking are both dead, and I loved both of them.


i cant get in an instance until at least like 5am server time, so i cant farm gear. i cant get into a BG. endgame is stale. so basically i havent even been on WoW in a week +. still cant xfer my shaman for some unknown reason so i might be quitting =/

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