3.2 Move or Stay?

How many of you are going to xfer to another server after 3.2 goes live? I am thinking about it but will wait to see how it pans out. I would like to find a good active server for this bracket. Thunderlord is a ghost town when it comes to twinks and premades.
stay on vindication you chud. we'll be fine imo
nono ruin is more like it. vindi is the birthplace of 49....i wont jump ship. and even w/o all the fancy "break glass in case of suck" posts, we can do fine w/o recruiting people provided that we dont LOSE people to ruin, etc. we have enough twinks to support full games.
Recently been trying out Ruin for 49's. The games are fantastic at almost all hours of the day/night, arena pops regularly (from the little I've seen) and a lot of skilled twinks. This is I think my fourth battlegroup I have played 49's in, and by far the best so far atm.

From all the publicity the move to Ruin has been getting, I'd be surprised if post 3.2 there is another battlegroup even close to as good for 49's.

If you run into queue problems post 3.2, Ruin is always an option.
Ruin is the place to be. Vindi was nice only when we all xfered there. It was crap a long time ago long before we left and very much so now.
Ruin's definitely the place to be!

Hey Rick, are you guys looking to recruit anything in particular? I'd like to roll a toon for you guys or maybe just bring my lock.
So far from I have read. Ruin is the place to be for 49's. Maybe it is a time for a move. What good guilds are over there for us?
We are starting a guild on Warsong-US on the ruin battlegroup, alot of people form vindication are coming over there, but unfortunately some want to stay on vindi. Ill be moving my 80 and 49 pally over to warsong, and any active and skilled 49s are welcome to transfer there. Its a pvp server, high population. I will not be moving my characters over there till this upcoming weekend though. I would say we have about 15-20 active 49s who will be coming over with us.
i hate u so much beary =[
Bearywhite said:
We are starting a guild on Warsong-US on the ruin battlegroup, alot of people form vindication are coming over there, but unfortunately some want to stay on vindi. Ill be moving my 80 and 49 pally over to warsong, and any active and skilled 49s are welcome to transfer there. Its a pvp server, high population. I will not be moving my characters over there till this upcoming weekend though. I would say we have about 15-20 active 49s who will be coming over with us.

horde or alliance?
Bearywhite said:

Die aero :p

love you too bitch, lookn forward to smiting you on a different BG soon
Bearywhite said:
We are starting a guild on Warsong-US on the ruin battlegroup, alot of people form vindication are coming over there, but unfortunately some want to stay on vindi. Ill be moving my 80 and 49 pally over to warsong, and any active and skilled 49s are welcome to transfer there. Its a pvp server, high population. I will not be moving my characters over there till this upcoming weekend though. I would say we have about 15-20 active 49s who will be coming over with us.

Would love to move over from Aegwynn but all my 80s are on Aegwynn. 80s = money and profs to feed the twink. But NO TWINKS seem to be left in our battlegroup. Queue up and time to enter battle = "Undetermined" or something like that. What's an owlbear to do?
I are Transfering to Ruin, Retaliation BGs have been Unavailable for the past few days. 2v2 queues have been 10 minutes. =(. So yar, Ruin here I come! :D

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