3.2 And Skinning.

Recently I've been trying to level up my skinning on my hunter to make up for the Crit I lose from being Intellect geared. I've killed and skinned things of all difficulties and I've been getting no skillups. Does having experience turned off screw with Skinning? Am I missing something and being a retard? I talked to a Game Master and all he told me about the issue was to try it with experience turned on (lawl).

Anyone know if this is intentional or a bug or what?
I'm only at 76, lol. Been killing low level things in Westfall that are yellow-orange for my skill level, and I do have training to go up to 150.
well sounds weird to me.

ill have to try it out when i get on later tonight.

as for now, if you got some room for a little xp, turn it back on and see what happens.
All I do to level skinning is round up 7 mobs on my DK, kill them - loot them, log onto my twink and skin them over n over ^^ no XP yay! Just log your alt/main near the beasts you're going to kill, and that way they won't despawn while you run to them
Odd Though

Its suppose to kill all sawces of experience gain. . . Profession = Experience? o-O
I believe all you do is kill at least 6 or 7 mobs and skin them around in a circle since the gathering history erases after 5 or so gathers. Just what I heard.
woooo sounds good to me, ill give that a try on my rogue once i can get my hat, all my 80s bail on me.
5 is about the least amount of mobs you want to kill, in a circle.

To get the trick to work, turn off autoloot. Open your spellbook and bind your skinning ability to an action bar. Use the ability FROM YOUR ACTION BAR to skin the mobs with. Skin the mobs in a circle. DO NOT LOOT THE MOBS.

The reason for binding the skinning ability to your action bar is because when you skin by right clicking, it turns the mob into loot (the sparkly things on dead shit). You can't right click the sparklies and skin. You have to use the skinning ability....

Make sense?
what Fez says is right. to ad to that, if you also make sure there's a herb node close by you can allso skillup herbalism in the same way. i have found that using more mobs (eg 7) and more herb nodes (eg 2) will make the skillup go faster. to clarify even more; it does not matter if you need to walk from one mob to the other so you can leave some distance inbetween (just costs more time if you have a larger distance inbetween mobs/nodes).

i have always kept the same order while skinning, eg skin mob1, skin mob2 , skin mob3, herb node1, skin mob4, herb node2, skin mob5, skin mob6 and repeat same order over and over (don't know if this needed though).

and as a last note, the herbalism thing only works if you have mobs to skin too (so you will need skinning if you want to up herbalism this way). it does not matter if the skinning mobs are grey to up your herbalism (as long as the herb node is at least green of course).
this is from a reply i made here:

builtokill said:
Ok, so if you're lazy like me, you are probably wondering what the exploit is. Unfortunately you need skinning to use this method.

From what I can gather, you (or your high level buddy) pull 6+ mobs (try not to use casters, it's tricky running the right distance away so that they are close enough to the herb) around a herb, prefferably one that you will gain lots of levels from. Loot them all, then turn auto loot off. Then drag the skinning ability (from the general tab of your spell book) into your action bar.

Gather the herb without looting, and then target the mob you are about to skin, and hit the ability you have just dragged out of your spellbook. Once you have skinned them all, gather the herb and repeat.

Using this method you should continue to gain levels, and you will only have to find a few new nodes a couple of times depending on which herbs you use, and for how long.

This also works with mining, or only skinning. Gathering a herb/mining node is not required to glitch the system.

Hope this helped =)


note I have not tested this post 3.2

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